Weekly News

Week of: December 5, 2016

This Week’s News

Dear 108 Families,

It was great to see everyone back at school this week! I trust that your child had a fun Thanksgiving break!

We got right back into the swing of all first and second grade things this past week. After much anticipation, we kicked off a new classroom read aloud, entitled The World According to Humphrey. Since adding a pet to Room 108 this fall, this book has been of great interest to the boys and girls. And, it didn’t disappoint! The story is told from the perspective of a pet classroom hamster and is lots of fun to read aloud. If you want to read along at home, it could make for good discussion. I’ve heard (through the grapevine) that some students have even requested hamsters of their own!

During our individual and small group reading times, students have been working on choosing and reading books that offer the right amount of challenge. For emerging readers (Levels A-G), I encourage students to reread their books at least five times to help increase fluency. For early readers (H-L), I still encourage rereading as needed to help with understanding. This is often especially true with nonfiction texts. Pausing often during and after reading a story to think about WHO we just read about and WHAT just happened is a good start to a discussion. Pausing to consider what new information we’re learning is a good start to discussing nonfiction texts.

During our morning meetings, we practiced the song My Bonny Lies over the Ocean. Once we had the tune, we learned a new song (same tune) entitled, My Brain is So Very Important. This song is a lead-in to a new social emotional curriculum that the Barton teachers have begun working with recently called MINDUP. The first unit focuses on teaching children about their brains and how they work.

During our morning meeting, we learned a new game called Two Dice. This game can be adapted to offer more or less challenge. Players take turns rolling two dice (1-6, 0-9, or 1-20). The player chooses to either add or subtract the two numbers and marks it off on a recording sheet. The first person to mark off all of their numbers wins the game.

During our afternoon math, the first graders continued to use a number of different games and activities to increase their fluency with number combinations. The second graders continued to work with a variety of number strings. Both groups will be moving on to new math concepts this coming week. After I’ve had a chance to review our current workbooks, I’ll send them along home. Feel free to use the workbooks for additional practice. There are often pages that we don’t complete in the classroom.

Finally this past week, students discussed, wrote, and shared a story from their Thanksgiving break. We brainstormed different kinds of weather and shared personal weather stories. We also reflected on Emily’s (Midwest Food Connections) visits during the month of November and began working on letters to thank her.

I hope you have a great week. Thank you for your support and communication. It’s such a valuable part of your child’s education at Barton.

Linda Wilterdink ()

First and Second Grade/Barton Open Elementary

Please see next page…

Notes and Reminders

·  Math packet homework will be coming home on Monday.


Upcoming Events

*Mon., Dec. 5 - Fri. Dec. 9 BARTON FOOD DRIVE. Room 108 will work to fill a box with non-perishable (sealed) food items. The drive is sponsored by the 5th and 6th graders in Alexandra’s Room.

*Thus., Dec. 8 – Field Trip to Lowry Nature Center (please return permission slips and donations as soon as possible). THANKS to everyone who has already done so! We’re looking forward to great experience!

*Thurs., Dec. 8 – Barton Theatre Parent Information Meeting (Grades 2-8) 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the Commons

*Fri., Dec. 9 is POPCORN day. If your child wants to order popcorn, please send along 25 cents.

*Tues., Dec. 13 – Room 108 MEDIA BOOK CHECK-OUT

*Wed. Dec. 14 – Room 108 begins GYM, students should BRING or WEAR TENNIS SHOES

*Dec. 17 – Jan. 2 – NO SCHOOL: Winter Break