My first year at Malvern Collegiate certainly has been a memorable and exciting one! What I have enjoyed most is witnessing the tremendous accomplishments of Malvern staff and students in so many areas. Malvern students have distinguished themselves in countless ways this year. They have been dominant in athletics, outstanding in their academics and literacy skills and superb in their musical and artistic abilities. I have very positive memories of the fine work of our students during Tsunami Relief efforts, the 30 Hour Famine, the Massey Hall Concert, the Boardwalk Ball, Play it Again Sam and our formal at the Liberty Grand. Not surprisingly, Malvern athletes were forces to be reckoned with once again in hockey, baseball, volleyball, swimming, skiing, rugby, and cheerleading just to name a few. In addition to many local field trips, students also travelled to France, Italy, Spain, New York, Ottawa and Quebec. All of these wonderful activities occurred because Malvern teachers are willing to give so much of their personal time and energy to ensure that their students get an education not only inside the classroom but outside as well. They are dedicated professionals who should be thanked for all they have given to our students.

As this year draws to an end, we are already preparing for the next school year to begin. Like last year, we will have early registration dates for picking up timetables, student agendas, fridge magnets, and to have your school photo I.D. taken. We will once again be requesting a fee of $50.00 to cover student activity cards, agendas and yearbooks. Please see the enclosed Registration Bulletin for dates and more details.

Please note that changes to timetables in September may only be considered due to conflicts, summer school results or graduation requirements. They are contingent upon available space. After student programs have been settled in September, students are expected to carry their courses through to completion in June. Withdrawal from a course may be considered in December and March if the student has attended regularly and made a sincere effort in the course.

Students who have outstanding textbooks or library books should return these to the Attendance Office before school opens. Please notify the Attendance Office if you have decided not to return to Malvern in September.

There will be a change occurring on our administration team for next year. After four years at Malvern Collegiate, Vice Principal Gayle Ferguson is moving to Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate as Vice Principal. We thank her for her fine work with the Malvern community and wish her all the best at Mowat. Our new Vice Principal in charge of students with surnames ending in letters A to L will be Sandy Kaskens. Sandy has been Vice Principal at Sir Oliver Mowat for the past four years and brings much experience to her position here at Malvern. Welcome Sandy!

I would like to extend my best wishes to five members of our teaching staff who retired in June. Happy retirement to Al Sikorski a teacher at Malvern for 2 ½ years, John Taylor - 12 years, Pat Smith – 15 years, Richard Mehringer - 18 years and Halya Hilferink – 31 years. Thank you for your years of service to students at Malvern.

Classes for the fall term will begin with a special schedule day on Tuesday, September 6th (see enclosed flyer). Grade 9 students will report to the Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. Students in Grades 10 to 12 should report to school at 11:15 a.m. Master lists of home form classrooms will be posted in several locations on the first floor of the building and students should locate their home form classes and be in attendance by 11:30 a.m. Dismissal will be at 12:45 p.m. to allow for staff meetings in the afternoon. School will resume with a regular schedule on Wednesday, September 7.

All students are responsible for contributing to a safe, enjoyable school environment. It is expected that senior students will demonstrate this and welcome our junior students appropriately in September.

I would like to thank you for your tremendous support throughout the year and I wish all of you a safe and relaxing summer.

Line Pinard


Well, it was a bit rough going at first, getting this laptop here and that projector there and, oh! That cord needs an adaptor! And… “Mr. Matthews, the computer doesn’t seem to want to play my CD!” But, in the end, my grade 11 Art classes were finally able to present their digital photography projects. The assignment was to take pictures, keeping in mind design elements and principles such as line, shape, colour, balance, rhythm, etc. I was very impressed with the work that was produced. The Art Department received a small grant last year that enabled us to purchase five digital cameras for the classroom and now, having been through one project, we’re looking forward to including more photography in our program next year.

