Town of West Bath

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2011

Board of Selectmen

David Bourget, Chair

Paula Nelson

Abbe Yacoben

Guests: Mr. David Hennessey, Jason Bird of Midcoast Council of Governments, Fred and Cheryl Kreidler, Town Attorney Roger Therriault. The Town Administrator was present via speaker phone.

A regular meeting of the West Bath Board of Selectmen was held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 9, 2011 in the lower level meeting room of the West Bath Town Hall, 219 Fosters Point Road, West Bath, Me.

I.  Called to Order by Chairman Bourget at 5:30 pm.

II.  Pledge of Allegiance

III.  Consent Agenda

a.  Approval of Minutes for April 25 and April 28, 2011

b.  Approval of Warrant

c.  The next regularly scheduled Board of Selectmen’s meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, May 23, 2011

Motion made by Selectman Yacoben to accept the Consent Agenda, seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

IV.  Public Hearing(s)

1.  Application for a CDBG Planning Grant to Develop a Marketing Plan for Wing Farm – Jason Bird, MCOG

Chairman Bourget opened the Public Hearing at 5:32 pm

Closed public hearing at 5:39 p.m.

V.  Public Comments –

a.  Fred and Cheryl Kreidler of 40 Rocky Ridge Road were present to request an easement be granted across town property (Fire Dept) to allow the Bath Water District to provide a water line to his residence. Mr. Kreidler provided Mr. Therriault with some paperwork regarding this and claimed it was virtually a three-foot piece of town land that the water line would have to cross. Mr. Therriault said it would have to be considered at a Town Meeting because it’s an interest in real estate. It was discussed that it was too late to change the Town Meeting warrant but could be done at a Special Town Meeting. Mr. Therriault suggested that we could hold this Special Town Meeting immediately at the end of our annual Town Meeting on June 8, 2011.

Motion to hold a Special Town Meeting to consider Mr. Kreidler’s request immediately following the annual Town Meeting on 8 June 2011 by Selectman Nelson. Seconded by Selectman Yacoben. Unanimously Approved.

VI.  Business Items

1.  Request for Abatement(s) – None.

2.  Review of New Meadows Lake Landing Ordinance

The Board reviewed the draft Ordinance from Mr. Therriault.

Motion made by Selectman Yacoben to approve the draft of this ordinance for Town Meeting. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

3.  Schedule “Town Meeting Preview Informational Session” and Public Hearings.

Motion made by Selectman Nelson to hold our Town Meeting Preview Session on Tuesday, May 24th at 6:30 pm at the West Bath Fire Hall. Seconded by Selectman Yacoben. Unanimously Approved.

4.  Other – Mr. Therriault updated the Board the ongoing issue

between the towns of Harpswell and Brunswick regarding their boundary line dispute (LD 69). Mr. Therriault reviewed this because there appeared to be a boundary description in the bill that included the boundary between Brunswick and West Bath, and probably Bath. Mr. Therriault attended a work shop meeting where he brought this to the committee’s attention. The committee seemed to be aware of it and would take care of this “house-keeping” detail.

5.  Town Administrator’s Report – No written report provided.

The Town Administrator mentioned that she has kept the Board up to date of on-gong matters.

VII.  Executive Session(s)

1.  Request to enter into executive session with the Town Attorney pursuant to MRSA Title 1, Chapter 13, Section 405, 6, E to discuss pending litigation.

Motion made by Selectman Yacoben to enter into Executive Session at 5.55 pm. Seconded by Selectman Nelson. Unanimously Approved.

Board resumed regular session at 6:12 pm.

VIII.  Selectmen’s Comments/Announcements – None.

IX. Adjourn - Motion made by Selectman Nelson, seconded by Selectman Yacoben to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:12 pm by unanimous acclamation.

Attested to be a true copy.

Robert K. Morris, Town Clerk