

Dean of Science

Tel.: 0218083071
Fax: 0218083680
TO:Departmental chairpersons andsupervisorsof all studentscompleting a PhD in oneofthe eight Facultyof Science departments.
FROM:The Dean, Prof L Warnich
RE:Incentive for PhDstudentsto complete their studies withina maximum period of threeyears

In 2009, the Faculty’s Management Committee set the strategicobjective ofincreasingthe through-flow rateof all the Faculty’s students.Atpostgraduate level,the averagethrough-flow rateof PhDstudentsis currently approximatelyfive to six yearsandthat of MScstudentsis approximatelythree to fouryears. A significant decrease in the average study periodofMScstudentshas been observed duringthe last fewyears; the length of the average study periodof PhDstudents, however,remainsa matter of concern.The Faculty wouldtherefore continue to encourage its PhDstudentsto complete their studieswithina maximum period ofthreeyearsby making a financial incentive available.This comprises a once-off amount of R20000 to those PhD students enrolled in oneofthe Faculty of Science’sdepartmentswho complete their PhDstudies withina maximum period ofthreeyears fromtheir dateofadmissionand registration. The incentive is available onlyto students whostarted their PhDstudies on or after 1January 2009.

Determinationof study period

The study period is calculatedfromthe dateof registrationof the student as a PhDstudent in oneofthe Faculty of Science’s departmentsuntilthe official dateof submission of the student’s dissertationfor examination. The latter dateis the date onwhich the Dean’s divisionreceives the MONITORING OF EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATIONform in which the student’s completion of her or his study and the submission of her or his dissertation for examination are confirmed.Paymentofthe incentive is subject tothe examination resultbeing positive withoutthe student stillhaving to make extensiveimprovementstothe dissertation. It is thereforeimperativethat the supervisorimmediately send the examination administration formtothe Dean’s division as soonas the dissertationis submitted tothe examiners, sincethis dateis deemed to be the only final date.

Upgrading of MSc to PhD

Shoulda student be accepted for an MSc on or after January 2009, the incentive would also applyshouldthe MSc be upgradedtoaPhD. The total durationofthe study periodwouldthen be deemed to be 3+1 = 4 years since the first date of registrationfor the MSc.

Paymentof incentive

The PhDstudent and supervisorshouldapply in writingfor payment of the incentiveshouldthe studybe completed withinthe maximum periodofthreeyears. Thiswrittenrequest should be submitted tothe Deanon formal approval of the examination outcome and supported bythe supervisorand departmental chairperson.The request for payment must be submitted to the Dean before the graduation date.The applicationshouldinclude the personal particularsofthe student, namelythe student’s full nameandsurname,studentnumberandcourse.The amount of R20000 is paid into the student’s University account as a “bursary” when the student’s examination resultis officiallyshown onthe student-administration system as being successful.Thestudent maythen applyforanycredit inthe Universityaccountto be paid out to the student no later than one month after graduation.