Kindergarten Music - Units and Learning Targets

Unit 1 Rhythm – Ongoing

Essential Question: Is there a heartbeat in music? How do we know? How is sound organized to make music?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will comprehend and demonstrate a steady beat (B.4.9)

2.  Students will identify and use long and short sound (B.4.4)

3.  Students will understand that musical notation moves from left to right (E.4.4, E.4.5)

4.  Students will demonstrate and play the rhythm of the words (C.4.5)

Unit 2 Melody - Ongoing

Essential Question: How do we use our voices? How is melody created?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will identify and demonstrate high/low pitches (E.4.2)

2.  Students will differentiate between singing or speaking voice - voice exploration (F.4.5)

3.  Students will read and perform short melodic patterns using high/low pitches (B.4.4)

Unit 3 Harmony - Ongoing

Essential Question: How do I identify the use of accompaniment and no accompaniment?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will identify the use of accompaniment and no accompaniment in a song

Unit 4 Tone Color/Timbre - Ongoing

Essential Question: How can I sing my best? How do we use our voices?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will identify and demonstrate the different vocal sounds – singing, whispering, calling, talking (F.4.5)

2.  Students will differentiate between vocal timbres and instrumental timbres (F.4.5)

3.  Students will distinguish and identify the tone quality of small percussion instruments (F.4.5)

4.  Students will explore the use of body percussion (C.4.4)

5.  Students will use sound effects to enhance a story or dramatization (D.4.4)

Unit 5 Form - Ongoing

Essential Question: How can we represent different musical ideas?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will recognize the beginning and ending of a song

2.  Students will understand and perform echo vocally and instrumentally (C.4.5)

3.  Students will explore varied phrases (F.4.1)

4.  Students will identify same/different phrases (F.4.1)

Unit 6 Expression - Ongoing

Essential Question: How does music elicit emotion? How do we create emotion in music?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will understand and demonstrate the concept of loud and soft in musical sense (E.4.3)

2.  Students will understand and demonstrate fast and slow tempos (E.4.3)

3.  Students will listen to and respond to the mood of a musical composition emotionally and kinesthetically (high and low sounds, fast/slow tempi, loud/quiet dynamics, up/down melodic movement, sound and silence, mood style characteristics) (E.4.3, F.4.6)

Unit 7 History/Style - Ongoing

Essential Question: How does music communicate?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will listen to and participate in songs, musical games and dances from a variety of cultures (A.4.3, B.4.3, F.4.3)

2.  Students will identify how music connects with other subject areas (H.4.2)

Unit 8 Composition/Performance - Ongoing

Essential Question: What makes a significant and meaningful performance?

Learning Targets

1.  Students will sing songs with acceptable tone quality, pitch and expression (A.4.1, A.4.2)

2.  Students will respond to conductor’s cues while singing in an ensemble setting (A.4.5)

3.  Students will demonstrate appropriate audience and performance behaviors (I.4.1)

Terms to Know and Use:

sound/silence beat/rhythm long/short high/low

loud/soft fast/slow same/different AB form

echo singing voice talking voice whispering voice

calling voice