Meanwhile, back in May, Ms. Earle’s grade 12 class hosted their end-of-the-year art show. The artworks were excellent and anyone who attended could see clearly how talented our students are. I do find it interesting that despite the fact that its community is considered one of Toronto’s more artistic neighbourhoods, Malvern Collegiate itself isn’t typically regarded as an “Arts” school. And yet, every year, students graduate from our Visual Arts, Drama and Music programs and go on to excel in these fields at the post-secondary level. It is certainly a testament to the students and the teachers of these departments for all that they accomplish. Good work, everyone!

Sean Matthews


Congratulations to National Biology Scholar, Liam Mazer. Liam had the top mark from Malvern in the National Biology Competition run by the University of Toronto in May this year. He scored in the top 3.7% of the almost 6400 entrants from over 450 schools. Well done Liam!

Geoff Dawson

The Grade 12 Business classes participated in the Wilfrid Laurier Stock Market Competition. One of our teams placed first in the Ontario (Toronto) Region. Team members were – Will Olugbala, Stuart Thursby, Scott Soundy, Laura Cooper and Reid Langille. They started with $100,000 at the end of January, and 12 weeks later had a portfolio worth $106,027.

Leslie Rulff


Congratulations to all this year's students who have successfully finished at a wide variety of placements including carpentry, physiotherapy, education, hospitality and business. They worked at their chosen work field every other weekday afternoon from mid-September till the end of May, plus completed related in-school assignments at Co-op classes. Experience in a chosen field plus two high school credits are the end result of a busy Co-op school year.

Virginia Maxwell


The Exchange programs with Germany, France and eventually Costa Rica continue. A group of students went to Paris with Mme Villmann and Mlle Hunnisett, during the March break. The German students visited this spring and we will go to Germany in March 2006. There was also a trip to Italy and Spain with Mr. Beaudry. Other outings included performances of several French plays with Mme Vincent, outings to French restaurants with Mme Villmann, a screening of Spanish films with Sra. Geddes. Ten Immersion students participated in the workshops for the French for the Future conference in April. A German grade 12 student wrote the German contest at the University of Toronto. Congratulations to Immersion students Lawrence Hoo, Jeff Slater, Jessica Lee and Nicole Wade for placing respectively 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th at Malvern in the University Grade 10 Math Contest; and to Emily Pong who placed 3rd in the Grade 11 test. Emma Costante won the prestigious third prize in the demanding OMLTA French contest at York University. Emily Heppner received an honourable 9th place.

The Core French program is introducing an Honours Certificate for students successfully completing the four year program. We are pleased to announce the establishment of Le Conseil Français de Malvern Collegiate Institute, which will promote French language and culture at Malvern.

Finally, we congratulate Mme Villmann for becoming Assistant Curriculum leader after Mr. Mehringer’s retirement. The department will be in good hands.

Richard Mehringer


For the last three years, Malvern students have had the opportunity to travel Europe during the March break. Mr. Beaudry, in the French Immersion/Extended Department has taken 24 - 41 students per year on adventures to numerous European countries to learn about other cultures, art, customs and history first hand. Last year’s trip with 31 students had a wonderful time visiting Spain, France and Italy. Next March Break, for a two week time frame, Mr Beaudry will take students to 8 major “hot spots” in Europe including: The Alps, Florence, Venice, Pisa, Rome Pompei, the French Riviera and Paris. All students are welcome. So, save your money over the summer and talk to Mr. Beaudry as soon as you can in September.

Richard Beaudry


The Music Department finished off the year with its usual flurry of spring concerts and activities. These included our annual Valentine’s Dance in February and then an exciting trip to Massey Hall in April for both our Concert Choir and Concert Band. Both groups performed well-received solo numbers, and then the Concert Band had the distinction of accompanying the Grand Finale “Godspell” with the massed choirs.

