SOCIAL STUDIES PROJECT: Due February 3, 2014

INSIDE/OUTSIDE: People Who Helped Shape America

PURPOSE: To research, organize, and present information about an important person or event in United States History that has helped shape our country.

Common Core Standards: CCS.ELA-Literacy

·  R.l.5.7 Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.

·  R.l.5.8 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.

·  R.l.5.9 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.

Who: Select a person in history who had a significant impact on America. Describe in detail what the person accomplished. How were they influenced early in life that led them in this direction? How did their actions contribute to or change history?

What: Create an accompanying scene and have your child add the extras once the display is set up. I’m hoping to have these projects on display in our library for the month of February.

Where: Where was this person most influential? Did they hold a position that enable them to become influential or was there another way they created change?

Written Assignment: 100 pts.

Three page report: Typed and double spaced or handwritten. This should be separate from box (not glued).

Bibliography: We’ll be working on the bibliography in the library. Please have your child keep track of all internet and book resources found at home.

Outside of Box Project: 50 pts.

PROCEDURE: Students will create an exterior that includes facts and key vocabulary related to the historical person or event. All work should be outlined in ink or marker, no finished writing in pencil please.

Front of Box/Title that includes the name of Historical Person.

Suggestions: “An Adventure With ______”, (thanks, Kiana) or “Travels to ______. “ or another catchy idea you may have.

#1 Side Panel/Fast Facts: At least ten quick facts about the person.

#2 Side Panel/Timeline: List birth to death or present with influential events, on each end of the timeline, mark 25- 50 years and show additional events that could have been a cause or effect that led up to the person you are reporting about.

Back of Box/Word Search: Using key vocabulary words related to the person or event, (grid paper provided).

Inside Box Diorama (with caption and artifacts related to historical person or event): 50 pts.

Students create a diorama, model, or map depicting an important event in history related to topic with accompanying tools, documents, transportation, inventions, or goods.

MATERIALS: Cereal box template or same sized cardboard to create “suitcase”, Velcro tabs (provided), markers, clay,

or other materials to create diorama. Something to keep in mind is that it is only poster board, so it may be a good idea to place loose items in a ziplock for set-up at school.

Note: We will do some research at school, but computer access is limited due to our MAPS testing window.