Elko CountyBoard of Commissioners
Sheri Eklund-Brown
John Ellison
Charlie Myers
Mike Nannini
Warren Russell ElkoCounty Manager Robert K. Stokes
COUNTY OF ELKO. ) ss. JUNE 6, 2007
The Board of Elko County Commissioners met on Wednesday, June 6, 2007, at 1:30p.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse at 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada.
There were present: CountyCommissionersJohn Ellison, Chair
Mike Nannini
Charlie Myers
Sheri Eklund-Brown
Warren Russell
Elko Co. ManagerRobert Stokes
CFO – Asst. Co. ManagerCash Minor
Deputy District AttorneyKristin McQueary
Deputy County ClerkMarilyn Tipton
Public WorksLynn Forsberg
Library DirectorJeanette Hammons
Planning & Zoning Dir.Randy Brown
Road SupervisorOtis Tipton
Juvenile ProbationPat Plaster
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The proceedings were as follows:
Chairman Ellison called the meeting to order at 1:30p.m.
Commissioner Nanniniled the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ed Monnig, Deputy Forest Supervisor, noted that Terry Chute was also present at this meeting. He stated they had meetings scheduled with the grazing permittees. Ed Monnig voiced appreciation to Dan Dallas and Terry Chute for all the work they did on the permitting. He noted that the Forest Service had faced some legal challenges on the Jarbidge Road and they were working with their attorneys on that lawsuit. He stated they would entertain some discussions with the Plaintiffs to find out what was really driving this. He felt they had a solution on the Jarbidge road situation and they wanted to make that decision stick.
Commissioner Ellison noted that there had been an issue with a permittee in which Terry Chute had come to the forefront and he thanked Terry Chute for coordination with that permittee. Ed Monnig thanked Commissioner Ellison and Assemblyman Carpenter for intervening with that issue. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted their philosophy was changing at the national level on firefighting, management dollars, etc. She inquired how that would affect them locally. Ed Monnig noted it was having an impact upon the way they addressed their projects. He stated last year the Forest Service spent 1.5 billion dollars on fire suppression throughout the country which represented 44% of their total budget. He noted those fire suppression expenditures were impacting their recreational, timber and grazing programs. Ed Monnig stated it had drawn the people’s attention across the nation. He noted the State Foresters were making recommendations on how to better improve their fire fighting and how to fund fire suppression. He believed Congress may take action but was confident nothing would happen this year. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that urban interface was a huge concern. She believed that there was a fear of a mandate coming down from Congress dictating land use, planning and zoning requirements on the interface adjacent to the private areas. Ed Monnig noted that with the increasing human presence and increasing residential presence in the wildland interface it was having effects on the fire suppression costs. He stated 60% of the 1.5 billion dollars spent last year was to defend structures in that urban/wildland interface. Ed Monnig stated they may look for a better way to get local landowners to assume as much responsibility for their own protection as they can to help the Forest Service defend their homes against the wildfires. He noted there was human loss last year with the deaths of several firefighters. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if more money would be diverted toward fuels’ management, green strips, etc. Ed Monnig felt that would be cooperative efforts between the federal government and local governments to create the defendable space. Ed Monnig did not see Congress trying to intervene in the local zoning issues.
Discussion and consideration of approval of Certificates of Appreciation to Queenstake Resources, P2 ReadyMix and Thiessen Team USA, Inc. for their generous donations of equipment, materials and manpower that contributed to the completion of Phase II of the restoration of the Tuscarora Tavern.
MOTION:Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to approve Certificates of Appreciation to Queenstake Resources, P2 ReadyMix and Thiessen Team USA, Inc. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown gave an overview of the work that was completed by the individual companies. She expressed appreciation on behalf of the Board and for the people of IndependenceValley. She noted the final phase was restoration of the inside of that building. She commented upon the multiple use of that building once the restoration was completed.
Jeanette Hammons, Library Director, reportedupon the Board of Trustees activities and minutes including issues related to the continuing operation of the CountyLibrary. She stated at the end of the month they would interview the candidates for the law library clerk. She noted that one of their Library Trustees had resigned and the Library Board would make a recommendation for the new Library Trustee to be appointed in July.
