LAX – English 10 HP

Student Self-evaluation Form

The following survey is designed to help you set personal goals for self-improvement, so that you can be successful in an advanced English classroom setting, both this year and for the next two years in AP English. It is vital that you respond honestly to each item, but go with your “gut-reaction” when you respond. Your responses will help me to teach you in the most effective way possible, so that I can meet your needs and challenge you according to the standards of an honors English course. Please do not write what you think I want to hear…. Be honest!

NAME: ______

Part I: Insert a number, as follows:

1 = disagree, 2 = marginally agree,

3 = agree, 4 = strongly agree

  1. If given a Shakespearean passage, I am confident that I could analyze it. _____
  2. My parents do not have to nag me to do my homework. _____
  3. English is one of my favorite classes. _____
  4. I am willing to try hard to succeed in an advanced level English class. _____
  5. I read all the required reading in English last year. _____
  6. I have never turned in an English assignment past the due date. _____
  7. I enjoy being in an English class. _____
  8. I love reading. _____
  9. I am open to reading books for school, even if they are not the types of books that I read on my own. _____
  10. I am confident that I can write an analytical essay. _____
  11. I know what a thesis statement is. _____
  12. Education means more to me than just getting an “A”. _____
  13. When confronted with challenging material, I persevere. _____
  14. If last year’s English teacher were to make a list of the most hardworking students in the class, I would be on that list. _____
  15. I find analysis of literature interesting. _____
  16. I enjoy discussing literature. _____
  17. I participate in class discussions. _____
  18. I manage my time fairly well. _____
  19. I do not use study aids (Cliffs notes, Spark notes, etc. in place of reading the actual literature. _____
  20. I have annotated texts before. _____
  21. I am self-motivated. _____
  22. My parents have told me that they are proud of my performance at school. _____
  23. Other students want me in their group for group projects. _____
  24. I read at least one book over the summer. _____
  25. It was my choice to take this Honors class. _____
  26. I seek help when I have questions. _____
  27. I always do my homework. _____

Part II: When I think of the type of English student that I am today, I would say (circle all that apply):

  1. My assignments usually: a) go above and beyond the requirements, b) are uneven in quality, c) do just enough to earn the grade, d) reflect minimal effort
  2. My attitude towards assigned work is best described as: a) enthusiastic, b) I sometimes complain, c) I grudgingly do the work, d) I dread doing any work
  3. When it comes to promptness: a) I always complete my work on time, b) I sometimes ask for time extensions, c) I frequently need time extensions, d) I turn in work past the due date, d) I sometimes don’t turn in the work at all
  4. When it comes to class discussions: a) I participate frequently, b) I occasionally contribute to discussions, c) I never speak up / contribute, d) I hate speaking up
  5. My class attitude is usually: a) open-minded and interested, b) neutral or passive, c) inattentive, d) destructive
  6. When I am assigned in-class timed essays: a) I become very nervous and often run out of time, b) I usually have tons of time over, c) I finish but use all or most of the time allotted, d) It depends on the type of in-class writing
  7. When it comes to getting to class on time: a) I am never late, b) I usually rush in as the bell rings, c) I am often late.
  8. My grades in English are usually: a) A’s, b) B’s, c) C’s, d) D’s
  9. Overall, my past English teachers would say that: a) I am internally motivated, b) I enjoy English, c) I am overly grade conscious, d) I don’t care about my grade but care about learning, e) I am lazy
  10. Self-analysis based on responses above: