Organizingclub / Licensenumber /  / National, Intern. exhibition
 / World-, Jointshow
 / WCF Rings
In: City, country / Date (1 report per day): /  / Master Rings
 / Special Shows
Total numberofcats / Numberofjudges / Catalog according to the show rules / Yes
Organization, general / Best in Shows / Number of cats in the rings
Equipment exhibition hall / Good
Excellent / Longhair / Yes
No / Adult-Ring
total: / placed:
WCF Logo existing in the
hall? / Yes
No / Semi- Longhair / Yes
No / Junior/Kitten-Ring
total: / placed:
Awards / Yes
No / Shorthair / Yes
No / Neuter-Ring
total: / placed:
Accommodationofjudges / Good
Excellent / Siam- ORI / Yes
No / Master-Ring total:
Working placeofjudges / Good
Excellent / Hairless / Yes
No / Double Master Ring total:
Correct working papers handed out to judges / In time
belated / Others / Yes
No / Triple Master-Ring total:
Stewards / Sufficient
Unsufficient / Ifothers, which? / Jubilee/other Special Ring
Assessment oforganizationalprocedures / Breed Shows according to the license?
Exhibition office / Excellent
Below standard / Race: / Number:
Rings / Excellent
Below standard / Race: / Number:
Special Shows / Excellent
Below standard / Race: / Number:
Best in Shows / Excellent
Below standard / Race: / Number:
Beginning and end of the exhibition / Excellent
Below standard / Fun Shows according to the license?
If you noticed something that did not comply with the rules, please detailed description here:

Your name,yoursignaturedate of thereport

Please send the report within 10 days of the exhibition to: