SUNY Oswego

Office of International Education & Programs

Semester Study Program

At the

University of Havana


Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions


University of Havana, Cuba Study Abroad Program

GOALS of the program:

-Expose students to the political, economic, social, and cultural realities of Cuba

-To improve Spanish language skills, with emphasis on oral expression and listening comprehension

-To deepen intercultural and interpersonal awareness, understanding, and respect, and thus enhance students’ ability to interact sensitively and responsibly within other cultures;

-To foster a more sophisticated awareness of field-based learning processes, to increase capacity to think critically and creatively, and to integrate and analyze information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, thereby developing self-motivated learning skills.

University of Habana Departments:

Facultad Latino Americana de Ciencias Sociales (Social Sciences)

Facultad de Artes y Letras (Liberal Arts College)

Facultad de Filosofia y de Historia (Phylosophy and History)

Departamento de Sociologia (Sociolgy)

Departamento de Literatura y Linguistica (Literature and Linguistics)

University of Habana Course Offerings

Oferta de cursos

All students in this program will take the Cuban Society and Culture course. Students will then choose a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 5 from the following course listing.

The University of Havana offers students a special selection of courses in Spanish language and Cuban literature, history, government, sociology, economy, and philosophy. Cuban professors will teach courses. Students will take courses along with Cuban students except for the Cuban Society and Culture Course which is specifically designed for students participating in the SUNY Oswego study abroad program.

Subject areas: History, Political Science, Politics, Economics, International Studies, Cultural/Regional Studies, Sociology, Spanish (Language, Literature), Religious studies

Required Course/Specialized Courses for SUNY Oswego Students

1). SOC 301: Special Topics/ ANT 301 Special Topics:

Cuban Society and Culture- This course will introduce students to the culture and history of Cuba, with the opportunity to participate in educational tours and events that will help them understand Cuban society. Professors from the University of Habana will lead specific tours and will be the academic instructor along with the our resident directors. This course will be a combination of classroom instruction and educational field trips/ excursions. All educational excursions will be intensive and structured learning experiences for students. This course is designed to encourage direct interaction between students and Cubans, including Cuban faculty and students.

Site visits and educational excursions to museums, cultural sites, hospitals, other schools, and communities are planned.

2). SPA 301: Advanced Spanish Course

This course will incorporate Spanish language and grammar. It will also have a cultural emphasis by exposing students to Cuban culture via film, theatre, dance, poetry, and music.

The course will enhance Spanish grammar and usage, increase vocabulary, and provide practice in writing style. Communication will be in Spanish to increase vocabulary precision. Oral reports will be given by students.

Students who are native Spanish speakers will not be required to take the Advanced Spanish course. In such a case the student will be able to choose three courses from the Integrated or from non-integrated sections below.

Integrated Courses: (45 contact hours, 3 credits)

3). Historia de Cuba

El objetivo de la disciplina Historia de Cuba es la explicación de la reconstrucción de nuestra historia nacional sobre una base cientifica y clasista que incluya su interrelación con los fenómenos históricos americanos y mundiales, y contemple la vida material y espiritual de nuestro pueblo en sus especificidades socioclasistas, economicas, políticas, culturales, ideologicas, etc.

HIS 300: History of Cuba

The objective of this course is a scientific and classiest reconstruction of Cuban national history including the interrelationship of American and world historical phenomena, as well as the life and spirit of the Cuban community from a socialist, economic, political, cultural, and ideological perspective.

4). Filosofía Marxista Leninista

Conozcan la especificidad de la solución dialéctico materialista de la filosofía marxista para el análisis de los procesos históricos y sociológicos. Entren en contacto con las posiciones que caracterizan los dabates filosóficos y culturales en la actualidad, y sepan enfrentar teóricamente las posiciones que cierran toda alternativa de cambio histórico progresivo.

POL 300 Topics in Political Science: Marxist and Leninist Philosophy

The objective of this course is to analyze the historical and sociological dialectic solutions of the materialist Marxist philosophy. Students will be introduced to the positions that characterize the actual philosophical and cultural debates and will learn to confront theoretically the various positions and alternatives to the historical progressive changes.

