The Mandalorian Pursuer was badly damaged, plasma leaking from one engine port. Carbon scoring from weapons hits dotted the structure of the ship, its canopy cracked in several places. It drifted closer to the moon of Dxun, a reminder of the slaughter that had taken place.

The deep strike by the Sith had been unexpected. Not even Revan had expected them to cut across nearly half the outer and mid rims to attack one target. They had hit the planet with an entire Attack Fleet group, comprised of nearly sixty capital ships and double that number in cruisers. Iziz was the only city, and even though nearly every citizen was armed to the teeth, the city fell in four hours from the combined orbital bombardment and nearly a division of Sith soldiers. The pure Sith commander sat on the bridge of his massive capital ship, his red eyes watching as the broken Purser drifted across the bow of his ship.

The pure Sith commander had watched with glee as his ships had launched nearly two hundred poison missiles onto the moon of Dxun, which reports had said was the traitor’s home and base of operations. He had ordered conventional bombardment of the former tomb of Freedom Nadd, which they knew was what the traitor called the sanctuary. It was where the small children of the traitor Revan and many of the senior Jedi and officers following him were said to be protected. When it was safe for his men to venture to the moon, he had sent patrols out, and felt pride as they reported hundreds of rotting bodies and decomposed corpses. He ordered the settlement razed to the ground. His troops reported that the tomb was completely buried under tons of rock and dirt, the entrance to the tomb shattered and crushed. The pure Sith commander took great pride in the fact that he had killed the children of the traitor Revan, and many others.

The Master had ordered him to secure Onderon as a forward base, at all costs. The Republic and Mandalorian fleets were too spread out and confused to mount any type of sustained attack against his force, their intelligence told him. The commander was no fool, and had sent out reconnaissance of his own to confirm this, while his troops on the surface secured Iziz. They were brutal to any civilians they deemed trouble, and over the last six weeks, thousands had been murdered to prove their power and control. His patrols reported the same thing as their intelligence.

The Republic was scrambling and spread too thin to be of any concern, but they were effectively cut off from any support. The Republic had moved one of their two Combined Fleet Corps into position to stunt the invasion fleets pouring from Hutt space.

The Sith commander turned to one of his officers. “Report.”

“No power signatures at all Admiral! The ship is venting plasma from its starboard engine, the integrity of the shell is also compromised. No life signs. At its present rate of drift it will burn up in the atmosphere of Dxun in four hours. Shall I order our guns to destroy it?” The officer asked.

“No. It will provide a fine sight to our troops on the surface of Onderon. Another sign of our victory. The burning hulk of an enemy ship as it plummets to its death.” He turned from the large portal. “Let it burn up in the atmosphere.”

“As you order sir.”

And the Mandalorian Pursuer slipped past the massive capital ship, a broken ship devoid of life.

Devoid of any human life.

Statement: “We have slipped past the last ship, just as the Master predicted.” HK-47 sat up in the cockpit of the Pursuer.

There was a short burst of beeps.

Observation: “Of course I realize we are entering the atmosphere.”

More beeps followed.

Exasperated response: “Then perhaps you should engage the thrusters that were added to the outer shell of this cramped vehicle so that we do not burn up in the atmosphere.”

T-3’s sensor probe lifted up behind the assassin droid, and he let out more beeping chatter.

Inquiry: “Did you scramble your internal sensors when we passed through that plasma cloud? We will not survive re-entry without those thrusters. My sensors indicate we are far enough outside their shipboard sensor array to safely activate the outer thrusters.”

T-3 plugged into the makeshift control panel and beeped excitedly.

Confused Inquiry: “Then perhaps you should turn us into the proper re-entry angle? Why exactly did the Master send you on this operation?”

T-3 answered with more excited beeps as he engaged the small orbital thrusters install on the damaged Pursuer, turning the ship slightly as they began to descend into the atmosphere of Dxun.

Indignant Response: “I most certainly do not need your assistance. All of my dormant assassination protocols are at full readiness, and the Master has released any restraining programs. I am fully functional again!”

T-3 beeped almost mournfully.

Malicious Statement: “Then we will fulfill the second part of our mission if that is the case.”

T-3’s beeping response caused HK to turn and look at his smaller companion.

Prideful Statement: “I would suggest the Molten Cannon T-3. Hearing their screams is most amusing to our audio receptors.”

T-3 let out a firm sounding beep, followed by several that sounded more forceful.

Amused Statement: “I will turn you into an assassin droid yet my smaller counterpart.”

T-3 let out a long string of beeps as the Pursuer cleared the atmosphere and entered the gravity of Dxun. He brought the ship down quickly, imitating an uncontrolled descent before pulling the Pursuer up only a hundred meters off the top of the dense jungle canopy.

Impressed Statement: “An excellent imitation of a crashing ship T-3. The Master ordered that we land several kilometers away from the sanctuary and detonate the remains of this bucket to convince any interested observers. If we need to leave the surface, we can procure one of the emergency shuttles at the secondary landing zone.”

T-3’s beeping response caused HK to lift the Mandalorian assault rifle he had carried for years.

Statement: “Yes, I am ready.”

The Pursuer turned radically and dropped even lower to the jungle canopy as it found a small opening in the trees and disappeared.



Revan studied the massive star chart in the lounge, slowly walking around the large conference table. Revan was one of the few officers who took pride in the appearance of rooms that he would spend time in, and this VAINGLORIOUS-Class Dreadnought had been his ship for nearly twenty years, since coming off the assembly line near Onderon. One of the newest designs by Rendili Stardrive Systems, Queen Talia had purchased seven of the massive ships for the defense of Onderon after consultations with Revan and Canderous and her military advisors. The ship was nearly a thousand meters long with a crew of just over five thousand. With 40 quad turbo lasers dotting the surface of the superstructure and nearly an equal number of missile launchers, the ship could deal out massive destruction. A complement of 4 squadrons of Mandalorian G-Wing fighters and one thousand troops also allowed the ship to act in many different roles. The ship was the central command ship for entire 2nd Republic Combined Corp. The name of the ship had been so very easy for him when he had first seen her graceful and sleek lines.


