October 27, 2012
Today is the real Yom Kippur by Yahuweh’s ancient calendar method of guarding time. Right now in a forest near here, hundredswho have trusted Messiah Yahushua for their salvation, of many different languages, have gathered together from all over Israel to pray for the nation of Israel. [Refer to the letter, sent yesterday in: “Prayer and Fasting Day in Israel for the Nation of Israel”]
Because His people have always wanted to be like the nations, with man to rule over them, joining with the pagans in their culture and religion, Yahuweh has once again had to back off, as He has in the past, and leave them to the desires of their heart. The call today was for repentance of the nation, and turning towards our Elohim.
Jeremiah 6:19: “Hear O earth! Behold! I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened unto My words, nor to My Torah, but have rejected it”.
He has grieved greatly over this. The nation of Israel is over 70% secular. The majority of the remaining 30% are religious, of all types. But, He has always worked through a few, whom He calls His “remnant”. (Isaiah 1:9; Matthew 7:13-14)
This remnant knows Him outside of religions of man. It is always the few who walk the hard road of the narrow way of submission and obedience, who seek Him with all their heart, who find Him. To them, He teaches His secrets, and draws them under His talit of safety. This remnant is comprised of His trusted, faithful bond servants, whom He calls “friend”. These have laid down all “self”, and their thoughts align to His thoughts.
This remnant has always served as a restrainer of the evil forces that would destroy His people entirely.
The Spirit of Yahuweh, residing in the re-born spirit of His remnant, scattered throughout the earth, will be the only restrainer in the days to come, for even Micha’el, who restrains evil over the nation of Israel, will stand aside so that His judgment may be executed.
We have entered the time of His judgment on the nations. But, first of all, judgment will begin with His household in Israel, and in America. In these two nations are the greatest gathering of the House of Judah and the House of Ephraim in the world.
Today He asked me to do prophetic action and proclamation, from His broken heart to His nation. In the forest nearby, without knowing that this is the real Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement,people are repenting and praying against the terrible sins this nation allows, and for the protection of His people. They know that war is pending. The treats of their enemies hang in the air like the slow-lowering sword in The Pit and the Pendulum.
[Refer to: “Let Us Be Like the Nations”/November 11, 2011]
One of the most serious sins of the leaders is found in Amos 6:1-7. They do not grieve, or act to end the “breach of Joseph”. They do nothing to align to the passion of Yahuweh’s heart to restore the House of Joseph, the repentant of the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel to the land. Their restoration must be a sovereign act of Yahuweh, restoring those whom He has foreordained as His people.
The leaders of Israel have submitted to the Luciferic leadership of the nations, via the United Nations, and will soon reap the judgment of the One they have rejected to rule over them.
As I began to seek Him this morning, once again with my commitment statements that pour out of the depths of my being with passion, I looked to the table on my left on which I have put things related to intercession. On it is my plumb line, my symbolic “tribulum”, and the grinding stone I found at Qumran, lying at my feet while I was praising Him, also my small collection of broken pottery and rocks from strategic places of intercession, and my Artscroll Tehillim (Psalms).
Abba spoke to me this order of intercession this morning: “The plumb line, the tribulum, and the grinding stone”.
“The plumb line to divide My people from the world’s people, the tribulum to separate the wheat from the tares and the chaff that binds them, and the grinding stone to crush the wheat so that it might be usable in making bread, and re-sowing for more wheat in the Kingdom”.
The three large windows that cover the east side of my apartment, without curtains, stay open for me to viewLake Kinneret--the “sea of Galilee”. Across the Lake is the Golan Heights, andin the distance to the north, on a clear day, I can see the Mount Hermon ridge on the border of Syria. Forty miles beyond that ridge, as the crow flies, is Damascus. Today was an unusually bright, clear day, even though they had expected much rain. I could see the Mount Hermon ridge clearly.
In ancient times, Mount Hermon was called “Ba’al Hermon”. It was in the tribal area of Dan. The giant Og ruled it until he was killed by Moshe. It was on Hermon that the fallen angels came down in the days of Jered (Enoch I), where the Temple of Pan and Zeus once stood at its base, and where Messiah was transfigured with Eliyahu and Moshre (Matthew 16:13-17:9).
It is from the area of Mount Hermon that the armies will come to attack Israel. “On the border of Israel I will judge you”. (Read Ezekiel 11:8-12) Enemies have nuclear rockets and missiles lined up to fire on Israel on the north and southern borders, and from within the country.
Joining in spirit with those interceding ones,I lifted each of the three symbolic objects of this prophetic action, and from my third floor window facing Mount Hermon, I made the proclamations that He put into my spirit. I also interceded for His remnant in Israel, and those Orthodox Jews who are seeking Messiah, some finding Him.
Judgment is near! Those interceding and praying today near here wrote of their knowing of what is soon to happen. [Refer to: “Prayer and Fasting Day in Israel/October 27, 2012]
His nature is to take His people “through” the enemy’s attacks, through the suffering, through the obstacles, through the pain--so that we might be strengthen to overcome and endure to the end with victory. [Refer to the article: “Through”/May 4, 2012]
Revelation 21:1-7speaks of our eternal reward. Verse 4: “And Elohim shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, or mourning, or crying. And there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away”.
