Reading Review

Step 1:
Review the Key Words / Step 2:
Review the Reading / Step 3:
Complete the Activity / Step 4:
Read the Text Aloud

(September 26-30)

Activity – Multiple Choice

Use the information from your magazine to choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Where will Tonya travel to?
A. England
B. Singapore
C. Africa
D. Canada
2. What is Singapore’s national dish?
A. Fish
B. Beef noodle soup
C. Chicken rice
D. Pizza
3. What can you do at Jurong Bird Park?
A. Learn how to fly an airplane
B. Climb a mountain
C. Shop at markets and small shops
D. See many different types of birds
4. Where will Susie NOT go during her time in Singapore?
A. Jurong Bird Park
B. The zoo
C. The national museum in Taipei
D. Sentosa Island
5. What subject did Mr. VanDoren teach?
A. Science
B. Reading
C. Art
D. History / 6. Who was Mr. Tan?
A. Simon’s math teacher
B. Gordon’s philosophy teacher
C. Christina’s science teacher
D. Stephanie’s music teacher
7. What does Taylor like to watch during a storm?
A. The trees and leaves
B. The rain and wind
C. Airplanes
D. People
8. During a storm, most people don’t think about what?
A. Having flashlights
B. Buying food and snacks
C. Filling up their car with gas
D. Preparing candles
9. What can strong wind do?
A. Blow things down
B. Clean the buildings
C. Make a rainbow
D. Water the plants
10. Ben, the weatherman, said people should watch out for what?
A. Cats and dogs
B. Windows and doors
C. The sun
D. Falling tree branches
Step 1:
Review the Key Words / Step 2:
Review the Reading / Step 3:
Complete the Activity / Step 4:
Read the Text Aloud
Step 1:
Review the Key Words / Step 2:
Review the Reading / Step 3:
Complete the Activity / Step 4:
Read the Text Aloud