(Attachment A)

Issaquah Valley Elementary PTA General Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2015 @ 7pm in the IVE Library

Meeting called to order at 7:06pm. Quorum was present.

President’s Report


·  Council report – Emily appreciated all the support that the members give to IVE. Emily thanked the Golden Acorn committee and the winners of the Acorn Award. Emily stated that the PTA had a staff luncheon, Golden Acorn awards, nominations had been done for the new board, and other programs and events happened. Emily thanked everyone for all his or her hard work and dedication to IVE. The Cougar pantry has continued for the spring break.

·  PTA Convention on April 17-19, 2015 at the Hyatt, Bellevue WA, K-12. Informs PTA members of policies and

·  Issaquah Schools Foundation Luncheon and Breakfast in May (Nourish every mind)

o  They support the Art Docent program in Elementary Schools.

o  They help keep the libraries open after school at the district Middle Schools

o  They co-host the Great Careers Conference for High Schools

o  Along with grants, scholarships and other funding

·  Room Parents – Parents that volunteer in the classroom are part of the IVE PTA. The parents need to follow the bylaws with anything they are doing in the classroom. The collection of money needs to be allocated and accounted for.

·  Variety Show is cancelled.

Election of Executive Committee

·  Election of Executive Committee:

·  All in favor of electing Caryna Wilding and Sharilyn Tokumi as co-Presidents say aye. No nays. No abstentions. The ayes have it.

·  All in favor of electing Lynn Callantine & Jennifer Naehr as co-Vice Presidents of Communications say aye. No nays. No abstentions. The ayes have it.

·  All in favor of electing Kim Pike and Renee Barnes as co-Treasurers say aye. No nays. No abstentions. The ayes have it.

·  All in favor of electing Kate Quesada and Jamie Rydberg as Secretary say aye. No nayes. No abstentions. The ayes have it.

The officers elected for the IVE PTA for 2014 to 2015 are: Co-Presidents: Caryna Wilding and Sharilyn Tokumi, Co-Vice Presidents of Communications: Lynn Callentine and Jennifer Naehr,

Co-Treasurers: Kim Pike and Renee Barnes & Co-Secretary: Kate Quesada and Jamie Rydberg.

Guest Speaker – Seth Adams, Principle of Issaquah Middle School

Seth stated that this is his first year as Principal of Issaquah Middle School. Tim Baynes is the new Vice-Principal. Their goal is make school a place where kids enjoy learning. Seth loves working with the age of middle schoolers. IMS just completed fifth grade registration for the incoming new students. There is a different culture present and the administration is available to answer questions and be more fluid with the parents. The PTA at IMS is in need of more members. The administration at IMS would like to expand the electives that are available at the school. IMS is in need of parent participation to get programs created. Seth would like to be able to provide programs and experiences for the kids. The IMS PTA needs parent involvement on walkabout, programs, and creating more for the kids. Seth stated that more parent involvement creates opportunities in other areas for the kids.

Secretary’s Report

Hearing no changes, the January General Meeting Minutes will be filed and posted online as approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurers stated that most of the fundraisers made more money than the board projected. Principal Waters requested some grants that the board approved. The treasurers requested that all receipts be for the current school year need to be submitted no later than May 31, 2014. The board and the budget committee will be planning the budget for the 2015-2016 school year. Lori stated that now is the time to put requests in for the 2015-2016 budget.

Principal’s Update

The path for each kid is different and all kids do not need to be in AP classes and they don’t have to have straight A’s. Smart Balance assessment has been started. The testing has been going smoothly. After spring break will be the fourth graders will start the Smart Balance testing. The scores will be lower this year because it is a newly implemented program that has higher standards. We have four computer labs so that each classroom can test at the same time. Anxiety is becoming something that is becoming more prevalent due to the higher expectations in the schools. We are spending time with social and emotional learning so that we can be more effective. The school is performing more in budget planning. Through the fire fighter fund we are having breakfast for the kids. This program isn’t going to last so the school is requesting that the PTA continue it.

Staff Updates

Thanks the PTA for all that they do. Her experience with the Issaquah school district was that her child knew to advocate for herself. The kids are learning how to work hard.

Board Reports

Legislation: 3 bills that going through legislation are what IVE wanted social and emotional learning. The bill is in appropriations. It’s as far as it’s ever gone. Our school was good at legislations. Go to leg.wa.gov to see the legislators. The other bill is Breakfast after the bell. Once all the kids are in the school it allows carts to go to the classroom and gives the kids some protein. The bill is stalled in the senate. We have legislators working hard on the bill. The last bill is the capital projects bill. Gives districts money for … Essie will be starting a class to find where bills are, how to talk to legislators, and provide information on the legislation. You can get the link for the district PTA at the IVE PTA site.

Committee Chair Updates

Staff Appreciation – Thank you to the people that helped out at the last staff appreciation. The sign up list is up for the next luncheon.

Family Engineering Night – April 17 @6:30. Putting something in Enews. The program needs supplies and volunteers. The goal is for parents and kids to have a positive experience. Major things have changed since the adults were kids. Science is starting out in a positive way.

Mark calendar for May 28th IVE family night literacy team – 325 people to attend. There will be reading, math and writing stations. This event will teach parents how to read and do math with their kids.

May 21 is the last PTA general meeting. We will be going over the 2015-2016 budget. Planning on changing the meeting to the 14th

May 21st will be doing a student teacher luncheon. Save the date.

Golden Acorn winners for 2014-15 school year were Debbie Kuntz and Lizz Eng . The Outstanding Educator award went to Ann-Marie Petry and Allison Gullingsrud.

Meeting adjourned at 8:44pm.