Your assignment: Submit a minimum of 30 images and submit 2 images and a proofsheet for the CVHS Program Planning Guide. These will be candid images of students engaged in classroom activities at CVHS. Your images will be used in the Program Planning Guide, a CVHS print and web-based publication of class descriptions and offerings, designed to assist students and parents with course selection for the coming academic year.


•Your photos must be candid, not posed.

•Solid composition and creativity are the keys to your success… incorporate a dominant subject, and clean backgrounds for your images…

•You must communicate with the teacher IN ADVANCE to arrange shoot days and times.

•You must get photo releases from each student you photograph. (If the student is 18, they can sign the release themselves, if not, you must have their parents sign it and return it to you.)

•Don’t limit your shooting. Shoot many photos, then edit them, pick your 2 favorite photos, and put them in the Planning Guide folder.

•Below is a list of classes and activities that can be shot. To determine which subject you are shooting, we will be drawing corresponding numbers out of a hat. If you feel strongly about a certain subject, you may swap with another student for that subject –but only if that student is willing to switch with you.

___1. Take a creative picture of somebody in the library.

___2. Take a creative picture of auto shop.

___3. Find somebody working on an art project.

___4. Take a creative picture of somebody working in the design class computer lab.

___5. Take a picture of somebody working in Mr. Burns computer lab.

___6. Take a picture of somebody playing an instrument in music class.

___7. Take a photo of somebody reading in an English class.

___8. Take a photo of somebody in woodshop.

___9. Take a photo of somebody in photo.

___10. Take a photo of somebody in chemistry class.

___11. Take a photo of somebody in ceramics.

___12. Take a photo of somebody doing a math problem on the board.

___13. Take a photo of somebody in cooking class.

___14. Take a photo of somebody working on props for a theater class.