BlennerhassetPrimary School





Tel/Fax: 016973 20677


Head Teacher: Mrs J Harrison-Longworth M.A

26 May 2016

Dear Parents,

Please find attached the latest news from Blennerhasset School!

Our Flood Book

You may be aware that the children and I have been writing and illustrating a children’s book following the floods in the village in December 2015. We will be having the book published very soon but have set a competition for someone to give our book a title. Robbie Dee will promote the competition on the radio and you can get involved too!

Log on to our school website, on the right hand side you will see a link called ‘Name our flood book’, click there and leave your suggestion and contact details. Robbie, myself and a panel of children will judge the titles after the closing date of 13th June. There will be a prize for the winning entry!

U Can Shine Tickets

U Can Shine tickets have now been allocated and are ready for collection. Please ask a member of staff who will get them for you.


Thank you for all of the contributions for Bags2School . We received a cheque for £148.00 which will go into the FOBS account.

Chicken Pox in School

We have hadfurther incidences of chicken pox in school so if you notice that your child develops blister like, red spots then please consult your GP. If it is chicken pox, then your child must remain off school until the spots have dried up. The recommended time is five days from the onset of the rash.

Parking outside school.

As you are aware the spaces for parking around the school are very limited due to the bridge repairs. Please could I stress the need for extra awareness and caution when driving in and out of the village. Also cars should not be parked across the school gates. Thank you.

As always if I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch. We hope you have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing everyone again on the 6th June.

Yours sincerely,

Jillian Harrison-Longworth

BlennerhassetPrimary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed!