Research Grant Report Form

Please return the form as a Word document attached to an email to

[N.B. All boxes in this form will expand automatically]

1.  Details of grant recipient

Full name and title
Affiliation (Dept and University)
Address for correspondence
Tel. No

2.  Project details

Date of Award / Start Date / End Date

Project title

Synopsis of research for public dissemination

Please supply up to 150 words describing the research undertaken in terms suitable for a non-specialist reader. Please note that information supplied here may be used by the Trust, in our Annual Report or on our website.

Research report (up to 500-750 words detailing research carried out)

Were there any changes to the original proposal? Please explain any changes

3.  Research output / dissemination (to be filled in if applicable)

Details of publications (whether already published or in preparation) e.g. peer-reviewed article or volume, monograph, edited volume, etc.

Title / Publication / Date

Details of dissemination activities, whether done or planned (e.g. presentations/papers/posters at national/international conference/seminar/workshop, whether for an academic or a wider audience, etc.)

Title of talk & description / Title and location of event / Date

Details of new methodologies and/or practices

Title & description

Details of networks and future collaborations

Title & description

Details of further research, e.g. (larger) applications to other funding bodies in UK or abroad

Title & brief description of research / Funding Body / Date

Details of further impact (e.g. on policy-making/local community, etc.)

Title & description / Date

Details of electronic resources

Title & description / Link

4. Statement of expenses

Amount awarded by the Trust / £
Travel / £
Accommodation / £
Subsistence / £
Total spent / £
Balance to be returned to the Trust (if applicable) / £

Please tick the box if you agree to us using your email address to

·  inform you of funding opportunities offered by the Trust o

·  send you a copy of the Trust eNewsletter o

/ Date

Please insert an electronic signature or type your name before returning the form as a Word document attached to an email to

Revised September 2013

Feedback on Application Process

Please complete this short feedback questionnaire and return it with your completed report. Your comments will be treated as confidential.

Please give you opinion on the following statements: / Strongly agree / Agree / No opinion / Disagree / Strongly disagree
The application process was easy to understand
The information provided on the website was useful and easy to find
The application form was easy to complete
The application process was completed in a timely fashion
Any queries were dealt with quickly and appropriately by CTUS staff
I would recommend the Carnegie Research Grants scheme to colleagues
I would consider reapplying for a Carnegie Research Grant

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