Chairman Ellison called the Jackpot Town Board to order at 1:54 p.m. and reconvened the regular meeting at 2:20 p.m.
Consideration of approval of a B.O.R.E. race event at the old landfill site in Jackpot, Nevada. B.O.R.E seeks approval to use a portion of the old landfill site in Jackpot, Nevada (Section 6, T.47, R.65E) for an annual race event on June 30, 2007. Activities will not be on the reclaimed areas of the closed landfill. B.O.R.E will provide the County a certificate of insurance as an additionally insured.
Robert Stokes stated this was an annual event and copy of this action would be sent to the BLM because they request a letter of support.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to approve a B.O.R.E. race event at the old landfill site in Jackpot, Nevada on June 20, 2007. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Elko County Solid Waste Program:
Discussion and consideration of a proposed donation of land to Elko County by Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc. for the solid waste transfer station located near Midas, Nevada and all other matters related thereto.
Lynn Forsberg stated the solid waste transfer bin happened to be sitting upon Barrick land so they would transfer that land to the County. He stated the County had completed their land survey and Barrick would generate a deed to the County.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to accept the donation of land from Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc., for the solid waste transfer station near Midas, Nevada. Commissioner Russell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Ellison asked that they send a Thank-You letter to Barrick. Commissioner Nannini inquired about the size of the area. Lynn Forsberg commented that Barrick gave them 4.5 acres which was more land than what they needed at this time.
A. Discussion and consideration of approval of continued contracting with the Nevada Youth Parole Bureau to provide detention services per contract.
Pat Plaster, Detention Director, noted that the annual contract was approximately $26,000 per year. Pat Plaster stated these contracts went down and they were trying to negotiate the contracts. She explained that they charge the state for the State Youth Parole detention daysfor kids from Elko, White Pine, Lincoln and Eurekacounties that were under parole. Commissioner Ellison commented that they were paying for this facility and for the China Springs facility. Pat Plaster explained this was the contract for payment from the state to ElkoCountyfor detention of the kids in the County’s facility.
MOTION:Commissioner Russell moved for approval of continued contracting with the Nevada Youth Parole Bureau to provide detention services per contract. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion.
Pat Plaster noted this was a continual contract for the last 10 years.
The motion was passed unanimously.
B. Discussion and consideration of approval of agreement with the Department of Education to continue the reimbursement program for the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program.
MOTION:Commissioner Russell moved to approve the agreement with the Department of Education for the NationalSchool Breakfast and Lunch Program. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Discussion and consideration of authorization to commission a study regarding the economic impacts of the mining sector on the Elko County Economy to be conducted by the UNR Department of Resource Economics and all other matters related, thereto. Proposal
Dr. Thomas Harris, professor in the University of Nevada - Agriculture, Departmentof Resource Economics, noted they had performed a previous study on the impact of the public land grazing. He stated that two professors in the Department of Mineral Engineering would work on the mining sector study. Dr. Harris stated they would be focusing on the mining industry economic impacts and the third party impacts that comewith the multiplier effect. He noted that they would incorporate some data from EurekaCounty because many of the miners commute from Eureka and that should be included in this study. He stated that they would demonstrate the mining economic impacts similar to what they did for the grazing sector. He stated they would look at the variability of mining, the importance of mining and have in the model the occupations and the businesses that could take that work force after the mining had ceased. Dr. Harris stated they wanted to tie it to a County fiscal model so they could illustrate the financial impacts to the County. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted they had previously discussed in the mining sustainability meetingsthe importance of havingthe inventory of different types of employees with different skills in the work force for reference if a different industry came in. She noted the County had requested Dr. Harris to come to them with a proposal for this study. She felt they should look at this more regionally because it would impact the County’s economy. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if in the study they could look at the total effect of all taxes with regards to gas, sales, and property. She noted ElkoCounty had more impacts from the people living here rather than the mines themselves. Dr. Harris agreed they had a number of people going back and forth to the mines. Commissioner Ellison commented upon the huge impact upon the infrastructure such as roads. Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked for clarification of the scope of the study and the time frame. Dr. Tom Harris felt the time frame would be approximately a year because of the budget session. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the BLM was preparing a supplemental EIS for Barrick with the draft to be out in December. However, the final decision would not come out until next year. She believed the Forest Service and the BLM would have other projects. She believed these studies were great tools. She noted that it was a $10,000 request. Cash Minor stated there was nothing to base this on at budget time so it would be best to fund the study from the Contingency Fund.