Revan took great care in making the interior of the ship as comfortable as possible. All around the lounge on the walls were pictures of Bastila and his children at different points in their lives. Also among them were picture of their friends and people they had gotten to know over their long years of exile. It was Vandar who now walked slowly around the room studying the pictures with great interest. It was his first visit to Revan’s flagship, and he was glad to see one of the newest Masters of the Jedi Council so calm and at peace.

Revan lowered the caffa he was sipping. “They could strike out in nearly a dozen odd directions from the gains they have made.” He said motioning to the massive star chart as Vandar turned.

“I would like to speak with you in regards to Dacen and Arren.” Vandar said. “I’m sure you have sensed the rage and despair in them since the destruction of Dxun.”

Revan nodded, his mind flashing back to those moments just after they had discovered Dxun had been hit by poison missiles, and all contact with the settlement had been lost. Dacen had nearly lost it then, his rage nearly overwhelming. Bastila had been so overwhelmed, she sobbed in Anja’s arms curled up on the floor, and only Rev junior’s quick thinking kept Dacen from losing all control. He had frozen Dacen in a stasis field, though tears were pouring from his own eyes. They had so many friends on Onderon and Dxun, the loss was nearly unbearable. It was only made worse when Arren arrived and her own grief and rage was added into the already tense atmosphere. He and his son had no choice but to react in the way they had. Using their combined power, they knocked both father and daughter out before they let loose on everyone around them.

It had taken nearly three days for Dacen to bring his raging emotions back under some semblance of control. The rage had nearly consumed his closest friend and Revan needed him now more than ever. Dacen’s first statement to him in three days had nearly floored him.

“She’s not dead Revan.”

Revan had looked at him as if he was crazy. “Dacen, I’ve seen the recon images. There’s nothing left. The Temple is destroyed.”

Dacen shook his head, breathing deeply. “I would have felt it Revan. I would have felt her die. My anger nearly overwhelmed me to the point I thought I had lost her. I know now she is still alive. I have to go to her.”

Revan shook his head. “No. I can’t allow that. The Sith are hitting us from six different directions. I need you to go to Naboo. You have to take command of the Ninth Combined Republic Corp. Canderous has assumed command of the 3rd Mandalorian Attack Corp and Visas has restructured the command on Naboo, but you are my most experienced officer after Carth. I need you Dacen. The Republic needs you.”

“My wife needs me!” Dacen had snapped. “Your wife is safe damn you! Your family is safe!”

“Bastila has taken a Forward Command Division and gone to Rhen Var!” Revan shouted back. “Rev Junior has taken command of the Republic 6th Combined Corp and is at this very minute near Ruusan trying to stem the tide of refuges pouring from Hutt space. His wife has gone with Bastila! Zhar and Dorak are deployed with Mace Caylor’s Jedi detachment on Dubrillion investigating a Sith task force sighting by forces from Dantooine! Don’t you dare tell me my family is safe!”

Dacen took a deep breath and looked at his friend with tired eyes. “She’s not dead Revan. And if she is alive, others could be too.”

Revan reached up and deactivated the energy force cell. “Then let’s find a plan that can work for us! And do it together!”

Dacen got to his feet and nodded.

Revan turned to Vandar. “He’s a strong man Vandar. He will follow orders.”

“This is why Jedi are not allowed to love.” Vandar said.

Revan rolled his eyes. “We’re not going there again are we? You know as well as I do that part of the Jedi Code is so archaic it’s laughable. To deny our emotions is the quicker path to destruction. Trust me… I know that first hand.”

Vandar met his eyes. “Strangely, the Mandalorian Ordo has a calming effect on Dacen.”

“They are close friends Vandar. They share a bond of combat that not many have.”

“Like you and Admiral Onasi?”

Revan smiled. “Yes.”

“And what of Arren?” Vandar asked.

“My son has always been Arren’s anchor.” Revan said. “Regardless of what we find out from Onderon, he will continue to be her anchor.”

Vandar’s ears came forward, his eyes growing larger. “You refused my offer to send one of our Jedi scouts to Onderon. Perhaps you can now tell me why?”

“Dacen and I sent a team that was much more suited for the job.” Revan said.

“And if this… team… finds what you hope they won’t? What then?” Vandar asked.

Revan turned and met his steady gaze with brown eyes that narrowed to fiery points of simmering light. “Then the Sith that conducted that mission to Onderon will not at all be happy about our response.”

“And what of your youngest children? You have not spoken of them. Nor has Bastila. I was under the impression this sanctuary on Dxun was the fortress where your younglings were hiding.” Vandar spoke.

Revan smiled. “No. They are safe. As are the youngest from the settlement. The sanctuary on Dxun was not the nursery.”

“Would you care to share this information with me?” Vandar asked.

“Forgive me Master Vandar, but only nine of us know of that location. And I would prefer to keep it that way.” Revan said coldly.

Vandar nodded with a small smile, taking no offense at Revan’s tone. “I understand.” He said. “I might do the same in your position.” He stepped up to Revan and reached out to touch his arm. “You should never have been exiled Revan, but you are once more a member of the Jedi Order. Though it will take time to earn back the trust we took from you, we are in this together.”

Revan looked at him and nodded. “I know Vandar.”

Vandar nodded. “Then we will speak no more of it.” He turned to the large star map. “What can we do to stem this tide?”