Jairus Cares for His Daughter

Scripture Passage: Mark 5:21-24, 35-43

Lesson Objective and Application ......

Children and parents will know that Jairus loved his daughter and trusted Jesus to make her well.

At the conclusion of this lesson, the children will be thankful for the parents and caregivers God has given them. They will know that God helps their parents and caregivers care for them. Parents will know that they can trust God, who loves and cares for their children. He will help them care for their children, too.

Suggestion: If you have a number of children who will not be able to have a parent present for parent night, consider asking some of the senior members of your church (or other available children’s workers) to participate. Pair up the children who don’t have a parent or other adult accompanying them with one of the adults. This adult should serve as their partner for the evening. This is a great way to get others in your church involved in your group and to help all of the children enjoy this special time.

Supply List ......

Leader Note: This lesson utilizes a split format to enable two leaders to teach separate lessons at the same time. One leader teaches the children and the other explains the attributes of the program to the parents. While it is recommended that two or more leaders facilitate this lesson, the lesson can be adapted to be taught by one leader.

Parent Night 171

Children’s Leader

Bible Lesson ......


Welcome to Gopher Buddies boys and girls, moms, dads, and other special friends. I’m so glad you are here to share Parent Night with us. Let’s get started by playing a game called “Name This Shape.” I’m going to hold up different shapes. When I say, “Name this shape,” I want you to shout out the name of the shape I’m holding up. Got it? Moms and dads, we want you to play, too. Let’s begin with an easy one. Remember, don’t say anything yet. Hold up the circle shape. Okay, name this shape! Allow time for response. Great job, boys and girls! The name of this shape is a circle. Let’s try this one. Hold up the square. Are you ready? Name this shape! Allow time for responses. That’s right, it’s a square. Boy, we sure have a smart group here tonight. Maybe I’ll be able to trick you with the next one. Here it is. Hold up the rectangle. Let’s name this shape. Allow time for responses. Right again, it’s a rectangle. Let’s do just a few more. Here’s one of my

Parent Leader

Greeting Time

Parents – Observe Greeting Time

·  Greet the parents and invite them to be seated

·  Provide an overview of the evening’s events

·  Explain Greeting Time

·  (Important for your child to be on time, bring Quiet Time, and go over memory verses at home)

·  Introduce leaders between Greeting Time and Song Time

Bible Lesson Time

Parents – Participate

Children’s Leader

favorites. Hold up the triangle. Can you name this shape? Allow time for responses. You got it again! It is a triangle. Let’s do one more. Hold up the heart. Boys and girls, moms and dads, name this shape. Yes, you are all correct; it is a heart. What does a heart make you think of? Allow time for responses. You know what it makes me think of? It makes me think of love, and love makes me think of our Bible lesson for tonight. You see, our Bible lesson is about a dad who loved his daughter very much. We can find this story in the Bible, God’s Word. I’m going to open my Bible to the Book of Mark, chapter 5, so we can hear the whole story about this dad and his little girl. First, let’s ask God to help us learn more about Him from our Bible lesson. Thank God for each boy and girl and mom and dad that came to Gopher Buddies tonight. Ask God to help each one learn more about Him.


Parents, I need you to do something for me as I tell the Bible story. Every time I say the words love or loved, I want you to give your son or daughter a great big hug. Let’s practice. Practice with group one or two times. Great, it looks like you are ready.

In the Book of Mark, we read about a man named Jairus. Jairus was an important man. He was a ruler in the synagogue. Jairus had a little girl whom he loved very much. One day the little girl became very, very sick. How do you think this made Jairus feel? Allow time for responses. I’m sure Jairus was worried and sad. He

Parent Leader

Parents – Continue to participate

Children’s Leader

loved his daughter so much. He wanted her to be well. Jairus heard that Jesus was preaching to the crowds nearby. He may have begun to wonder, “Maybe Jesus could help me. Maybe Jesus could make my daughter feel better.” So guess what Jairus did? Allow time for responses. That’s right. Jairus hurried off to find Jesus. When he finally saw Jesus, he went up to Him and fell at Jesus’ feet. He begged Jesus, “Please, please come to my house. I have a little girl. I love her so much and she’s very sick. Please come and help her so she will be well again.” Now Jesus loved Jairus and his daughter. He went with Jairus to his home, because He cared and wanted to help.

But while they were on their way, people came from Jairus’ house. They were sad. They told Jairus that his daughter had died and that he should not bother Jesus anymore. I have a feeling that Jairus probably started to cry when he heard this news. He must have felt very sad and afraid. But Jesus said, “Jairus, don’t be sad and afraid, just believe.” When they finally came to Jairus’ home, there were many people there who also loved Jairus’ daughter. They were upset and crying loudly. Jesus said, “Why is everyone crying? The little girl is not dead. She’s only sleeping.” Then Jesus took His disciples and the little girl’s parents and went into the room where she was. Jesus took her by the hand and said, “Little girl, get up!” And guess what happened? Right away she stood up and began walking around the room. Jairus was amazed. His little daughter whom he loved so

Parent Leader

Parents – Continue to participate

Children’s Leader

much was well and walking around. Jairus was glad he had trusted Jesus to make her well. And you know what, boys and girls? I think that just like your parents have been giving you hugs, Jairus gave his daughter a great big hug, too!


