theThe main statue in the Seokguram Grottowill leave visitors speechless.

Gyeongju,the evergreen spirit of the SillaShilla thathas been alive for a thousand years.

King Munmu'sUnderwater Tomb

Tomb of King Sinmunof the SillaShillaKingdomDynasty

Anapji Pond

Gyeongju Historic Relics Area

(Registered a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO on Dec. 2, 2000.)



Hwangnyongsa Temple








Bulguksa Seokguram

(Registered a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO on July. 31, 2010.)

YangdongVillage Oksanseowon Dongnakdang

Korea's FolkVillage

BulguksaTemple, Seokguram Grotto, and the Gyeongju Historic

Relics Area and YangdongFolkVillage are UNESCO designatedWorld Cultural Heritages.

Always beautiful and fair, this world-recognized millennial city isthe face of the SillaShilla

Gyeongju, the evergreen spirit of the SillaShilla thathas been alive for a thousand years

Designateda cityof worldcultural heritageby UNESCO

Bulguksa Seokguram Grotto

(Added to the UNESCO World Heritage List on December 9, 1995)

Gyeongju was the capital city of SillaShilla for 992 years.

The history of Gyeongju, which was once called Seorabeol,is also the history of the thousand-year-old SillaShillaKingdomDynasty.

Gyeongju embraces a radiant ancient culture that whereflourished Buddhism, science,and the arts and crafts of the people of SillaShilla flourished,and the great spirits of Hwarangdo which attained theunification the three kingdoms.

This is why Gyeongju is so well preserved by its peopleand it is also why it has bebeen designated as aWorld Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

The evergreen spirit of SillaShillahas been alive herefor nearly a thousand years.

Gyeongju is truly a museum without walls.

The treasure of a brilliantcultural heritage

Welcome to Gyeongju

BulguksaTemple Region

A place where the epitome of the UnifiedSillaShilla can be felt through the BulguksaTemple, Seokguram Grotto and more.

Mt.Namsan Region

You can see numerous cultural heritagesthrough living witnesses of SillaShilla historyhidden in the valleys and ridges of themountain.

Gyeongju Downtown Region

A place where the distant lives of the pastcoexist with today's culture.

BomunLake Region

An international standard tourist complexsurrounded by beautiful nature andvarious cultural facilities.

Gyeongju,a millennial city that touches tingles your heart just by hearing its name

The Rrich spirit of SillaShilla’ culture that embodies everything you see

A sSubtle and profound affectionis felt with every step you take

Once the international city of ancient Northeast Asia,

Gyeongju was connected toalong the Silk Road passage.

Today, it is born againreborn as athe representative cityof culture and history in Korea.


Downtown Tour

Feel the evergreen spirit of theone-thousand-year-old SillaShillaKingdomDynasty

Breathe the Millennium 10·11

Feeling the essence of the cultureof Unified SillaShilla

BulguksaTemple Region

Among the five summits of theSillaShilla (the east summit of Mt. Tohamsan, thewest summit of Mt. Gyeryongsan, the south summit of Mt. Jirisan, the northsummit of Mt. Taebaeksan and the central summit of Mt. Palgongsan), theEast summit of Mt. Tohamsan was held sacred as the a guardian mountainthat protecteds the country from the Japanese pirates. Mt.Tohamsan is the holymountain of SillaShilla which preserves BulguksaTemple and Seokguram Grottowhich have embodied the idea of Buddhist nation in the form of a building.

BulguksaTemple Region :

BulguksaTemple -Dongri Mokwol Literary museum -

Seokguram Grotto -Yeongji Pond-Gwaereung Tomb

Breathe the Millennium 12·13

An EternalPalace of Buddha


(Historic site and scenic spot No. 1)

BulguksaTemple, located southwest of Mt.Tohamsan, is the palace of Buddhawhere the idea of Buddhist nation is expressed through harmony and balance. Itis the basis of Unified SillaShilla culture accomplished by the aesthetics and scienceof the people of the SillaShillaKingdomDynasty. According to <Samgukyusaa historical account written by Ilyeon,it was established by Kim Dae-seong for his parents in 751, listed as (the 10th year of KingGyeongdeok's ruling). BulguksaTemple is a masterpiece of temple art of theUnified SillaShilla era created by architecture and Buddhism of SillaShilla and the beautifulnatural surroundings of Mt.Tohamsan. (Registered as a UNESCO World CulturalHeritage on Dec. 9, 1995) (054)746-9913 15-1, Jinhyeon-dong 10, 11, 12

Yeonhwagyo and ChilbogyoBridges of

BulguksaTemple (National Treasure No. 22)

The stepping stone of the YeonhwagyoBridge ismade up of ten steps and haves carvings of lotus

flowers. The seven steps of the ChilbogyoBridgesymbolize seven treasures such as gold, silver

and glass. The upper one is the ChilbogyoBridge and thelower one is Yeonhwagyo Bridge.

