INTRO: The love of God is an amazing thing. It is amazing in that God’s loves

everyone regardless of who they are, how wicked they are, or how they

treat Him. God’s love is amazing in that God has always loved us.

Jeremiah 31:3 declares, “..Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting

love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” But the most

amazing thing about God’s love is why He loves us. It is not because

we deserve it! We are loved because God is love and it is His very

nature to love mankind.

But there is yet another aspect of the amazing love of God I want you

to consider today and that reality is this: God’s love is a Faithful

Love, even when We are Faithless. What do we expect from our

Christian leaders? 1 Timothy 3:1-7 gives us the qualifications of a

leader: “This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he

desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband

of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to

teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but

patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own

house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man

know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the

church of God?). Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into

condemnation of the devil; Moreover he must have a good report of them

that are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

In discussing deacons, Paul wrote, “Even so must their wives be grave,

not slanders, sober, faithful in all things.” (1 Timothy 3:11).

What would you think of a pastor who married a prostitute? Not one

who was “gloriously saved from her past,” but one still practicing her

trade? What would be the gossip that surrounded them? How long

would he remain in a leadership position? Who would listen if he

were to say, “God told me to marry this woman”? What would our

response be?

This is exactly what faced the prophet Hosea. God told Hosea to take

a wife of harlotry, and he did it as an object lesson for the people of

Israel. What can we learn from Hosea and his harlot wife Gomer? Let

us see “A Picture of God’s Love,” as we continue our series on, “The

Remarkable Reality of The Love of God.” Notice three things with me

this morning:


HOSEA 1:2—“….And the LORD said to Hosea, GO, take thee a wife

of whoredoms and the children of whoredoms: for the land

hath committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD.”


A. The Reason for God’s Command. At God’s direction, Hosea took a

wife who was just as unfaithful to him as Israel was to her God. R. C.

Sproul, in his book, Loved By God, says, “The call to Hosea to marry a

harlot is based on the spiritual adultery God’s people committed

against Him.” (R. C. Sproul, Loved By God, p. 70.) The Lord, doubtless,

had good reasons for giving such a command to the prophet; it would

form an affecting picture of the Lord's unmerited goodness and

unwearied patience, and of the perverseness and ingratitude of Israel.

(Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary). The people of Israel, God’s

chosen people, had chased after the gods of the land. They had for-

saken the One true God and worshipped fake gods. They chose to

worship the creature instead of the Creator. Is this not how many are

today? Romans 1:25 speaks of those “who changed the truth of God

into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the

Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

ILLUS: Though we do not face a pantheon of false gods like the

Israelites did, we face pressures from a pantheon of false

values--materialism, love of leisure, sensuality, worship of self,

security, and many others. The second commandment deals

with idols. This may be something that most of us can't relate

to--unless we include life goals that revolve around something

other than God Himself. What is the object of our affections,

our efforts, and our attention? Where does the majority of our

time go? On what do we spend the greatest amount of our

resources? Today in the Word, June 14, 1989.

ILLUS: What other gods could we have besides the Lord? Plenty. For

Israel there were the Canaanite Baals, those jolly nature gods

whose worship was a rampage of gluttony, drunkenness, and

ritual prostitution. For us there are still the great gods Sex,

Shekels, and Stomach (an unholy trinity constituting one god:

self), and the other enslaving trio, Pleasure, Possessions, and

Position, whose worship is described as "The lust of the flesh

and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life" (1 John 2:16).

Football, the Firm, and Family are also gods for some. Indeed

the list of other gods is endless, for anything that anyone allows

to run his life becomes his god and the claimants for this

prerogative are legion. In the matter of life's basic loyalty,

temptation is a many-headed monster. James Packer, Your

Father Loves You, Harold Shaw Publishers, 1986.

B. The Response of The People to God’s Compassion. “…Committed

great whoredom, departing from the LORD.” “It was not Yahweh [God]

who left His people. Rather it was God’s people who departed from

Him. This departure is likened to a spouse’s abandoning fidelity to the

wedding vows. Such a departure indicates adultery.” (R. C. Sproul,

Loved By God, p. 71.) God shows us, in the marriage of Hosea and

Gomer, a picture of not only Israel, but of ourselves as we leave God

And pursue other “gods”: pleasure, things, money, position, etc.

How do we commit spiritual adultery?:

1.  By forgetting the great cost of our redemption (1 Cors. 6:19-20).

2.  By focusing on material things instead of eternal things

(Matthew 6:19-21).

3.  By following the desires of self instead of the direction of the

Spirit (Galatians 5:16).

ILLUS: Today's idols are more in the self than on the shelf.

Goudzwaard's three basic Biblical rules:

1. Every person is serving god(s) in his life.
2. Every person is transformed into an image of his god.
3. Mankind creates and forms a structure of society in its own


That for which I would give anything and accept nothing in

exchange is the most important thing in my life. Whatever

that is is my god (cf. Isa. 44:6-20). J. McMath.


