Facilitating and participating actively in the creation, maintenance and use of a network of trails for non-motorized use on San Juan Island.

San Juan Island Trails Committee Minutes – July 18, 2012

Present: Pete Dawson, Louise Dustrude, Bob Jean, Rik Karon, Mike Lazzari, Kyle Loring, Howie Rosenfeld. Meeting called to order at 5 pm by vice chair Mike Lazzari.

Howie Rosenfeld brought as guest the county administrator pro tem, Bob Jean, who described his support for trails and sidewalks in his previous job. Rik Karon asked for his support in clarifying the county right-of-way at the entrance to the Mitchell Hill part of English Camp and in improving parking in the area. He agreed he will call Rik.

Mike Lazzari told Mr. Jean of some of our concerns about trail standards that sometimes seem excessive for rural roads, and our interest in having rights-of-way clarified in areas where a roadside trail would be desirable. He also suggested that Public Works consider trails as an integral part of road improvements.

Mr. Jean told us there is a coordinating group among Public Works, County Parks, and the Land Bank that meets to discuss mutual concerns and suggested we might like to attend that group from time to time. He also said he’d like to see a budget for trails included in the county budget, even if in some years it has to be small.

Louise Dustrude reported that Airport manager Dave Ryan had sent the Trails Committee an email about how reconstruction of the taxiway will impact the trails at the airport from July 23 through approximately October 1. There will be trucks and heavy equipment moving during that time on Shelter Road and on the paved access road north from Shelter Road about 4/10 of a mile to a gate in the airport fence, making the area fairly hazardous for walkers. (This is the road many volunteers use to walk dogs from the shelter.) The trail from Spring Street past the airport terminal and looping around south of the college will not be affected, nor will the loop trail south of Shelter Road except for a staging area off Shelter Road, where airport crews will reroute (mow) the trail for a short distance. We are fortunate to have this trail and encourage the public to respect this temporary construction area.

Kyle Loring brought up the Bike Paths subcommittee and said it would probably ask to bemerged back into the Trails Committee to avoid duplication of effort.

Meeting adjourned at 6 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Louise Dustrude, Acting Secretary