Daeungjeon Hall

Daeungjeon Hall comes into the viewwhen reaching the top of Baegungyo andCheongungyoBridges. It is the main hall of thetemple where the Ssakyamuni, the main Buddha statueBuddhist Statue, is enshrined.

A stairway to heaven

Cheongungyo and BaegungyoBridges ofBulguksaTemple (National Treasure No. 23)

The bridges are made up of 33 steps that represent the 33heavens in Buddhism. In the upper part of the bridgesthere are flat stones on both sides. The overall shapeof their edges is very similar to the stone roof stone ofthe pagodas built during the SillaShilla period, in perfectharmony with other stone structures.

A tower that never casts a shadow

Three-story Stone Pagoda of BulguksaTemple (Seokgatap Pagoda, National Treasure No. 21)

There is a pair of towers that face eachother in the east and the west in front ofthe Daeungjeon Hall of Bulguksa Temple. Ofthese two, the tower in the west direction is called Seokgatap Pagoda standing ata height of 8.2m. This plain and simpletower is representative of a typicalstone tower of the Unified SillaShilla era.During the restoration work in October1966, a Dharani sutra, funerary stupaof Seokgatap Pagoda and many otherrelics were found. According to an oldtale, the tower never cast shadows onthe holy ground where Asanyeo waitedfor Asadal, the tower is also called'Muyeongtap.'.


Crossing the HaetalgyoBridge symbolizes the passage from saba segye, theworld of suffering, to Nirvana. It is located in front of Cheonwangmun Gate, on the way to the confines of BulguksaTemple.

A tower that proves the Sutra of the Lotus

Dabotap Pagoda of BulguksaTemple(National Treasure No. 20)

Dabotap Pagoda is a representative stone tower of the Unified SillaShilla era andstands at a height of 10.4m. It faces Seokgatap Pagoda and among thetwo towers in front of Daeungjeon Hall, Dabotap is located on the east. Along withSeokgatap, Dabotap reflects a story in the Lotus sutra, Buddhist sermon. In thispair of towers portraying the ancient Buddha Daboyeorae and Seokgayeorae seatedside by side you can see the high skills of SillaShilla artisans. Among the four stone lionsthat were on the steps of the stylobate, the three that were under in the best condition wereplundered during the Japanese Invasion and their whereabouts are unknown.

Bulguksa Stupa (Treasure No. 61)

Bulguksa Stone Construction (Treasure No. 1523)

Breathe the Millennium 14·15

The entire Tripitaka Koreana encasedin a stone cave.

Seokguram grotto

(National Treasure No. 24)

Seokguram Grotto is a stone temple that was initially built by KimDaeseong for his past life parents and completed under the reign of KingHyegong in 774. Originally named SeokbulsaTemple, it was constructedby piling stones into a dome-like structure then covered covering it withby dirt to makeit look like a cave. Old records describedthe Seokguram as "the shrinethat was built by weaving silk out of stones," and such delicate andbeautiful features of the Buddha are a unique aspect ofto Unified SillaShilla Buddhist art.Seokguram Grotto is the masterpiece created by the profound Buddhistculture, science and artistic spirit of the Unified SillaShilla era. (Registered as aUNESCO World Cultural Heritage on Dec. 9, 1995) (054)743-9933 994, Jinhyeon-dong 12

Encounter the most mysterious smile


Seokguram Grotto Bonjonbul (Seokgayeoraebul statue) isone of the most brilliant pieces of all cultural heritages that ourancestors have left in terms of religious inscrutability andartistry. It is also known as one of the most outstandingmasterpieces in the history of world religious art. Thelotus pedestal of Bonjonbul is made from of white granite, offrom which the profound shape and sophisticated engraving makeBonjonbul appear even more significant.

Added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995.


Sibilmyeon Gwaneumbosal

Sibilmyeon Gwaneumbosal or the Eleven Faced Avalokitesvara,stands behind Bonjonbul and the eleven faces are meant to educatemankind. Aside from Avalokitesvara, the Samantabhadra Bodhisattvastands on the right and the Munjushri Bodhisattva on the left in frontof the Bonjonbul. This harmonious arrangement of the Seokguram Grottois said to show the source of eternal power and diverse skills.

Gamsil Jogaksang

There are ten small niches in the upper part of the cave interior and wherethere, the Buddha statueBuddhist Statues of various figures are enshrined. This structuregives the cave a deeper and larger look, and the cubic effect of the wall addsthe mysteriousnessy and grandeur to the stone cave. The look that givesan impression that it is listening to something or meditating reminds of the viewer of the Bangasayusang Statue.

