NCFSWC Careers in Scholarship Application 2018/19 Page 5 of 5
2018/19 Careers in Conservation Scholarship Application
The purpose of the scholarship is to increase the number of college graduates from a North Carolina institution who are qualified for careers in natural resource conservation and other closely related fields that aligns with the mission of local Soil and Water Conservation Districts.
§ Current applications can be downloaded from the Foundation’s website
§ Arrange for your college to submit all current college transcripts in a sealed envelope to the Foundation’s address listed below. High School transcripts are acceptable if the applicant has not completed a semester of college as of December 31, 2017.
§ Attach additional pages as needed.
§ Recipients will be notified by April 2018.
§ Submit completed forms via mail or email (scanned copies with original signature) to
NC Foundation for Soil and Water Conservation
5171 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 330, Raleigh NC 27612-3266
Email –
Personal Information – All applicants complete this Section.
Name: (First, Middle, Last)
Home Address:
County of Residence:
Mother’s Name:
Father’s Name:
Best Daytime Phone Number (Home/Cell/Work):
Email Address:
High School Academic Information - Complete this Section if you have not completed one semester of College as of December 31, 2017, otherwise proceed to next section.
High School Name:
Rank in Class / Number of Students in Class:
SAT Scores or ACT Scores and date of examination:
List any high school classes (excluding general requirement classes) completed that support your selected college major:
List all school related extra-curricular activities (list by organization name and any positions held):
List all school related awards and honors received in last four years:
College Academic Information - Complete this Section if you are currently enrolled in College.
Please indicate your anticipated student status as of January 2017 by marking one of the following:
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
List all colleges attended including start/end dates:
If you have a gap in years enrolled, please explain:
List your major, all courses you have completed in your major and number of credit hours (exclude core class requirements, focus on classes in major only):
List all college related extra-curricular activities (list by organization name and any positions held):
List all college related awards and honors received:
Describe any research related projects you are actively engaged in:
Community and Civic Affairs Information – All applicants complete this Section.
List all activities, list by organization name and any positions held (exclude any listed in college related extra-curricular activities box above):
List all awards and honors received in last four years (exclude any listed in college related awards and honors received box above):
Work History – All applicants complete this Section.
Employment History for last five years (list beginning and end dates, company name, and job title):
Are farming or agribusiness enterprises a major activity for you? Circle yes or no
Describe the farming/agribusiness enterprise and your level of participation (crop types, animals raised, products sold):
Describe lessons learned from the farming/agribusiness enterprise that enhances your interest in pursuing a college degree in a related field:
Statement of Career Goals – All applicants complete this Section
In the space below, share your aspirations regarding your educational and career goals.
Financial Need– All applicants complete this Section.
List other scholarships by name and amount that you will receive in the upcoming academic year:
List the estimated total direct cost for your upcoming academic year:
List the dollar value of financial resources available to you including from your family:
List the remaining financial support need to fully fund your upcoming academic year:
Optional Question - List any financial hardships that you or your family is undergoing currently that you think is important for the Scholarship Committee to know. Any responses will not be shared outside of the committee review process:
It is acceptable to attach additional sheets if the space provided for answers is not adequate.
REFERENCES – Attach up to three references with contact information. Letters of recommendation are encouraged. A supporting letter from your Soil and Water Conservation District board is highly encouraged.
Affirmation Statement
All information given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and truthful. It is my understanding that in order to receive the scholarship I must maintain good academic standing with the college I am attending. When requested by the Foundation I will provide my academic and disciplinary records for use in the scholarship decision-making process only.
Sign Name:
Print Name:
Date: NC Foundation for Soil and Water Conservation, Inc.
5171 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 330 Raleigh, NC 27612-3266
P: 919.510.4599