BTEC Level 1/2First Award in Sport

Unit 3 / The Mind and Sports Performance
Assignment 3 / Arousal and Anxiety and Effects on Sports Performance
Learning aims / C: Know about arousal and anxiety, and the effects they have on sports performance.
Date issued
19/01/2015 / Hand in Date
02/02/2015 / Date of Assessment
12/02/2015 / Duration
10 hours
Learning Aim:
C / Assessor
Working as a sports psychologist for a semi-professional sports team you have been asked to prepare a range of resources that could be used to help improve the team’s performance.
In order to achieve the grading criteria you must show that you are able to:
2B. P6 / P6 Describe, using relevant examples, different types of anxiety.
2B. P7 / Describe, using four theories, the effect arousal and anxiety have on sports performance and their control.
2B. M3 / Assess, using four theories, the effect arousal and anxiety have on sports performance and their control.
2B. D3 / Evaluate imagery and relaxation techniques as methods of controlling arousal and anxiety, and in improving sports performance.
Task 1 / Anxiety and Arousal (P6, P7, M3)
Method / Poster
Design / On your poster make sure that you have included the following information:
  • At the top:
  • Title of the course
  • Unit number and name
  • Assignment number and name
  • Task Title
  • Your name
  • Date of creation
  • List all references at the end
  1. Topic box 1:
  2. - Subtitle: Anxiety
  3. –Definition of anxiety (referenced)
  4. – Explain anxiety in your own words using sporting examples
  5. – List the different types of anxiety
  6. – For each type of anxiety, write a definition in your own words
  7. – Give sporting examples for each type of anxiety
Topic box 2 - 4: (the theories of arousal)
For each theory look at how arousal and anxiety affect sports performance.
-Define the theory (reference)
-In your own words explain the theory
-Give relevant sporting examples to help explain the theory
Topic box 5:
-Subtitle Controlling arousal and anxiety
-List the techniques that can be used to control anxiety
-For each technique; define the technique
-Explain the technique in your own words
-Give relevant sporting examples for each techniques
Somewhere on the poster make sure you have included a list of sources that you have used.
Content /
  1. Topic C.1: Definition of anxiety (definition)
Topic C.2: Types of anxiety:
  • State (definition, example)
  • Trait (definition, example)
  • Somatic, physical effects (definition, example)
  • Cognitive, mental effects (definition, example)
Topic C.3: How arousal and anxiety affect sports performance:
  • Drive theory (definition, example)
  • Inverted U hypothesis (definition, example)
  • Catastrophe theory (definition, example)
  • Reversal theory (definition, example)
Topic C.4: How anxiety and arousal can be controlled:
  • Imagery (example)
  • Relaxation techniques (example)

Task 2 / Practical assessment: Imagery and Relaxation (D3)
Method / Practical assessment in class and teacher observation report.
Design / This task is a practical one whereby students will be asked to take part in a workshop.
You will be asked to take part in a workshop exploring the different methods of controlling anxiety and arousal.
During this workshop you will demonstrate how imagery and relaxation will work in a sporting setting. You will also be questioned on your knowledge of these methods by using relevant examples.
Prior to this workshop you will need to ensure that you know the following information. You can bring notes in to the workshop to help you:
-What ways are there of controlling anxiety?
-What are the benefits of each technique?
-Why might these techniques not work for some athletes?
-Why is it important that athletes know ways to control their anxiety and arousal?
The teacher will be observing and recording evidence to demonstrate what grade you have achieved in this assignment.
Content / Topic C.4: How anxiety and arousal can be controlled:
Relaxation techniques
Reference Help / Sources of Information
Books / Adams, M., Armstrong, R., Gledhill, A., Hancock, J., Harris, B., Phillippo, P. and Sergison, A., BTEC First Sport Student Book, Pearson Education, 2013 (ISBN 978-1-4469-0161-8)
Burton, D. and Raedeke, T. D., Sport Psychology for Coaches, Human Kinetics, 2008 (ISBN 978-0-7360-3986-4)
Cox, R., Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010 (ISBN 978-0-0710-8622-6)
Weinberg, R. S. and Gould, D., Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology 5th Edition, Human Kinetics, 2010 (ISBN 978-0-7360-8323-2)
Websites / Association for Applied Sport Psychology Principles of Effective Goal Setting
Brian Mac Sports Coach
Mind Tools
Peak Performance Online
Rhonda Cohen Sport Psychologist for Extreme Sports
Stress Management for Peak Performance
Journals/ articles
If you have not achieved the level 2 criteria, you work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criteria have been met
1C.6 / Outline different types of anxiety.
1C.7 / Describe, using two theories, the effect arousal and anxiety have on sports performance and their control.