Thursday 13th June 2013 - Year 5 ASDA Kwik Cricket

Champions of Crawley!

Our year 5 mixed teams all did extremely well in the recent ASDA Kwik Cricket Competition held at Ifield Cricket Club. Schools from across Crawley took part with many players experiencing cricket competition for the first time in a fun atmosphere. Teams consist of 4 boys and 4 girls; in or usual style, we took 3 teams to maximise the opportunities for our pupils.

Our A and B teams were drawn in the same mini-league and played each other first game – a close game ended with the A team victorious; our C team started badly with a defeat in their mini league. All of the teams gradually learned how to play in the event, picking up tips from their matches and developing tactics to beat their opponents. The C team picked up significantly and ended with 2 wins and a draw; the A and B ended up in a play-off to find their mini-league winners – this time the B team took revenge and got the narrow victory.

The event ran out of time to play a final between the two leagues so we ended up as joint champions of Crawley - but both winning teams progress to the county finals anyway. Unfortunately, due to us not managing to attract enough girls to play, our B team had five boys and three girls; therefore a team for the finals was selected from our A & B teams to ensure we are allowed to play in the County Final.

Thanks to Miss Potter & Miss Glanville for taking the teams. Well done everyone.


Pheobe Bower, Tegan Chorley, Spencer Harrington, James McHugh, Charlie Meadows,

Danni Simpson, Teresa Teixeira, Alex Thynne, Calum White

Matthew Aziamale, Bethany Barker, Natasha Bullen, Nathan Frost, Robert Hull, Sam Lawrence, Chloe Madureira, Aaron Stone

Ethan Austin-Way, Oliver Brazier, Daryan De Klerk, Gracie Griffiths, Samantha Lawrence,

Adeli Mboya, Katie McCafferty, Julia Ochelska, Joe Sutherland