Geumgang Yeoksasang

These statues usually serve as fierce guardians of the temple and arenormally seen on each side of the tower or the front gate of the temple.The statues standing daringly in the entrance of the Seokguram Grotto have alarge halo behind their heads, which indicates that Geumganyeoksa wasis notonly a man of strength but also a man of sacred wisdom.

Three-story Stone Pagoda of Seokguram

Grotto (Treasure No. 911)

This three-story stone pagoda gracefully stands on the east hillof the Seokguram Grotto. It has a two-tiered octagonal base, whichis a unique feature among such pagodas, and stands 3.03m tall.

It is estimated to have been built during the early 9th century.

Breathe the Millennium ·17


The Kyongju Folk Caraft Village was established to succeed and expand thetraditional artistry of SillaShilla artisans. Tourists can observe the manufacturingprocess of various kinds of arts and crafts at workshops for items such asceramics, metals, woodcrafts, jewelry, embroidery, and earthenware, whichcan also be purchased at the exhibition hall.

#201-18 , Hadong, Gyeongju city Inquiry: (054)746-7270

SillaShilla History and Science Hall

The SillaShilla History and Science Hall is a learning field that reveals the mysterybehind the Seokguram Grotto through both two and three dimensional models ofthe seokgul (stone caves). Also, Cheonmundo observed from the CheomseongdaeObservatory and Wangyeondo, a reproduction of the ancient Seorabeol(capital of SillaShillaKingdomDynasty) are on display.

#201, Hadong, Gyeongju city Inquiry: (054)745-4998

Dongri·Mokwol Literary Museum

This is a commemorative literature hall tocelebrate the works of two of the greatest Korean

literary men, Kim Dongri (1913-1995) and ParkMokwol (1916-1978). The construction of themuseum was led by the city of Gyeongju andthe Association of Commemorative Services forDongri·Mokwol. Construction was completedon Mar. 24, 2006. The site consists of the Dongri Hall,Mokwol Hall and the SillaShilla's Great Men ExhibitionHall. Information on great figures, who livedthrough the thousand years of the SillaShillaKingdomDynasty(57 BC-935 AD) and represent the unificationand cultural influence of the three kingdoms ofancient Koreaare Korea are also on display.

550-1, Jinhyeondong, Gyeongju Inquiry: (054)772-3002


The place where the sad love story of Asadal andAsanyeo took place

Yeongji Pond (Non-appointed Cultural Property)

Yeongji Pond, where the sad story of Asadal and Asanyeo treasured is areservoir the where the face of a long lost love is carved oin a BulguksaTemple. To thesouth of the reservoir is Yyeongji Sseokbuljwasang, a (seated stone Buddha),where it is said that Asadal engraved the an image of Asanyeo.

(North Gyeongsang ProvinceGyeongsangbuk-do Tangible Cultural Property No. 204)

Asanyeo, the face of a long lost love carved on a stone

Seated stone buddhBuddhist astatue of Yeongji

Asadal was a stone mason participating in the establishmentof the BulguksaTemple during the reign of King Gyeongdeok of theUnified SillaShilla era. Asadal had left his young wife Asanyeo, promisingto return as soon as the pagodas (Dabotap and Seokgatap) werecompleted. After years of waiting, Asanyeo journeyed to Gyeongjubut was prohibited from seeing her husband. She was told to waitnear a pond and that she would know when the pagodas werecompleted as they would be reflected in the pond. When she finally sawthe reflection of the pagoda, she jumped in the pond and drowned.After finishing the construction of Seokgatap, Asadal goeswent down to thepond to greet his wife but cannotcould not find her. Grieving the death ofhis wife, he wandered around the pond and after engraving theimage of Asanyeo on a stone, he disappeared.

Breathe the Millennium ·19

The most complete royal tomb of SillaShilla

Gwaereung tombTomb(Historic Site No. 26)

This is the tomb of King Wonseong, the 38th king of SillaShilla. Before thisroyal tomb was built, the coffin of the king was suspended over a smallpond. Placed on each side of the tomb are several statues facing each other. They are named Hhwapyoseok, meaning ( stone pillar), Mmuninseok, meaning(scholar statue), Mmuinseok,meaning (warrior statue) and Ddolsajameaning (stonelion) statues facing each other. Muinseok stands out the most among these in thatits facial features resemble those of a western or Arabianc man.

San 17, Gwaereung-ri, Waedong-eup 605, 609

Where is he from?

Muinseok the (Warrior Statue)

( Gwoereung Stone Statue, Statue Group, Treasure No. 1427)

The face of the Muinseok statue in Gwoereung Royal Tomb has westernfeatures. According to the turban he is wearing on his head, it can beassumed he is from central Asia.