5). Pensamiento Cubano y Latinoamericano

Analizar cómo los principales representates del pensamiento filosófico y sociopolítico cubano han desarrollado sus concepciones no solo en función de sus intereses personales, de grupo, o clase, sino también respondiendo a las necesidades de la nación, dada su condicion colonial y neocolonial.

Revelar la originalidad del pensamiento filosófico y sociopolítico cubano y sobre su contribución a la cultura nacional y universal.

Analizar el ideario de las principales figures que han contribuido al desarrollo de la conciencia nacional patriótica y socialista.

Explicar los principales problemas que se presentan a los pensadores en América Latina y las propuestas de solución teórica que estos utiliazan.

Analizar las principales manifestaciones del pensamiento filosófico y sociopolítico en diferentes momentos históricos y su originalidad y correspondencia con la realidad latinoamericana.

Evaluar la relación entre la filosofía y la idelogía, la religión, la cultura de nuestros pueblos, y la forma en que abordan los problemas de la identidad y el ser de la “América nuestra.”

Analizar el ideario de las principales figures de la emancipación y la intergración latinoamericana.

POL 300 Topics in Political Science:

Cuban and Latin American Philosophical Thought

Analyze the principal representatives of the Cuban philosophical and sociopolitical thought that have developed their conceptions not only in their personal interest, of their group, of class, but also responding to the necessities of the nation, given the colonial and neocolonial conditions.

*Reveal the original Cuban philosophical and sociopolitical thought and its national culture and universal contribution.

*Analyze the ideals of the principal figures that have contributed to the national patriotic and socialist conscience development.

*Explain the principal problems that are apparent to Latin American thinkers and put in place proposals of theoretical solutions used by these thinkers.

*Analyze the principal manifestation of the philosophical and sociopolitical thought at different historical moments and their originality and correspondence to the Latin American reality.

*Evaluate the relationship between the philosophy and ideology, religion, and culture of the Cuban community, and the ways in which these relate to problems of identity of “our America.”

*Analyze the principal ideals of the emancipation figures and the Latin American integration.

6). Historia de la Revolución Cubana

Contribuir a la formacion de convicciones patrióticas sobre la base de la apprehension de las diferentes culturas que lograron transcender y formar parte del acervo cubano actual. Interiorizar de modo crítico lainfluencia de las luchas por los valores patrios inherentes a la Revolución cubana. Sensibilizar a los estudiantes con las complejidades de la diversas tendencies políticas de los diferentes períodos histícos de la historia de Cuba.

POL 300: Topics in Political Science/ HIS 499 Independent Studies:

History of the Cuban Revolution

This course will cover the formation of the patriotic convictions regarding the base of apprehension of the different cultures that were able to transcend and form part of the actual Cuban state. Critically question the influence of the struggle for the inherent patriotic values in the Cuban Revolution. Make students aware of the complexities of the diverse tendencies connected to the different historical periods in the history of Cuba.

7). Historia de América

Analizar las características de las sociedades precolombinas y, especialmente, de las grandes culturas antiguas de Mesoamérica y los Andes Centrales. Exponer las distintas modalidades que adoptó la colonización europea para idenficar las tres vertientes del pensamiento en la época colonial: metropolitana, criolla, y popular-indíngena. Explicar la dialéctica de los factores socio-económicos, politicos e ideológicos en el proceso de formación de los estados nacionales a lo largo del siglo XIX y XX. Explicar la relación existente entre el fenómeno de la dependecia, el movimiento de liberación nacional y las manifestaciones culturales e ideológicas correspondientes, con las corrientes políticas reaccionarias y progresistas del siglo XX latinoamericano.

Analizar el proceso histórico americano, desde sus orígenes a la actualidad, como parte de las tendencies generales de la historia universal.

HIS 301: History of the Americas

Analyze the characteristics of Pre-Columbian and other older Mesoamerican cultures and that of the central Andes. Students will be exposed to the distinct modes adapted by the European colonization to identify the three sources of thought in the colonial epoch: metropolitan, criolla, and popular-indigenous. Explain the dialectic factors relating to socio-economics, politics, and ideology in the process of formation of the national states within the XIX and XX century. Explain the existing relationship between the phenomenon of dependence, the national liberal movement, the cultural manifestations, and the ideological correspondence, with reactionary politics and progressives of the Latin American XX century.

