wKREDA Meeting – September 18, 2008 – Leoti, KS
Present: Gabe Schlickau, Randall Hrabe, Tom Keller, Sheryl Davis, Pat Veesart, Christy Hopkins, Susan Nickerson, Cindy Wallace, Gene Pflughoft, Carol Meyer, Ed Wiltse, Jamie Hofling, Dale Staab, Helen Dobbs, Pam Barta, Lea Ann Seiler, Rodger DeGarmo, Roger Hrabe, Ralph Goodnight, Jeff Hofaker, Nikki Pfannenstiel, Diane Becker, David Snyder, John Foster, Eric Depperschmidt, Liz Sosa, Paul Joseph and Sharla Krenzel
Call To Order:
President Gabe Schlickau called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the United Methodist Church in Leoti, KS. Sharla Krenzel welcomed the group to Leoti. Introductions of the members present were made.
Carol Meyer introduced herself as the southwest Office of Rural Opportunity staff person and explained the program and her services. Larry Meschke provided information on the International Trade training in Hays on October 28.
Randy Hrabe informed the group on funding issues for Kansas’ Certified Development Corporations, requesting that wKREDA consider including in their legislative position paper the issue and asking the legislature to increase funding for CDCs.
Jeff Hofaker introduced Wynn Ponder, Kirby Ross and Jason Opat with IMG. IMB is trying to develop and produce a film called “Small Town USA”. Jason gave a presentation about the feature-length documentary.
Susan Nickerson updated the group about the Kansas Dept. of Commerce’s statewide recruiting initiative targeting 25-38 year olds and graduates of regents universities.
Business Meeting
Helen Dobbs moved, Roger Hrabe seconded, to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2008 meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Financial Report:
Treasurer Nikki Pfannenstiel distributed the financial report to the membership, reporting a balance in the checking of $20,559.45 and in savings of $29,813.79. Roger Hrabe moved, Rodger DeGarmo seconded, to approve the financial report as presented. Motion carried.
Gabe Schlickau reported on the board of directors meeting held by conference call in August.
Committee Reports:
Business Development Committee:
-We Have Jobs Committee: Jeff Hofaker reported on the WHJ Committee meeting held prior to CD101 the day before. Drafts of the 30 second commercial and three vignettes for the website were previewed. It was reported that the website is 80% complete. Discussion was held on participation on the website because it will be dependent on local communities inputting their information. The Docking Institute is conducting the professional study. A brochure is being developed to send to western Kansa alumni and truck signs have been placed.
Lea Ann Sieler reported on the recruiting booth activities. They have contracted for 95 gift bags to giveaway at career fairs, etc. They have entered into a partnership with Ft. Hays State University’s 310 Class to help with student recruitment activities.
-Dairy Team: Ralph Goodnight reported on Dairy University held in Dodge City in August. The Large Herd Dairy Conference/Western Dairy Conference will be held in March 2009 and they plan to sponsor a break at the conference. Tulare Farm Show is in February. Committee plans to do a holiday recognition again for the area dairies.
Legislative Committee: Eric Depperschmidt will be holding a meeting in October to plan the next legislative mission and begin formulating the position paper.
Public Relations Committee: Nikki Pfannenstiel reminded the membership how to send messages on the wKREDA listserv. They are planning to produce an annual newsletter in time for the annual meeting in December and asked the membership to send stories and photos. She also asked communities to send in stories for the website.
Education Committee: Roger Hrabe reported on the CD101 held the day before. He is working on topics for the next CD101. Possible topics include electrical transmission, hospitality program, and Kansas Career Pipeline.
The membership recessed for lunch. Luncheon speaker was David Rebein speaking on the topic of “What’s Right with Kansas”.
New Business:
The need for an Audit Committee was brought before the membership. Gene Pflughoft moved, Ralph Goodnight seconded, to appoint Sheryl Davis, Liz Sosa and Christine Aslin to serve on the Audit Committee. Motion carried.
President Gabe Schlickau informed the membership that he will appoint a nominating committee for the annual meeting elections.
Eric Depperschmidt announced that KCI will be hosting an Environment and Energy meeting prior to the Renewable Energy Conference in Topeka on September 22.
Nikki Pfannenstiel announced that NREDA will be holding their annual conference in Kansas City in 2009.
With no further business, Ed Wiltse moved, Gene Pflughoft seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 1:35 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Sharla Krenzel