NDPC-SD Web Site
Monthly Statistics – August 2007
Total Page Views (English): 6,574
Total Page Views (Spanish): 1,113
Top 10 Most Viewed Pages (English):
- NDPC-SD Home Page (default.htm). 3,348views.
- Effective Practices and Strategies (practices/index.htm). 228views.
- Resources Overview (resources/index.htm). 185views.
- 2006 SEA Forum (resources/seaforum2006.html). 161 views.
- About NDPC-SD (about/index.htm). 152 views.
- Events Calendar (calendar/index.htm). 133 views.
- eConnections (econnections/index.htm). 129 views.
- Technical Assistance (assistance/index.htm). 128 views.
- Contact Information (contact.htm). 124 views.
- Teleseminar/Web Seminar Archives (econnections/archives.htm). 110 views.
Top 10 Most Viewed Pages (Spanish):
- Página Principal de NDPC-SD (espanol/index.htm). 75views.
- La Privacidad (espanol/privacy.htm). 49views.
- Welcome (espanol/index2.htm). 36 views.
- Mapa del sitio (espanol/sitemap.htm). 35 views.
- Sobre el NDPC-SD (espanol/about/index.htm). 33 views.
- Noticias Electrónicas (espanol/enews/index.htm). 33 views.
- Las Estrategias y Prácticas(espanol/practices/strategies.htm). 31views.
- eConexiones (espanol/econnections/index.htm). 30 views.
- Recursos (espanol/resources/index.htm). 30 views.
- Prácticas Efectivas(espanol/practices/index.htm). 30 views.
Top 10 Downloads:
- Collecting Post-School Outcome Data: Strategies for Increasing Response Rates (/docs/final_pso_doc.pdf). 372 downloads.
- Building Effective Dropout Preventions Programs (/assistance/docs/building_effective_dropout_prevention_programs.pdf). 226 downloads.
- Dropout Prevention for Students with Disabilities: Evidence-based Programs that Work (docs/oklahoma_transition_conf_ppt.pdf). 215 downloads.
- PowerPoint presentation: “Dropout Prevention for Students with Disabilities: Recommendations for Teachers” (/assistance/docs/recommendations_for_teachers--20060920.pdf).179downloads.
- Big Ideas: Recommendations for Teachers (/docs/recommendations+for+teachers+_ss+article+for+big+ideas_.pdf) 156 downloads.
- Effective Instruction: An Inconspicuous Strategy for Dropout Prevention (/docs/inconspicuousstrategy_bostriccomini20070511.pdf).122 downloads.
- Effective Interventions in Dropout Prevention: A Practice Brief for Educators, Volume 1, Number 1 (resources/docs/prctbrief.pdf). 109 downloads.
- The Big Four: A Framework for Improving Instruction That Leads to School Completion (/econnections/knight-070213/knight_materials.pdf) 99 downloads.
- A Few Steps to Better Data(/assistance/docs/a_few_steps_to_better_data.pdf).99 downloads.
- Bringing Research and Practice Together The Coca-Cola Valued Youth Program (/resources/docs/seaforum2006/cortez_cortez--coca-cola_valued_youth.pdf) 98 downloads.
Page View Statistics (English) for the Past 12 Months:
August 2006: 8,351
September 2006: 7,240
October 2006: 8,435
November 2006:7,018
December 2006:6,545
January 2007:6,988
February 2007:7,131
March 2007:7,266
April 2007:6,123
May 2007:7,764
June 2007: 7,972
July 2007: 7,215
August 2007: 6,574
For March through May 2006, the number of page views is estimated. During June, July, and August, the two primary sites (NDPC/N and NDPC-SD) were combined, and separate page view counts were available for the English and Spanish NDPC-SD content. Over those three months, NDPC-SD English page views represented an average of 14.06% of the totals. This average was used to estimate the share of total page views during March through May attributable to NDPC-SD English content.
Page View Statistics (Spanish) for the Past 12 Months:
August 2006: 2,169
September 2006: 402
October 2006: 241
November 2006: 455
December 2006:1,220
January 2007:830
February 2007:890
March 2007:1,242
April 2007:1,098
May 2007:1,025
June 2007: 1,335
July 2007: 1,252
August 2007: 1,113
For March through May 2006, the number of page views is estimated. During June, July, and August, the two primary sites (NDPC/N and NDPC-SD) were combined, and separate page view counts were available for the English and Spanish NDPC-SD content. Over those three months, NDPC-SD Spanish page views represented an average of 3.77% of the totals. This average was used to estimate the share of total page views during March through May attributable to NDPC-SD Spanish content.