8). Teorías Políticas Contemparáneas

Explicar el papel de los “Grandes Libros,” en la década de los noventa. Analizar el complejo panorama de las corrientes políticas neoliberal, del pensamiento único y los pensamientos alternatives. Definir las ideas teóricas políticas del marxismo leninismo en torno a la política, su reflexión y matarreflexión.

POL 313: Contemporary Political Theory

Explain the role of the “Important books,” of the 1990’s decade. Analyze the complete panorama of the current neoliberal politics, and alternative thought. Define the theoretical political ideals of the Marxist Leninist in political terms, its reflection and meta-reflection.

9). Sociedad y Religion

Definir el lugar que ocupa la religion en el sistema de la concepción del mundo y sus determmincaiones sociohistóricas fundamentales. Explicar las caresteristicas esenciales de la religión como un género específico de producción esperitual. Argumentar el papel de la nación cubana. Fundamentar la necesidad del enfoque sistématico para el estudio de las manifestaciones religiosas.

POL 333: Society and Religion

Define the place occupied by religion in the conceptual system of the world and its socio-historical fundamentals. Explain the essential characteristics of religions in terms of specific genre of spiritual production. Discuss the role of the Cuban nation. Lay out the basic need to focus systematically on the study of the religious protest.

10). Sociología de la Educación

Que los estudiantes sean capaces de diferenciar los factores esenciales del marco referencial sociológico relativo a la Educación y adquieran las categories y conceptos fundamentales que les permitan el análisis de la problemática de la sociología y el desarrollo de investigaciones en este campo. Que los estudiantes sean capaces de analizar el desarrollo histórico de la sociología de la educación y de evaluar el estado actual de la invertigación sociológica sobre la educación.

SOC 301 Special Topics: Sociology of Education

This course will concentrate on the essential factors related to the sociology of education. Students will acquire the categories and fundamental concepts that will permit them to analyze the sociological problematic and the development of research in this field. Students will be able to analyze the historical development of the sociology of education and evaluate the present state of research on sociology of education.

11). Sociología de la Cultura

Manejar críticamente los principales conceptos de la teoría cultural. Utilizar dichos conceptos desde una perspectiva sociológica en investigaciones sobre cualquier campo sociocultural.

ANT 301 Selected Topics: Sociology of Culture

Critically manage the principal concepts in cultural theory. Utilize concepts from the sociological perspective in conducting research about any sociocultural field.

12). Sociología de la Política

Proporcionar al alumnado los conocimientos indispensables sobre los temas en discussion de la sociología política contemporánea. Analizar los deversos enfoques sobre los estudios de la sociología política.

SOC 301 Special Topics: Political Sociology

Provide the student with the indispensable knowledge of themes relating to the discussion of contemporary political sociology. Analyze the diverse emphasis in the studies of political sociology.

13). Curso especial sobre José Martí

Interrelacionar la Historia de Cuba, fase independentista, con la obra fundacional martians expresada en el Partido Revolucionaria Cubano (PRC). Apreciar el valor metodológico y conceptual de los principios martianos relativos a la independencia de Cuba. Que el alumno pueda conocer los momentos claves del que hacer revolucionario martiano.

POL 300 Special Topics: José Martí

Interrelate the history of Cuba since independence, with the functional work of Jose Marti as express by the Cuban Revolutionary Party. Appreciate the methodological and conceptual valor of Marti’s beginnings relative to the independence of Cuba. Students will learn the key moments as they relate to the role of Marti’s revolution.

Non-intergrated Courses- Specialized Courses for SUNY Oswego Participants:

El marxismo como filosofia de praxis

Marxism as Philosophy of Praxis

Humanismo y valores en José Martí

Humanism and Values of José Martí

Educación de la mujer en Cuba

Education of Women in Cuba

Enfoque tercermundista de las Ciencias Politicas

Third World Political Science

Cuban Religion of African Origin (Santeria)


Drop and Add: Students may drop and add a course only within the first week of classes.