Janie Brown

Ag for Teachers

Lesson Plan #2

July 20, 2012

Title: Farmers Grow Grains to Feed Farm Animals and Humans

Audience: First Grade

Duration: 30 Minutes


1.) The Students will know the importance of agriculture to humans.

2.) The Students will learn what farm animals are fed.

3.) The Students will learn how some of the foods animals are fed and and also used to make food for humans.

Process Skills:

1.) Observation

2.) Comparing

3.) Analyzing

4.) Communication

5.) Identification


1.) 3.2A Inquiry and Design

2.) 4.2.4A Identify Needs of People

2.) 4.4.4A Know importance of Agriculture to Humans


Read Aloud: From Wheat to Bread (Start to Finish, Second Series:Food) by Stacy Taus-Bolstad

4 bowls

Baggies of Wheat, Soy, Flax, and Corn grains

Soy MIlk carton

MultiGrain Bread

Corn Muffin box

Flax Oil or Seeds


White board

Anticipatory Set:

Read Aloud: From Wheat to Bread (Start to Finish, Second Series: Food)

Table Display: 4 Grains in individual bowls

Display on Whiteboard: Picture of a Cow and a Human


1.) The Teacher will gather the children on the rug.

2.) The Teacher will read the Read Aloud.

3.) The Teacher will ask the children “what do you think cows are fed on a farm?”

4.) The Teacher will record the children’s answers on the whiteboard..

5.) The Teacher will pose the question, “What do humans eat?”

6.) The Teacher will dismiss children 4 at a time to observe the bowls of grains at the table and then return to rug.

7.) The Teacher will bring out the various food containers.

8.) The Teacher will ask the children to identify the various food items.

9.) The Teacher will identify the 4 grains for students.

10.) The Teacher will ask the students to match the products to the grains.

11.) The Teacher will read the labels on the food containers to the children to instill an understanding of the grain ingredients in the products.

12.) The Teacher will lead a discussion with the children about which foods both humans and cows consume and revisit the childrens answers on the whiteboard.


1.) By the children’s responses when comparing the products to the grains, the Teacher will determine their understanding of how cows and humans can consume the same grain or grain products.