The Bible doesn’t tell us, but I think Jairus’ daughter was probably thankful that God had given her such a loving father and mother. As she got up and began walking around, the people probably told her about how Jesus cared about her and helped her father. Boys and girls, aren’t you glad God has given you parents who care about you and love you? This coming week remember to thank God for your mom and dad. And parents, you’re not the only ones who love your children. God loves them and cares about them, too. Just like Jairus, you can trust God to help you care for your children. Moms and dads, I want to encourage you to think about how you can trust God to help you this week as you care for your boys and girls. Let’s talk to God right now.

Prayer Time Suggestion ......

Thank God for His love and care. Thank Him for our parents who love us. Ask Him to help each mom and dad trust Him as they care for their children this week.

Parent Leader

Parents – Continue to participate

Children’s Leader

Review Questions ......

Snack Time ......

JParents’ Picnic

Serve prepackaged snacks of your choosing. Serve with fruit punch. Allow the children to serve their parents. Duties the children can perform include: showing parents where to wash hands (or passing around antibacterial hand gel), making sure each parent and child has a chair, counting how many snacks are needed, passing out napkins, passing out cups, passing out the actual snacks, collecting trash.

Parent Leader

Review Questions

Snack Time

Parents – Participate

Bible Study Overview, Scope and Sequence

A variety of teaching methods are used in the Bible lessons. Color visuals (8), lessons using real-life objects (9), Interactive (9), and puppet skits (10) are the teaching methods offered throughout the year.

Children’s Leader

¿Ice Cream Social

Have the ice cream and toppings of your choice available for the parents and children to make ice cream sundaes together. Be sure to have leaders assist the children who do not have a parent or other adult with them.

Parent Leader

Parents – Continue to participate

Children’s Leader

Parent Leader

Parents – Continue to participate

·  Explain the requirements of the program, achievement levels, and membership requirements.

·  There are three achievement levels (not including membership). The following are the requirements for the Gopher Buddies program:


·  3 meetings, 1 verse, Motto (Digging Deeper in God’s Word)

Level 1

·  3 verses, 1 book, 1 Christian Service, Faithful Quiet Time

Level 2

·  3 verses, 1 book, 1 Christian Service, Faithful Quiet Time

Level 3

·  3 verses, 1 book, 1 Christian Service, Faithful Quiet Time

Children’s Leader

Discipleship Time ......

Use Activity Sheet (Parent Night)

Questions for Further Discussion:

1. Who was preaching to the crowds near Jairus’ home? (Jesus)

2. What did Jairus do when he saw Jesus? (He fell at His feet and begged Him to help his daughter.)

3. What happened while they were on the way to Jairus’ house? (People came and said the girl had died.)

4. What did Jesus say to the little girl? (Get up!)

5. Name someone who cares for you. (Answers will vary.)

Prayer Time

Thank God for the parents and others who care for the children.

Suggested sentence prayer

Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me to care for me.

Parent Leader

Discipleship Time

Parents – Observe Discipleship Time

(First 5 minutes or so)

·  Explain Discipleship Time.

·  Explain how to have a daily quiet time and prayer requests.

·  Explain Christian Service.

Individual Christian Service activities (twelve each) are listed in the Quiet Time Diary and the Leader’s Bible Study. They are to be done primarily at home with parents or family members. Parents initial and date each activity that they complete with their child.

·  Group Christian Service activities are listed in a section of the Leader’s Bible Study book and are done primarily during club time.

·  Explain the Home Connection pages.

Children’s Leader

Scripture Memory Time ......

During Scripture Memory time this week, use the suggested activity with the verse the children have been working on this month. If you are between modules, you might wish to start the next verse the children will learn.

Activity – Memory Cube

Have the children stand in a circle. Have a leader toss the cube into the center of the circle. When the cube lands, have all the children recite the verse including the reference (in the version you are using) in the same position as the picture shows. (Bible: Person who tossed the cube acts out reading the verse from a Bible while reciting the verse. Question mark: Person who tossed the cube chooses how the group says the verse. Hand on head: Entire group pats their heads as they say the verse. Hand on knees: Entire group pats their knees while they say the verse. Leg in air: Entire group says the verse while standing on one leg. Clapping hands: Entire group claps their hands in rhythm as they say the verse.) Choose a child to toss the cube next. Keep tossing the cube and reciting the verse until each child has had a turn or as time allows. For a variation of the game, have the child

Parent Leader

Scripture Memory Time

Parents – Observe the Scripture Memory Game

(First 5 minutes or so)

Explain Scripture Memory Time. (Verse Card, where the verses come from, time frames)

·  Explain how your church is implementing the award system. Show the parents the awards the children can be earning. You may want to give them the Web site.

·  Tote bags (with bag tag)

·  A colorful tote bag will be used to display membership (stickers) and level awards (patches).The tote displays a colorful Gopher Buddies logo on one side and is designed to be used for up to three years. The tote has room for nine patches. Explain the membership sticker.


Three iron-on patches can be earned by each child for achieving their levels, one patch for each level.

Gopher Buddies T-Shirts

T-shirts may be purchased for both children and adults displaying the Gopher Buddies logo.

Children’s Leader

who tosses the cube say the verse alone..

Game Time ......

JJairus Jumble

Make a simple maze (or obstacle course) out of tables, chairs, trash cans, etc. that you have in your club room. Pair parents with their children. If you have children without parents present, pair them with another adult. You may need to have a leader help several children. Blindfold the parent and have their child help guide them through the maze. The next time through, the parent should guide the child. Continue until everyone has had a chance to do the maze or as time allows. As some parents may be coming in business attire, be careful in your creation of the obstacle course so that you don’t have the parents crawling around on the floor. It is best to stick with a course that can be completed in an upright position.