Minutes of Meeting of the Village Centre Committee

7pm, 14 September 2011

The Village Centre, Dickleburgh

PRESENT; Chris Davy, Molly Ball, Richard Syrett, Terry Clarkson and Claire Sparkes (Clerk)

  1. To consider accepting apologies for absence.
  2. Richard Syrett has work commitments.
  3. Apologies accepted.
  1. To approve the minutes from the last Village Centre Committee meeting held on 8th June and 6th July 2011.
  2. Approved.
  1. To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest from members on any item to be discussed.
  2. None received.
  1. To discuss matters arising from the last meeting – for information purposes only – incl;
  2. Bookings and hire rates

The Table Tennis Club has asked whether they can hire the hall at a reduced rate for a fundraising event.Action – Clerk – to let Stuart know, letting him know that Thursdays and Sundays are currently free.

The Bridge Club have asked for a discount for a block booking, using the main hall for £10 for the duration of two training courses. Approved.

There has been a problem with the lunch club leaving unwashed crockery in the dishwasher and food in the microwave. Additionally, SNC are coming to inspect the kitchen on 3rd October when the next lunch club runs. Action – Clerk – to write to Sally Pitwood regarding these problems.

Short mat bowls are possibly looking to run an 8 week course in the village centre on Thursday nights, starting on October 27th.

  1. The stage

The only dates requiring the stage are Saturday 7th and 22nd October.

Action – Cllr Clarkson- to talk to Mr Richards about sharing the school stage.

  1. Health and Safety Action Points

A Health and Safety Policy has been drafted for discussion later on the agenda

The Health and Safety File has been prepared and placed in the kitchen. However, it is a work in progress.

A fully stocked first aid kit has been put in the kitchen cupboard. Users have been asked to report any usage to the Clerk. However, the first aid kit needs to be checked periodically.

Accident reporting forms are in the Health and Safety File

The new standard terms and conditions of hire ensure hirers are aware of their health and safety responsibilities. All users (except Sally Pitwood and Mike Wilby) have either attended a User Group meeting, or had a one-to-one meeting outlining their H&S responsibilities, giving them an emergency fire action plan and user group meeting handout.

I have bought an H&S at Work Poster (part of our legal obligations).

As owner of the VC, the PC considered an asbestos management survey at the last meeting.

Outstanding – appointment of an H&S Committee and risk assessment for Legionnaires Disease. I also need to complete posters for the kitchen and toilets about hand washing and disposal of sanitary waste.

  1. Update on maintenance work by the plumber

Nothing new needs to be done.

  1. Fire safety action points

The electrical fixed installation has been tested and serviced by Darren Lummis.Action – Clerk – to read the report thoroughly.

An emergency plan has been put in place and all regular user groups have been given a copy of the plan. A number of the emergency action plans have been printed out and are available in the Health and Safety File.

Debbie has said she would be happy to test the fire alarms. I just need to work what she needs to do and when.

Action – Clerk – toconfirm arrangements about testing the lighting system etc.

  1. User group meeting

This was very successful. It was good to get feedback from all users. Another one will be planned for January 2012.

  1. To receive and approve the monthly financial report
  2. Approved.
  3. Action – Clerk – to send Cllr Davy a record of the PC use of the VC.
  4. Payments have been a lot higher than anticipated so the committee considered deferring installing the flowmeters until next year.
  5. The oil tank needs filling up. Action – Clerk – to arrange to fill the tank up with oil.
  1. To review terms of reference for the Committee
  2. The committee agreed the following terms of reference and will recommend them to the PC;
  3. To manage the Village Centre in line with Parish Council and Charitable Law.
  4. To manage the Village Centre for the benefit of the community.
  5. Membership – 3 Councillors and the Parish Clerk. Three members from the community will be invited to join the committee once the initial set up period is over.
  6. Quorum – To have a quorum 3 members of the committee must be present. At least 2 of these must be Parish Councillors.
  7. 2010/11 membership – Chris Davy, Terry Clarkson, Richard Syrett, Tony Pyle, Molly Ball and Claire Sparkes (Clerk).
  1. To confirm bank account signatories
  2. Bank signatories were confirmed as Chris Davy, Terry Clarkson and Tony Pyle.Action – Cllr Davy and Cllr Pyle – to organise the paperwork.
  1. To consider the position of the D&R Sports and Social Club with respect to renewing the Occupational Licence
  2. As a final deadline I have given DRSSC to Monday 19 September 2011, to get the documents to us.
  3. If they don’t get the documents to us we will organise a meeting discuss.
  1. To discuss the use of profits made by the Charity (D&RVCMC)
  2. HMRC advice says that if you give any profits outside the organization then you should be treated as a not for profit organization for tax purposes.
  3. This has implications for the photovoltaic cells project.
  1. To discuss hire rates for equipment used outside the VC
  2. £2.50 per table to include collection and return in good condition. Approved.
  1. To approve the Village Centre Risk Assessment
  2. Approved. Action – Clerk – to put together a to do list with days etc.
  1. To approve and add to the Village Centre Health and Safety Policy
  2. Deferred to the next meeting.
  1. To consider changes to the premises licence
  2. Deferred to the next meeting.
  1. To discuss the plans and advertising for the VC Open Day on 29th September
  2. A number of groups have agreed to have a stand at the VC open day. Plenty remains to be organized.
  3. Because a number of people can’t make the date, it was agreed to lessen the scale of the day, restricting it to training providers only. A community open day would be held later in the year.
  4. Action – Cllr Clarkson – to speak to Sally Pitwood about catering.
  5. Action –Clerk – to put together a questionnaire asking training providers what they need from the training venue.
  6. Action – Clerk – to ask Debbie to give the hall an extra clean on Wednesday or Thursday.
  1. To consider the BIG Redevelopment Project Plan
  2. Confirmed the date of the trip to Hempnall for 26th September in the morning.
  3. Much discussion was had about the legal structure of the PC/charity. It was agreed that we need to take legal advice on this subject.
  4. The Clerk also recommended the appointment of a project fundraiser/consultation specialist to work on the project several days a week for a few months.
  1. To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the date of the next meeting.
  2. PC meeting –legal structure.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.40pm

Chairman...... Date......