The April music trip had our groups performing to warm receptions in Ottawa and Quebec City, followed by a successful “Music Night” in early May. As usual, our performances came to a close with the final assembly, followed by the “Boardwalk Ball” on Saturday, June 13th. This year’s event was held in a new setting---the beautiful Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club, and proved to be a very successful party, despite the hot weather!

Parents should take note that auditions will take place in September, for new members hoping to wear the “fabled” kilted uniform of the Malvern Concert Band. All other groups will also be accepting new members who then become eligible to participate in our music trip, concerts, dances, etc.

I look forward to meeting you then!

Bill Mighton


The library was a bustling place year-end, with classes booked in, and students using computers and resources. It was particularly busy for our 12 computers. Because of this, the library will be adding 4 additional computers for the upcoming year. We will also have an expanded career resource section thanks to a Pathways grant of $1,500. We hope to set up a new career resource area in a portion of our seminar room soon. We were also fortunate to receive a $3,500 grant from the Ministry of Education to update our collection and focus on literacy skills. Although we only had a few days in which to decide how to spend these monies, Malvern French collection will have many new titles, as will other older areas of our collection. It was rewarding to know the Ministry values libraries in education. New fiction and non-fiction is always purchased as there is a need from subject teachers and as funds are available. Grade 9 parents will find a centrally produced pamphlet of reading suggestions for their children enclosed with report cards. Read on Malvern!

Susan Lindell


Malvern Peer Leaders have been involved this year in an innovative substance abuse initiative. Fifty peer leaders spent several weeks this past fall being trained by staff from the YMCA Youth Substance Abuse Program. They developed skills to talk to their peers about substance use, harm reduction strategies and school and community resources. On November 30, 2005, following an assembly to grade 9 and 10 students, these Peer Leaders with the support of professional adults including YSAP, school social workers, public health staff and classroom teachers went into classrooms to lead discussions. The sessions were a success!!!

It was such a success that in collaboration with the administration of Glen Ames Public School, plans were developed for the Malvern Peer Leaders to visit the grade 8 students. On April 28th, 2005, the Peer Leaders visited all the grade 8 classrooms and discussed substance abuse and making plans for high school. This approach has been truly comprehensive. The YSAP staff has facilitated several parent nights to discuss ways parents can talk to their kids about substance abuse. We look forward to more activities that will address these substance use issues in the future. Great job Peer Leaders!!!


Malvern’s two synchronized swimming teams had great results this season. Our B team (novice level) finished second at the Regional Finals, earning silver medals in duet and team events. Our A team (experienced) fared even better, earning gold medals in figures, duet and team. When combined, their scores won them the A Championship. The scores earned by both teams also earned our swimmers the Overall Championship.

Janine Geddes


Our Black Knights celebrated an incredible sporting year at the annual Athletic Banquet June 1st. With almost one in every two students playing for a sports team, Malvern once again proved to be a powerhouse. Our Senior Girls’ Volleyball team, Senior Boys’ Rugby team, Nordic Skiers, Boys’ Hockey team, Swim team and Track and Field team all reached OFSAA. Highlights of the Athletic Banquet included Grade 9 Athletes of the Year - Kaylee Duncan and Dan Crow, Grade 10 Athletes of the Year - Iain Lew Kee and Stephen Fleiszer. Our Rookies of the are Year Emma Costante and Thomas Gregory. The Female Athlete of the Year is Melanie Hick and Male Athlete of the Year is Damien Leonard. Recipients of Honour M’s were Kiva Reardon, Melanie Hick, Matt Cays, Steven Keogh, Damien Leonard and Dan Rathbone.

The Black Knights would like to thank all of the coaches and volunteers for all of their time and energy making sure we had fun.

We would like to say a special thank you to two of our retiring coaches, Ms. Hilferink, and Ms. Smith for their contributions to Malvern Athletics. We hope you had as much fun as we did!



Commencement ceremonies will take place on Friday, November 18, 2005. Invitations will be mailed to all graduates in the fall.