The Athelings Association

Founded 1998

The Athelings Association, Derby Lodge, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, WOKING, Surrey, GU24 0NY

Tel:01483 473095E-mail: Fax: 01483 797598

President:Lt Col Rex Goddard Chairman: Lt Col NS Suffield-Jones

Members Bulletin, November 2016

Dear All

As always a very warm welcome to any new members of the Association and in particular to the 2016 Athelings. We now have over 600 members, although we know that there are still over 400 more who have been Athelings but who we have not been able to trace. I would like to repeat the message that if you come across former Athelings – perhaps from your year – who have not joined the Association, please let us have their contact details so we can approach them. Life Membership still costs just £20.

Major Simon Fraser, MBE

Simon Fraser retired from Derby Lodge on 7 November after 24 years of outstanding service to cadet shooting. After the Association’s AGM at the annual BBQ, the presentation below was made to him. I said:

“Rex Goddard, Rob Hughes, Tim Elliott and James Watson all send their very good wishes, and regret that, for different reasons, they cannot be here this evening. They want to add their voices to all of ours in wishing you very well in your retirement later this year. You have worked very hard for the Association since its inception in 1998, and for the Athelings and CCRS since you started at Derby Lodge in 1993.

However, those present here this evening may not be aware that your connection with target rifle shooting goes back much further, for you were Captain of the Rugby School VIII in 1966. Your latent adult shooting skills have been nicely reflected with the GB Under 19 Team in 2011 in South Africa when you got into the SABU Final. Target rifle shooting must be in the Fraser family blood, because your son Andrew was an Atheling in 1996, and of course you were Athelings Commandant in 2002. In the days before it was obligatory to have a lady officer to look after the girls on the team, you and I congratulated ourselves on being vaguely politically correct in securing the services of Lt Cdr Jane Mahoney as Adjutant. However, Murphy had the final word because from 1988 to the present day, your year, 2002, is the only one in which there were no female cadets.

A couple of numbers for you: by my calculations, during your time with CCRS you have packed over 550 rifles into ‘those’ coffins or the equivalent, and you have processed some 800 forms from applicants to join the Athelings teams. A large number of those applicants have contributed to the presentation that Susan, as the widow of Colin Grafton who founded our Association, is about to make to you on its behalf. It reads:

Presented to Major S B Fraser MBE in July 2016 In Appreciation of 24 years of Service to The Athelings

In a letter a few days later Simon wrote to me:

“Dear Nigel, James [Postle, current Honorary Organiser] and Members of the Athelings Association

Thank you so much for your most generous comments and the wonderful present that you so successfully caught me out with at the Association’s AGM. It must have been the best kept secret ever. I had absolutely no idea of what you had schemed and it was the most tremendous and fantastic surprise.

Your generosity is overwhelming and as I said on the night, when I managed to gather my scattered thoughts, there is no way of adequately thanking you all.

The Athelings decanter and coaster are highly treasured gifts that will bring me joy and innumerable memories for years to come.

It really has been an honour and privilege to serve the Athelings over the 24 years and if I have been able to enhance anyone’s opportunities and experience in the sport we all love I am indeed grateful and privileged to have had the opportunity.

It is with considerable sadness that I am now reaching ‘Message 10’ and will sorely miss what has been my life for so long, however I take with me a host of precious memories. I will, I trust, still see many of you when I visit Bisley and on other occasions but I leave very grateful for so many friends and your generosity.

Thank you.”

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bruce OBE

Simon has been succeeded by Robert Bruce. Major-General Ian Dale, the Chairman of CCRS, writes that he “was a career soldier in the Regular Army (R IRISH), followed by two highly successful appointments in the charity sector. He is an ex-cadet, he has shooting team and competition organising experience, together with recent experience of working with young people and volunteers within a charity. The Trustees are confident that Robert will fill the post of General Secretary with distinction and will prove a worthy successor to Simon Fraser."

Please welcome Robert to Bisley if you have the opportunity.

Athelings Results in Canada

The Athelings had an excellent set of results this year, winning all the team matches they could enter, including the Under 25 matches. For the Short Range, won by 19 points, the team included 2 GB team members (Rory McLeod and Chloe Jones), and the victorious team in the Long Range for which only cadets were selected, won by 7 points and included ACF ACLIM cadet Shaun Flanagan. The Athelings took a 28 point win in the First Stage of the Rex Goddard to Canada, to which they added a 6 point victory in the Second Stage. The Michael Faraday was won by 24 points. Two Athelings, Harry Goddard and Cameron Pirouet, plus their Adjutant, Henryk Golazewski, reached the Governor General’s Final.

We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Successful New Year. We look forward to seeing you around the Common and in Derby Lodge next summer.

With all good wishes

Nigel Suffield-Jones


“The Athelings Association” is an organisation within the Council for Cadet Rifle Shooting, Derby Lodge, Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey GU24 0NY Registered Charity No 1101650


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