HOSEA 1:3-2:20

*Even when we prove ourselves Faithless, God is still Faithful to us! He

blesses us even when we have forsaken HIM!

ILLUS: Man is always subject to error. He can be mistaken without

knowing it because he is fallible; he can also be mistaken

wittingly because the seed of sin is in him and he loves the

“darkness”—untruth, rather than the “light”—Truth. But God

the great, unwavering One in whom is no variableness, does not

confuse us by His changing ways. Every statement is sure; every

prophecy is secure; every promise is certain; every fact is verified

by the nature of His being. He is the One who can say, “Let God

be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4). We may build upon

His facts, promises, and prophecies, since they are His, and

because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (1).

*Look at God’s Faithfulness and provision for Faithless Gomer:

A.  The Children Born. Three children were born to Hosea and Gomer,

Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah, and Lo-Ammi. The names of each of these children showed the future for Israel. Jezreel predicts the fall of the dynasty of Jereboam II. Lo-Ruhamah, (literally No Mercy, “lo” means no in Hebrew), means exactly her name. Israel would receive no more mercy from God. Lo-Ammi may be the worst of all. His name meant “not my people.” No longer would the people of Israel be considered the people of God. “No greater tragedy can befall a nation than to change from being the people of God to not being the people of God. In this action God announces that He will divorce Israel on the grounds of adultery.” (R. C. Sproul, Loved By God, p. 73.) All of this because of the nation’s faithlessness. But notice…

B. The Compassion Bestowed. In vvs. 10-11, we see that even though the

Nation would prove unfaithful to God, God would remain faithful to

them. A remnant will survive. Even God, in his justice, tempers it with

mercy promising future restoration. Mercy is remembered in the midst of

wrath; the rejection, as it shall not be total, so it shall not be final. The

same hand that wounded, is stretched forth to heal. Very precious

promises are here given concerning the Israel of God, and they may be of

use to us now. Some think that these promises will not have

accomplishment in full, till the general conversion of the Jews in the

latter days. Also this promise is applied to the gospel, and the bringing

in both the Jews and Gentiles to it, by St. Paul, Rom_9:25-26, and by St.

Peter, 1Pe_2:10. To believe in Christ, is to have him for our Head, and

willingly to commit ourselves to his guidance and government. And let

us pray for the coming of the glorious day, when there shall be one Lord

through all the earth. (Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary).

God loves His people and even in those times when we prove Faithless,

He remains Faithful. He has promised in His Word, “I will never leave

thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5b).

C. The Consequences of Backsliding. There are always consequences to

sin. As Galatians 6:7 tells us, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for

whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Hosea had been good

to Gomer, but yet because of her whoredoms he had to divorce her. V5

tells us she “..hath played the harlot..” She went after other lovers.

Many times, we God’s people, go after many other lovers instead of

loving God supremely and following Him. “The divorce with the threat of

exposure of her sins and the withdrawal of mercy from her children is

designed to be corrective and curative rather than punitive.” (R. C.

Sproul, Loved By God, p. 74.) Even in the time of divorce, Hosea is

confident that God will restore His bride to Himself despite her

adultery.” (Sproul, p. 74.) Hosea pictures a blessed outcome for the

future. Gomer will be restored to Hosea and Israel will be restored to

God. God promises four blessings in Hosea 2:14-20:

1. “…I will…speak comfortably unto her.” (v14). He "speaks

comfortably" (literally, "speaks to her heart"). Have you ever had God

speak to you heart because of your waywardness? Because you “have

left your first love”? What a blessing conviction is. Israel was

obstinate and wayward, God literally had to “allure her and bring her

into the wilderness.” So obstinate is she that God has to "allure her,"

that is, so to temper judgment with unlooked-for grace as to win her

to His ways. For this purpose it was necessary to "bring her into the

wilderness" (that is, into temporal want and trials) first, to make her

sin hateful to her by its bitter fruits, and God's subsequent grace the

more precious to her by the contrast of the "wilderness." (Jamieson,

Fausset, & Brown Commentary on Hosea).

2.  “..I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of

Achor for a door of hope..” (v15a). Her vineyards - Many blessings. From thence - From the time of their repentance. Valley of Achor - Which was a large, fruitful and pleasant valley near Jericho, on the very entrance into the land of Canaan. A door of hope - That valley was a door of hope to Israel of old. And such a door will God give to repenting Israel. As in the days of her youth - When I espoused her.

(Wesley’s Explanatory Notes). from thence--returning from the wilderness. God gives Israel a fresh grant of Canaan, which she had forfeited; so of her vineyards. (Jamieson, Fausset, & Brown Commentary on Hosea). Aren’t you glad that after the valley of sin and despair, God opens for us a door of hope when we repent and turn back to Him?

3.  “..I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth (v17).

When our hearts are set on God all our idols will be removed and

taken away. Israel’s heart will be on her God and she will not follow

after idols.

4. “..I will betroth thee unto me forever…” (v19). "Betroth" is thrice

repeated, implying the intense love of God to His people; and perhaps,

also, the three Persons of the Triune God, severally engaging to make