MOTION:Commissioner Myers moved to commission a study regarding the economic impacts of the mining sector on the ElkoCounty Economy in FY 2007-2008with funding coming from the Contingency Fund. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Ellison thanked Dr. Harris for the previous study and noted the benefits of having the study performed. Commissioner Eklund-Brown felt it would be a good presentation for the NACOConvention in ElkoCounty. Dr. Tom Harris noted they did a smaller study in EurekaCounty. He stated that they found that the model most people were using to study economic impacts had to be revised to show the correct linkages. Commissioner Myers felt they should look at fire suppression costs and the impact upon the counties. He believed that should be another topic at the NACO convention. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that she had brought that up in state forums and stressed the county’s and state’s responsibility. Dr. Tom Harris commented that WashoeCountywas worried that the fires would eat up their budget. Commissioner Russell noted that a 5 acre fire in WashoeCounty got 5 helicopters, two air transports and ten crews from the Forest Service and the BLM so it used their whole budget. Dr. Harris agreed but commented that was due to the urban interface. Robert Stokes noted he would speak with Dr. Tom Harris about giving a presentation at the NACO Conference. Dr. Harris stated in late August there would be a Nevada Rural Summit and this would cover some of these items.
Discussion and consideration of issues and legislation that may come before the 2007 Nevada Legislature’s 74th Session including potential impacts of proposed and adopted legislation to Elko County and its citizens and all other matters related, thereto.
Cash Minor stated he reviewed what bills were signed by the Governor and would submit an outline of the bills passed to the CountyCommission. Commissioner Ellison noted there were some amendments to the bills.
Cash Minor reported that the Elected Salary Bill had passed with a 7% increase this year and a 3% increase each year thereafter. He stated there was a bill that passed on health insurance. He stated that after November 2008 the retirees wouldnot be allowed intothe state plan unless ElkoCounty had all their health insurance through the state. He stated that would have significant impacts which were undeterminable at this point in time. He stated the retirees in the system would be allowed to stay. Cash Minor stated that was to clarify the language when they implemented the subsidy in 2003. Commissioner Ellison noted the County could no longer introduce their own bills. Commissioner Ellison commented that NACO would be able to sponsor more bills and give their legislators extra bill drafts to introduce. However, the County could not write their own bills.
Discussion and consideration of meetings with various land management and resource management agencies and organizations to discuss options to address range and habitat rehabilitation actions to help mitigate the destruction caused by the 2006 Wildfire Season. Discussion to include County efforts to secure federal legislation that would provide full funding for PILT to County governments and revise the method of funding for the Secure Rural Schools/County Payment Program.
Robert Stokes stated they cancelled the wildfire interface meeting this month and the next meeting was scheduled in July. He stated there would be a Fire Fair in the middle of July. He stated there was a press release from BLM notifying the public that last week they had three fires with over 500 lightning strikes in the County. He noted it rained all night at his house but at the ground breaking ceremony today the ground was relatively dry.
Commissioner Ellison commented upon Senator Harry Reid’s press release on the disaster relief funding bill draft going before the president. He stated the PILT and the funding for rural schools was going forward in Congress.
Discussion and consideration of water resource management and water rights issues that may impact ElkoCounty including possible discussion related to the Southern Nevada Water Authority pipeline project and the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority activities and issues.
Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the draft BARCASS study had come out. She stated it was a very scientific study containing 118 pages. She noted there was more recharge than originally thought. She stated it showed more discharge in SnakeValley. She felt there may not be more water withdrawals approvedfrom SnakeValley. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated the study showed a lot of interconnectivity with the basins especially between WhitePineCounty and ElkoCounty in a Northerly flow. She felt that if they tap into the southern end of those basins then there would be a draw from ElkoCounty. Commissioner Eklund-Brown felt that the monitoring wells would help determine if there was an impact toElkoCounty’s groundwater. She would go on the carbonite tour if seating was available. She felt SB 62 would also apply to the USGS study they had performed. She felt they may get more funding for further studies and believed they were committed to USGS for two years of funding.