Lenten Service Primary 1 & 2

Lenten Service Primary 1 and 2

Son of God

RERC 1‐07a

I am familiar with the Easter story and Iunderstand that God raised Jesus from the dead to be with us.

Hours of God

RERC 1‐18a

I know some of the signs and symbols related to Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Advent and Christmastide and I can use this understanding to help me explore the themes of these celebrations.


  • Three candles
  • Purple altar cloth
  • Paper palms for each child (template attached to planner)
  • Wooden Cross
  • Twelfth Station- Jesus Dies on the Cross (picture attached to planner)
  • Lyrics of Celebrate (attached to planner)
  • Lyrics of Riding, Riding, Who is that Riding? (attached to planner)
  • Lyrics of Oh How Good is the Lord!(attached to planner)
  • Lyrics ofJesus Remember Me-Taizé (attached to planner)
  • Lyrics of This is the Day (attached to planner)

Sign of the Cross

Opening Hymn: Celebrate


We will now light our special candle and we remember that God is always with us. God loves us and cares for us at all times (teacher lights candle).

We have gathered together today to celebrate the Season of Lent.Lent lasts for forty days and we use this time to get ready to celebrate Easter. During Lent the Church covers the Altar with a purple cloth and the priest wears purple vestments. We also cover our class and school altars with a purple cloth (a child placesa purple cloth onto the Altar).

Let us pray:

God our Father help us to prepare well during Lent by trying to pray more, by giving up something we like and by trying to help our family, friends and those who are in need.



When someone important comes to visit a town, the people line the streets and welcome them. They sometimes wave flags and loud cheers are heard for them.

We are going to find out how people cheered for Jesus when he entered the city of Jerusalem on a donkey.


(Based on Luke 19:28-39)

Jesus set off for Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. When he reached Bethany, he sent two of his disciples on ahead. “Go into the village,” he said, “and as you enter it you will find a donkey tied up there. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you what you are doing, just say to them, “the Lord has need for it.”

The two disciples went on ahead and found the donkey as Jesus had said. As they were untying the donkey the owner came out and asked them what they were doing.”The Lord needs it,” they replied. The owner said no more. They brought the donkey to Jesus. His friends threw their coats over the donkey’s back and Jesus sat up on it and rode into Jerusalem. As he approached the city of Olives, a huge crowd of people came out on the path, waving palms and singing for joy, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord.”

The word of the Lord.

Hymn: Riding, Riding, Who is that Riding?

(Children wave paper palms during hymn).


Food is one of God’s greatest gifts. God’s gift of food helps our bodies to grow strong and healthy. We give God praise and thanks.

Today we remember all the food that we eat at home, at school and with our friends. The response to our prayers is:

We praise you, we bless you, we thank you.

Individual children could read these prayers.

Prayer 1

We remember all the people who grow fruit and vegetables.

Response: We praise you, we bless you, we thank you.

Prayer 2

We remember all the people who prepare and cook the food we eat.

Response: We praise you, we bless you, we thank you.

Prayer 3

We thank God for all our favourite foods.

Response: We praise you, we bless you, we thank you.

Prayer 4

We remember those who are hungry.

Response: We praise you, we bless you, we thank you


Jesus often ate with his friends when he lived in Nazareth. Now let us listen to a reading from the Gospel of Matthew which tells us about Jesus eating His Last Supper with His friends.

(Based on Matthew 26:17-32)

A reading from the Gospel of Matthew.

The time for the Passover festival was coming and so Jesus and the twelve Apostles went to a special place in Jerusalem to eat the Passover meal.

This is a very special time for Jewish people as they remember the time when God saved them from slavery.

Jesus and His friend sat at the table and Jesus said:

‘This is my body, which is given for you’ and

‘This is my blood which is given for you’.

Jesus was very sad as he knew that He was going to be betrayed by one of His friends and led out to die on a cross.

The word of the Lord.

Hymn:OhHow Good is the Lord!


During Lent we pray the ‘Stations of the Cross’ to help us think about the journey Jesus took to His death on the cross.

We are going to think about the twelfth Station of the Cross – Jesus Dies on the Cross.

(Two children could stand with candles at a picture of the twelfth station and another child could hold a wooden cross.)


(Based on Luke 23:44)

A reading from the Gospel of Luke.

As Jesus hung on the cross, he cried out,”Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they are doing.” From a crowd of people standing nearby, someone yelled, “You saved others; now save yourself if you are God’s chosen one!” The soldiers made fun of him, too. At last Jesus cried out again, “Father, into your hands I place my spirit.” After he said this, he died.

The word of the Lord.

Let us close our eyes and imagine that we were there with Jesus. We would have pushed the people back from the cross. We would have knelt beneath it and prayed with you.

But we weren’t there. We are only here now, remembering.

Jesus, teach me how to follow you. Amen.

All sing:

Jesus Remember Me (Taizé)


God wants us to try and be more like Him. During Lent we promise to try harder. Let us ask God to help us to be the best we can beduring Lent.

The response to our prayers is:

God help us to try our best.

Individual children could read these prayers.

Prayer 1

We promise to try and be kind to each other.

Response: God help us to try our best.

Prayer 2

We promise to try and help out at home.

Response: God help us to try our best.

Prayer 3

We promise to try and share our toys.

Response: God help us to try our best.

Prayer 4

We promise to try and help the poor by donating some of our pocket money.

Response: God help us to try our best.

Blessing(if priest is in attendance)

Sign of the Cross

Final Hymn:This is the Day



Celebrate what we have been given.

Celebrate what we have received.

Celebrate the spirit in of Jesus alive in our hearts.

No longer shall you be people who walk in darkness.

It is the spirit who draws you into the light.


Even the earth cries out it longs to receive new life.

It is the spirit who fills the world with new life.


You who are gathered here share life and love together.

It is the spirit who calls you out to give.


Riding, Riding, Who is that riding?

Riding, Riding, who is that riding?

Dressed in a robe of white.

Children, children all little children

Run out to see the sight.

Riding, riding, Jesus is riding into Jerusalem.

Children, children, all little children

Know that He loveth them.

Oh How Good is the Lord!


Oh, how good is the Lord!

Oh, how good is the Lord!

Oh, how good is the Lord!

I will never forget

What He has done for me.

He gives us his body,

How good is the Lord.

He gives us his body,

How good is the Lord.

He gives us his body,

How good is the Lord.

I will never forget

What he has done for me.


Jesus Remember Me

Jesus, remember me
when you come into your kingdom.
Jesus, remember me
when you come into your kingdom.

Jesus, remember me
when you come into your kingdom.

This is the Day

This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord has made
That the Lord has made
We will rejoice
We will rejoice
And be glad in it
And be glad in it
This is the day that the Lord has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord has made.

This is the day
When he rose again…