Bayfield High School



Kaufman—Dean of Students

Couselor“very good scores”

“Proud of our sports”Freshman to senior year growth

Arkansas as bottom-dweller in state ratings

High scores/academic achievement

4 years of Hanhardt“Our biggest accomplishment/focus…”

(what we choose to focus on is what we succeed at; it’s all very ‘doable’—the issue is what is chosen to be focused on, and what we are blind to; this is setting agendas; so much of these visits are about sussing out what individual districts think are important-

Fun, safe opportunity

He is a rural principal

Mr. Hanhardt went to Aztec High School 4-H/Army? Dept. of Ag

4-H curriculum

“Loved every bit of it”—his Master’s of teaching…

“This is home”—sense of the school as home.

“Building leader”

Tech ed

Vertical teams—9-12 (verticality being a value here, when compared to the middle school. vertical alignments; is there a breach with the middle school?) Teams have color names.

Contributions of Excellence

“20-30 little personalities”

“You’re not going to be toxic”

“Little Johnny…”

Traditional but enhanced ways of being positive about kids

“Farming community”—only in 2nd year of Ag program.

No word from anyone that this is also, very much, a “bedroom community”—though Forest Lakes is mentioned as the largest subdivision in the county.

“Office team”: meaning principal, asst. principal, counselors, AAs

Amy: BHS is “the best kept secret in LaPlata County”


Acct. Committee

Wolverine parents





Link to real estate

Post-secondary readiness

Business/hospitality careers

military (1 in every 5 grads)

“serve in Armed Forces”—how does this compare to other school districts? A new statistical consideration.

18 504s

20 IEPs

8% combined

12% GT (which is above common averages)

co-teaching, all four cores

“cluster” for Sped.Co-teaching for differentiation


48% of kids go to 4 year program

32%-2 year

20% military?

Then EVERYONE goes somewhere?

District Counseling Team—Who am I as a person? Who am I as a learner?

ICAP is a state mandate (which I didn’t know)

“…awkward school size”—L. Hanhardt.

“We hire for fit”“Let down your walls”

“Direct structure”

Of hiring: “I get 51% of the vote”.“Quality character person”

A good mix of tenured staff

Science teachers:

“Oriental rice” “I don’t know what oriental rice is.” ‘Oriental’ rice served in the cafeteria?

How about Western Pacific Rim Rice? Asian rice?

Sort of a proto-Beavis and Butthead routine?

Core content Common planning period

Mr. Bo—Boettcher resident? No, Aspire.

Mrs. Patton—senior to sophomore; has taught nearly everything.

Family of teachers. She saw her CT “one day” and was thrown into the work.

25 years of curriculum development

Everyone’s looking for Ag teachersYearbook

Wolverine Academy.


Alternative Learning Site

Jen Dvorak—“Teach as much as you can”

taught with Jim Dixon and Brenda DownsLeon: get involved with IEP/504 meetings

An insight: the difference in access our STs get. To get them access…


Student panel—the class sort of flipped; the interlocutors seated in front, the respondents seated at their desks. [DESKS! The design of desks! What desks can tell us about pedagogy.]

These kids have lots of advice. Students love giving advice.

Very specific news for us—anecdote-based advice.

ELA team meeting—

Tara H.: “You have to have a person you can vent to.”

Amber: “Who did you hate today?”

This team meeting is about how to build a career. In general, the BHS is about career-building.

Doing extra-curricular stuff is in the TQS