Olivia Cooper Honors English 9 Jemison High College Academy 2016 - 2017

Welcome to my class! I hope to have a welcoming and open classroom environment where students feel safe and free to learn. Please know that parents and students can contact me with any concerns about the class, material, environment, etc. I hope to work as a team to see each student succeed.

Course Objectives:

  • To provide students with an appreciation of various reading genres and to improve students’ reading fluency and comprehension.
  • To provide students with an appreciation of various forms of writing and to improve students’ writing style, vocabulary, grammar, and voice.
  • To provide students with a life-long love of reading and writing and show the need for these skills in life.
  • To provide students with skills to master all required course standards as determined by the state of Alabama.
  • To prepare students for English Composition and an array of writing intensive college level courses.

Course description: In this course we will learn to improve our reading and writing through practice, a deep understanding of reading comprehension skills, discussion, and collaboration. We will focus on improving our vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, grammar, mechanics, editing skills, style, and research methods. We will read and write with a purpose: to think more critically, to become engaged citizens, and to better use the skills of critical reading and writing to open doors in our lives. The skills taught in English are used in every subject and throughout our daily lives. We will also connect the past with the present, and use these skills to better understand our roles in society. I have high expectations from all of you, because all of you are capable of achieving at high levels.

Course Topics: Fiction, Poetry, Essays, Informational texts, Writing, Grammar, and Speech.

Grades:Remember that grades are earned, never given.

60%Summative assessments which includes performance based assessments, quizzes, projects, and writing assessments.

30%In-class assignments that directly reflect course standards and materials.

10%Homework assignments that reinforce course standards and materials.

Absences and makeup work: Class attendance is the single most important factor in student success. The learning missed on any given day cannot be “made up” because the class experience cannot be repeated.Students have no more than3 DAYS after returning from an excused absence to makeup work. You are responsible for missed material. I will not take class time for this purpose, so please meet with me before or after class.

Unexcused absences/tardies: Students are expected to be here everyday. Excessive tardies and absences maylead to denial of course credit and an office referral. If you are more than ten minutes late, this will be considered skipping and an office referral will follow.

Materials: These are to be brought with you to class every day.

  1. Fully charged laptop.Every. Single. Day.
  2. Paper (preferably in a notebook).
  3. Pen or pencil (preferably a pen).
  4. Any assigned books, texts, and/or work for that day.
  5. Method of organization be it binder, notebook/folder combo, etc.
  6. Flash drive (highly recommended).

Expectations: Each student is expected to act and operate in a responsible and mature manner. As teacher, I reserve the right to adjust consequences for major/minor offenses as I deem fit. Put simply: Work Hard. Be Nice.

  1. Keep your head up.
  2. Use appropriate and positive language.
  3. SLANT(Sit up, Listen, Ask questions, Note take, Track the speaker)
  4. Listen to others when speaking, and speak when it is your turn.
  5. Respect others, all staff, and property.
  6. Give your best effort.
  7. Clean up after yourself.
  8. Be prepared and on time.
  9. Follow directions of all adults in the building.


  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Student conference.
  3. Parent phone call.
  4. Loss of privileges.
  5. Parent, teacher, student, administration conference.
  6. Office referral


  1. Enter the class maturely, take your seat, and begin your Do Now. Take out any homework and place on your desk.
  2. If you are tardy, please take your seat quietly, without disturbing Ms. Cooper or your colleagues. Excessive tardies will result in a disciplinary referral.
  3. Use the restroom before or after class. Seriously.
  4. If you finish your work: read or work on another assignment. Be productive.
  5. If you are absent, you are responsible for make-up work. Check Edmodo for assignments. Questions about missed work are taken before/after class or school.
  6. This is a community. Everyone participates.

Cell phones: I would love my students to learn how to operate a cell phone in a professional environment. We will work on this as a class. Until we get it down: I don’t want to see it; I don’t want to hear it.

After-school tutoring: I plan on offering after school tutoring for my class assignments and general reading and writing skills. All tutoring begins at 3:20. Please see me to set up an appointment.

**Students will adhere to ALL policies set forth by Jemison High School and Huntsville City Schools – NO EXCEPTIONS. Abidance by these policies will ensure success for students in and will create a productive and hardworking academic environment.

Return to Ms. Cooper by Friday, August 12th, 2016.

I have read the syllabus and agree to abide by all classroom school, and district rules and policies.

Student name: ______

Student signature:______Date: ______

I have read the syllabus and agree to encourage my student to follow all classroom, school, and district rules and policies. I agree to contact Ms. Cooper with any concerns I have about my child, and to work with Ms. Cooper to facilitate my child’s success.

Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______

Phone Number(s): ______

Email Address:______

Best method for contact (text, email, phone call, etc.): ______

How can I best help your child this year? ______

Anything else that I should know about your child?