Yahuweh speaks to His people through the prophet Isaiah, Isaiah 43:1-3: “`And now’, thus says Yahuweh, `O Ya’cob, and He who formed you O Israel, do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters I am with you, and rivers do not overflow you. When you walk through fire you are not scorched, and aflame does not burn you. For I am Yahuweh Your Elohim, the Set-Apart One of Israel, your Savior…”
The water speaks of the worldjudgment of the Flood in Noah’s day. We are in “the days of Noah” now – and conditions then that brought His wrath and judgment are with us now, only more intense. The fire speaks of the world judgment of the wrath of Yahuweh poured out at the coming of Messiah Yahushua. “A fire goes before Him and burns up all His enemies”. (Psalm 97) I use Psalms 96-100 a lot in intercession, for they proclaim the victory of Yahuweh, and His the reigning King of Israel, Yahushua, on earth.
The plumb line, the tribulum, and the grinding stone are all His love for His children, to separate them from the judgment on the world, so that they might be drawn into His Presence for eternal peace, joy, and love, with Him!
The word “tribulum” comes from Latin for an ancient farm instrument. From “tribulum” we get the word “tribulation”. The tribulum, rocks set in a wooden board and dragged over the wheat, is used to tear up the tares/darnel (false wheat: those who look like wheat but are not), and to loosen the chaff (the sins, attitudes, and failings that cling to us and bind us) from the wheat kernel so that it blows away in the winnowing. Matthew 13:24-30 (the parable) and Matthew 13:37-43 (the interpretation), tells us of this process. The wheat is freed of both tares and chaff in the threshing process, then freed from both in the winnowing process. The tares are gathered and burned FIRST. THEN the wheat is gathered into His barns to be used for making bread to satisfy those hungry for the Truth of His Word! The wheat will be gathered into “His barns” at the first resurrection of the just. (John 5:26-29; Revelation 20:1-6; Isaiah 26:19-21)
Jeremiah 18contains a prophecy of pottery on a potter’s wheel. Israel is a marred vessel. In judgment, the Potter has to crush it, add water, and work on it with the pressure of His hands, so that He can remold it into the image that He desires. Indeed, the broken pottery on my table represents the breaking that He has to do to His hard-headed, stubborn, rebellious, hard-hearted people, who choose their own beliefs, from man and their own imagination, resulting in actions according to the selfishness of their own heart.
The book of Psalms reflects the heart of His remnant who love Him and His Word more than anything else, who wrote their love into songs of worship and praise.
His Spirit was strong on me this morning. I wept much, realizing that I was once again proclaiming the unleashing of His judgment that must go forth to separate out His remnant from those He must destroy, or else Messiah would have to destroy the entire earth at His coming.From July 27, 2012 forward, the unleashing of all to come is taking place. [Refer to: “The Unleashing – London Olympics”, “The Unleashing Part II”, “What Really Happened at the Olympics”? and “My Declaration Assignment/July-August ]
Malachi 4:5-6: Unless He finds His people returning to His Covenant with Him that He cut with Abraham, and reinforced with Yitzak and Ya’cob, and teaching it to their children, He will have to “strike the earth with utter destruction”. As it will be, the earth will be almost emptied of people by the time He returns. Go over the Scriptures on that from the article, “The Soon Coming Nuclear War – No Flesh Saved But A Remnant”/January 2012]
“…He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6b)
He is training a remnant to overcome and endure to the end in victory. If one dies in the days ahead in victorious faith, then his reward is great.
Revelation 14:12-14: “Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the commandments of Elohim, and the faith of Yahushua. And I heard a voice out of heaven saying to me: `Write! Blessed are the dead who die in the Master from now on.’ `Yes’, says the Spirit, `in order that they rest from their labors, and their works follow them’ ”.
By March 2013, an inserted chip is proposed for Americans, related to “Health Care”. [Refer to: “Health Care or Depopulation Agenda”/2009] But, because it will contain bank records, the chip can easily become the economic mark of Revelation 13.
Learn all you can about it from non-government sources – they’ll lie to you. Get your knowledge from the Scriptures and your direction from the Spirit!
After Sukkot, October 31st eve to the eve of November 8th, things will begin to move forward at a faster pace.
Thus, I warn you that if you do not know Him as He is – the nature, ways and thinking of the Elohim of Israel – knowing and obeying His Word, having a close intimate relationship to Him, you will be totally without insight, direction, and understanding, as we enter the most terrible time in human history.
Matthew 24:21-22: Messiah said of this time: “And there shall be great distress, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, nor ever shall be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the chosen ones those days will be shortened”.
Today, what do you expect in your eternity? What are you doing to prepare for it? Does He know you? Do you know Him--not as theology, or a belief-system, or concept, or philosophy, or an abstract “it”, but as a Peron?
Repent! Commit yourself to Him totally as a servant to a Master. Pray! Seek the Presence of Yahuweh with all your heart! Fear Him! Obey Him! For the time of preparation is almost ended. He has set in place those that will overcome and endure to the end in victory. Prepare to go through in victory, anything you must go through. For eternity is at hand.
With shalom, as always, and His love,
October 27, 2012 evening