Willow Tree Community Primary School / / Wetherby Road
01423 883551

Headteacher: Mrs Helen Davey

14th September 2015

Dear Parents and Carers

After-school Science Club for Years 3 to 6

Wednesday 23rd September – 21st October 3:15-4:15pm

Tracy Atkinson will be offering a Science Club for Years 3 to 6. She is a former Forensic Scientist and now a Science Technician at St John Fishers. Science Club will be running for the Autumn Term starting Wednesday 23rd September until 21st October, a total of 5 weeks. The sessions will take place inside Elm Classroom in Drummond Building.

If you are interested in your child joining the Science Club, please return the permission slips below by Thursday 17th September.

The cost of the club will be £21.25 for the term. When a place for your child has been confirmed, you will be able to pay online with ParentPay. All money must be paid by Wednesday 23rd September; otherwise the place will be given to children on the reserve list. We are sorry, but no refunds for absence can be given as we still have to pay the costs of the teaching each week.

There are some subsidised places for this club for children in receipt of free school meals. Please indicate on the reply slip if you are entitled and we will contact you.

Children will need: (Please ensure all kit is clearly named.)

·  apron/overall/ large shirt- some of the activities are messy or wet

Children will need to be collected from school at 4.15pm. If your child is in Year 5/6 please indicate on the slip below whether they are allowed to walk home.

Please note: This club may be subject to cancellation due to staff illness etc. We will let you know as early as possible. Please provide emergency contact details below should the club have to be cancelled.


Please return to school by Thursday 17th September 2015

Science Club Years 3-6 Autumn Term 2015

Child’s Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class ……………………………………….

Yes I would like a place on the Science after-school Club

I will pay £21.25 online using ParentPay by Wednesday 23rd September 2015

Year 5/6 – My child is allowed to walk home Yes/No

My child is entitled to free school meals Yes/No

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………

I give permission for the club teacher to contact me to notify me of any changes Yes/NoEmergency Contact name & telephone number ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………