Solicitation guidelines for processing new business

Effective November 16, 2009


Solicitation is prohibited prior to Allianz submitting the appointment to the state’s department of insurance (DOI). An appointment must be made prior to business being solicited/signed. An application signed prior to the date the appointment is made must be rejected.


The following states allow solicitation prior to appointment. The number next to the state denotes the number of days the company has to submit the producer’s appointment to the state DOI from the date the agent is contracted.

Alabama (15) / New Jersey (15) / Vermont (15)
Hawaii (15)
(Unless Client notified) / New York (Allianz rule)
Entire hierarchy / Washington (15)
Kansas (30) / Ohio (30) / Wisconsin (15)
Louisana (15) / Texas (30)

The following states allow solicitation prior to appointment. The number next to the state denotes the number of days the Company has to submit the Producer’s appointment to the state DOI from the date the first piece of new business in the state is received by Allianz.

Alaska* (30 to add to system) / Kentucky (15) / Oklahoma (15)
Arizona* / Maine (15) / Oregon*
Arkansas (15) / Maryland* (30 to add to system) / Pennsylvania (30)
California (15 annuity, 14 life) / Massachusetts (15) / Rhode Island*
Colorado* / Michigan (15) / South Carolina (15)
Connecticut (15) / Minnesota (15) / South Dakota (15)
District of Columbia (30) / Mississippi (15) / Tennessee (15)
Delaware (15) / Missouri* (30 to add to system) / Utah (15)
Florida (45) / Nebraska (15) / Virginia (30)
Georgia (15) / Nevada (15) / West Virginia (15)
Idaho (15) / New Hampshire (15) / Wyoming
Illinois* / New Mexico (15)
Indiana* / North Carolina (15)
Iowa (30) / North Dakota (30)
*No appointment Process
Bold state names indicate that while solicitation can occur prior to appointment, commissions cannot be paid until the appointment is approved.
Bold state names indicate that no commissions can be paid until the agent receives confirmation of appointment.