Adoption or Foster Application

The Misfits Dog Rescue

Please email your completed application to [email protected]om

Home visits are required.

Dog(s) you are interested in______

Please circle which you would like to do: FOSTER ADOPT

Your name ______

Phone number: ______, Alt. phone number______

Address: ______City: ______

State: ______Zip Code: ______County: ______

Email: ______

Occupation: ______

Employer: ______

Personal referenceswe may contact that have seen you interact with pets:

Name:______Phone number: ______

Name: ______Phone number: ______

How many hours a day will this dog be left alone? ______Please explain your schedule.

How long have you lived at this address? ______

Please circle one: Rent Own

If you rent, what is Landlord’s name? ______Phone number? ______

Please circle which best describes your home:

Single Family Home: Townhouse: Apartment: Duplex: Condo: Mobile home:

Do you have a fenced yard? ______

If yes, Fence material: ______Fence Height: ______

Do you have a doggy door? ______

Please list all persons including yourself, currently living in the household including namesand ages.

Name: ______Age: ______Relationship: ______

Name: ______Age: ______Relationship: ______

Name: ______Age: ______Relationship: ______

Name: ______Age: ______Relationship: ______

Name: ______Age: ______Relationship: ______

Do you have children or grandchildren that frequently visit your household? ______
If yes, how often and how old?

Please listall current petsin your household.Please include type of animal, breed, age, and gender and temperament.

1. Type: ______Breed: ______Age:______M/F ___Temperament: ______

2.Type: ______Breed: ______Age:______M/F ___Temperament: ______

3.Type: ______Breed: ______Age:______M/F ___Temperament: ______

4.Type: ______Breed: ______Age:______M/F ___Temperament: ______

5.Type: ______Breed: ______Age:______M/F ___Temperament: ______

6.Type: ______Breed: ______Age:______M/F ___Temperament: ______

If more please explain

Haveall pets in your household been neutered/spayed? ______

If no, please explain:

Are all your current pets up to date on vaccinations? ______

Have they had a Bordetella Shot? ______

Do any of your current pets have any behavioral or dominance issues? ______

If yes, please explain?

Do any of your current pets have any health issues? ______

Who is your Veterinarian? ______Phone number: ______

Why do you want to adopt or foster this dog?

Are all members of the household aware that you will be bringing home a new pet and agree to the additional family member? ________

Do any of your family members have allergies to animals? ______

If yes, what type of animal? ______

When you are HOME, where will this pet will be kept? ______

When you are AWAY, where will this pet be kept? ______
Are your pets allowed on the furniture? ______

Where will your new pet sleep? ______

Have you ever had to give up a pet? ______

If yes, please explain circumstances:

What is an acceptable reason to give up a pet? ______

It may take a while for your new pet to adjust to its new home. It will need some potty-training. Are you willing to wait/work with your pet during this time? ______
Are you familiar with your local animal control pet limit? ______Are you under that limit? ______
If you must move, what will you do with the pet? ______

If you can no longer care for this pet, what will you do with it? (Illness, age, lost job, death, etc.)?


How did you hear about The Misfits Dog Rescue? ______

You will likely get a follow-up call, email, and/or a home visit from a Misfits Dog Rescue volunteer to make sure everything is going well with your new pet. Do you consent to this? ______
Please add any additional comments you would like us to know:

I have read and completed all questions on the application truthfully to the best of my knowledge. I understand The Misfits Dog Rescue will rely on the informationI have provided to process this application. By submitting this document, I understand that this is not a guaranteed approval. If false information is discovered at any time, The Misfits Dog Rescue reserves the right to reclaim possession of the animal.

Applicant Signature ______Date______