Three storied pagoda of a temple site in Wonwonsa(Treasure No. 1429)

From Gwoereung Tomb, as you head towards the Ulsandirection you willreach the base of Mt.Bongseosan in Mohwa-ri, and passed the MohwaBulgogi Complex you will see the Wonwonsaji Temple Site. Wonwonsa was builtin the hopes of national peace by Anhye and Nangyung, followers of theSininjong Sect of SillaShilla Buddhism, andlong with the Generals Kim Yushin, Kim Uiwon andKim Suljong. At present, only the site remains and there is the Dongtap (easttower) and Seotap (west tower), a three-storied pagoda standing on the eastand west side of the site.

Dolsaja (Lion Statue)

(Gwoereung Stone Statue, StatueGroup, Treasure No. 1427)

There are four stone lion statueslocated at thein Gwoereung Royal Tomb, eachfacing different directions. Thesestatues are to guard the tombs andhave a greatbroad smiles on their faces.

Square based tomb in Gujeong-ri (Historic Site No. 27)

This is the only original square tomb in the Gyeongju area that is original and still intact. It is very unique in thatthe interior was also built of stonesand it even has an entrance to thetomb. It is located next to BulguksaTemple, to the left of the Gujeong-dongIntersetion.

Breathe the Millennium ·21

Mt.Namsan Region

A mountain that sharesthe thousand-year history of SillaShilla

It is an overstatement to say that 'you haven't seen Gyeongju until you'veclimbed up Mt.Namsan'..’ The thousand-year history and culture of SillaShillais tight-packed throughout the entire mountain. From Najeong, the birthplace of Park Hyeokgeose (founder of SillaShilla), to the Poseokjeong Site, Mt.Namsan is implanted with the beginning and end of the millennial historyof SillaShilla. There are close to 150 temple sites, about 120 Buddha statueBuddhist Statues andabout 96 stone pagodas in the mountain. Mt.Namsan might as well becalled a museum without the walls of SillaShilla culture.

Mt.Namsan Region ::Mt.Nangsan -Najeong -Poseokjeong Site -SamneunggolValleyYongjanggolValley -Seochulji Pond

Poseokjeongpavilionsite(Historic Site No. 1)

Place of religious services andbanquets for the SillaShilla Royal Family

Poseokjeong Site is where the royal family of SillaShilla held religious servicesand banquets. At present, all buildings including the pavilion have vanishedand only the abalone-shaped stone structure remains. The granite loop isapproximately 22m in circumference. It is said that that a famous dance ofthe SillaShillaKingdomDynasty originated from a story about kingKing Heongang, 49th kingKingof SillaShilla. One day kingKing Heongang was enjoying a banquet with his followerswhen a god from Mt.Namsan came down and started dancing in front of theking. The king danced along with the god and that dance became the famouseomusansinmu dance of SillaShilla. It is also known as the place where KingGyeongae was fatally attacked by Gyeonhwon of the Later Baekje KingdomDynastyBaekjae and died in the 4th year of his ruling (A.D. 927).

454, Bae-dong 500, 505, 506, 507, 508


This is a game where players float a shot glass on the pond and theplayer to whom the shot glass floats to has to recite a poem. This gameoriginated a thousand years agofrom China and the place where this game was played was calledgoksugeo. Poseokjeong is the only goksugeo that remains to date.

Najeong well (Historic Site No. 245)

The place where Park Heokgeose,founder of SillaShilla, was born from an egg.

One day, when SillaShilla was being ruled by chiefs of six of its villages, an auspiciouswhite horse knelt down in front of an egg by Naejeong Well which was located atthe foot of Mt.Namsan, and then flew up to the sky. The egg shone brightly anda little boy broke out of it. The boy was given the last name of ParkBak for the egglooked like a gourd (bak means gourd in Korean), and named Hyeokgeose,which means 'to rule the world with a bright light'..’ When he turned 13 (B.C. 57),he was appointed king by the six chiefs and named the nation Seorabeol. Anoctagonal building site was confirmed during a recent excavation researchdig.



The world of Buddha engraved on stones

SamneunggolValley, also called Naenggol (cold valley) for its cold waterflowing throughout the year. Among all of Mt.Namsan, this valley hasso a great many Buddha statueBuddhist Statues clustered in the area that it could have beennamed Buddha world. The first statue one encountereds is the Sseokjoseokgayeoraejwasang, which is sittinsg with its legs crossed and is missing theits head.The fFollowing are the MmaaegwaneumbBodhisattva Statue, the Sseongakyukjonbul,the sSeongakyeoraejwasang, the maaeseokgayeoraejwasang Statue and manyothers that add to the sacredness of the valley.

SamneungValley Maaegwaneum

Bodhisattva Statue(North Gyeongsang ProvinceGyeongsangbuk-do ProvinceTangible Cultural Property No. 19)

The vivid statues look as if they are ready to descend