College of Agriculture and Life Sciences / TOM SLICK GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP
Nomination Form

Tom Slick Graduate Research Fellowship

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Nominee’s Name______UIN______

TAMU Mailing Address ______

Phone ______E-mail______

Eligibility Requirements:

Degree Program PhD Degree you are pursing

_____ Agricultural Economics in the Department of Agricultural Economics

_____ Animal Science, Animal Breeding, or Physiology of Reproduction in the Dept of Animal Science

_____ Horticultural in the Department of Horticultural Sciences

_____ Poultry Science in the Department of Poultry Science

_____ Ecosystem Science and Management in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Mgmt.

_____ Agronomy, Plant Breeding, or Soil Science in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences

_____ Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences

Answer Yes or No

_____GPR 3.5 or above: ______current cumulative GPR

_____Completed preliminary exam ______or ______

Date Completed Date Scheduled

_____Full time student (9 credit hours fall, spring, 6 credit hours summer)

_____ Degree program approved by the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies; date ______

_____ All coursework completed, except 681 and 691

If no, list courses yet to be taken:

Expected Graduation Date: ______

Month Year

If fellowship is received, do you plan on being on other means of support?

GAT ______GANT ______GAR _____Percent effort ______

Name: ______

Major: ______Department: ______

Chair Advisory Committee: ______Email ______

PhD Dissertation Proposal:

Full Title: ______



Date filed with OGAPS: ______if not, date submitted to committee: ______

Abbreviated CV


GPR ______GRE: Verbal _____ Quant: _____ Written _____ Total: ______TOEFL: ______

Awards and Honors (please list)

Publications and Grants

Refereed Journal articles



In Review

Non-Refereed or editor reviewed publications, chapters or books.

Presentations – abstracts and posters presented at scientific meetings








Leadership and Experiential Learning

List Internships

List Organizations and Offices Held

Department Level


State Level

National Level

List International Experience(s)

List Teaching Experience (s)

Statement from the applicant

Give reason for applying for a Tom Slick Fellowship, significance your research, and any biographical information that the applicant deems necessary. (1 page maximum)

Brief summary of the applicant's Dissertation Proposal and progress to date (1 page maximum)

Required Additional Information to be included the Nominations Packet

As separate PDF documents submit:

  1. Letter of recommendation from the Chair of the student's graduate advisory committee (major professor).
  2. A current copy of the Degree Program approved by the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies with amendments as necessary.


Student Signature Major Professor Signature

Submit one (1) copy of Nomination Form, Chair letter, and Degree Program as a bookmarked PDF to:

Theresa Nemec,

Copy: David Reed,

By: COB November 17, 2014

Email PDF of completed & signed application to:

Theresa Nemec, , and copy David Reed,