Minutes E-meeting

Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

29 September 2015


Mr. Michael Platzer, Vienna Alliance

Ms. Karen Smith, NY Alliance

Mr. Michael O’Connell, World Society of Victimology

Mr. Oliver Robertson, Penal Reform International

Mr. Jaime Todd Gher, Amnesty International

Ms. UgojiAeze, Esq., Attorney-at-law

Ms. Yael Danieli, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

Ms. Rosalind Harris, Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations

Mr. Eyob Asfaw, World Animal Protection

Mr. Lloyd Klein, Bemidij State University

Mr. Maximilian Edelbacher, ACUNS Vienna

Ms. Andrada Filip, ACUNS Vienna

Mr. Billy Batware, ACUNS Vienna

Mr. Resat Oezkan, ACUNS Vienna

Ms. Mirella DummarFrahi, UNODC Civil Society Team

Ms. Maria Idomir, UNODC Civil Society Team

Mr. Christian Holle, UNODC Civil Society Team


1. Updates on themes for the next sessions of the Crime Commission

2. Upcoming meetings and events

3. Other business

1.Updates on themes for the next sessions of the Crime Commission

Informal consultations on the revised proposal by the Chair of the Crime Commission on possible topics for thematic discussions of future sessions of the Commission (2016 to 2020; Annex I)took place in Vienna on 22 September 2015. The matter was also discussed during the Crime Commission intersessional meeting, which took place in Vienna on 1 October 2015.

At this moment in time, it is considered to agree on the themes for the 25th and 26th sessions of the Crime Commission (2016-2017), leaving the discussion open for the themes in 2018-2020. The proposed theme for the 25th session of the Crime Commission (2016)is criminal justice responses to prevent and counter terrorism, including financing of terrorism, and technical assistance in support of the implementation of relevant international conventions and protocols and for the 26th session (2017) comprehensive and integrated crime prevention strategies: public participation, social policies and education in support of the rule of law.

The theme(s) for the next two sessions of the Crime Commission are expected to be confirmed at the reconvened 24th session of the Crime Commission this December.

2. Upcoming meetings and events

-7 October 2015 (New York): Launch of the Mandela Rules (organized by UNODC, South Africa and Penal Reform International - PRI)

-15 October 2015 (New York): Informal consultation on “How can NGOs and academia collaborate with UNODC in implementing the femicide resolution?[1]” (organized by the Alliance)

-16 October 2015 (New York): Femicide: A Global Issue that Demands Action (organized by ACUNS Vienna)

-2-6 November 2015 (Sankt Petersburg): sixth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (CoSP6). The issue of NGO participation in the Working Groups is an item on the official agenda. Also, the participants were informed that the Alliance had been awarded observer status to this session. Experts wishing to participate in CoSP6 under the delegation of the Alliance need to comply with the following procedure:an official letter on the letterhead of the Alliance, indicating the names of the persons constituting the Alliance’s delegation, including individual email addresses, should be sent as soon as possible and not later than 12 October 2015 at the following e-mail addresses: with a copy to . Please note that only scanned copies of official letters will be accepted by e-mail.

-9 December 2015 (Vienna): Commission on Narcotic Drugs Special Segment on preparations for the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem (New York, 19-21 April 2016). Drugs and crime is one of the topics of the interactive discussions that will take place at UNGASS 2016. The representative of Global voice: Criminal Justice on the Civil Society Task Force (CSTF) for the UNGASS is Ms. Andrea Huber, Policy Director, PRI.

-10-11 December 2015 (Vienna): reconvened 24th session of the Crime Commission

-13-15 January 2016 (Vienna): 7th ACUNS Vienna Annual Conference - New Approaches for a Peaceful and More Sustainable World.

3. Other business

-Members’ publications: Mr. Maximilian Edelbacher, former Chief of Police, Vienna, Austria, announced two books that will soon be published: “Corruption, Fraud, Organized Crime, and the Shadow Economy” (edited by Maximilian Edelbacher, Peter C. Kratcoski and Bojan, Dobovsek, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group) and “Collaborative Policing. Police, Academics, Professionals, and Communities Working Together for Education, Training, and Program Implementation” (edited by Peter C. Kratcoski and Maximilian Edelbacher, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group). For any specific information, Mr. Edelbacher may be contacted at .

-Newly elected Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC) Board: as of 24 September 2015. Mr. EsbjörnHörnberg, Chairperson CSTF and Executive Director, IOGT International, has been reelected as Chairperson of the VNGOC for a 2-year term.

-Next e-meeting: 1 December 2015, 4 p.m. CET.

Annex I.Chair’s proposal on possible topics for the thematic discussions at future sessions of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice from 2016 to 2020

Revised proposal – 7 September 2015

Following the 12th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in April 2010, the Economic and Social Council, in its decision 2010/243, defined the topics for the thematic discussions of the Commission for the period 2011- 2014 by drawing on key substantive themes covered in the Salvador Declaration on Comprehensive Strategies for Global Challenges: Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Systems and Their Development in a Changing World.

Following the successful conclusion of the 13th Congress held in April 2015, the Chair of the CCPCJ at its 24th session suggests that the Commission consider at its reconvened 24th session the topics provided below for its thematic discussions during the period 2016-2020, leading up to the 14th Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in 2020.

These thematic priorities have been identified considering the proposals received from Regional Groups and Member States in the course of the 24th session of the Commission, and taking into account key substantive themes covered in the Doha Declaration on integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the wider United Nations agenda to address social and economic challenges and to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and public participation.

A decision on the themes could be recommended by the Commission at its intersessional meeting of 1 October for adoption at its reconvened session in December 2015, in order to allow Member States to advance preparations for the 25th session of the CCPCJ.

The proposed topics are as follows:

  • Criminal justice responses to prevent and counter terrorism, including financing of terrorism, and technical assistance in support of the implementation of relevant international conventions and protocols.
  • Comprehensive and integrated crime prevention strategies: public participation, social policies and education in support of the rule of law.
  • Strengthening of the capacities of the judiciary and law enforcement institutions to effectively prevent and counter new, emerging and evolving forms of crime, taking into account the scope of application of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto.
  • The responsibility of effective, fair, humane and accountable criminal justice systems in preventing and countering crime motivated by intolerance or discrimination of any kind.
  • Follow-up to the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.


[1]A/RES/68/191 Taking action against gender-related killing of women and girls and ECOSOC 2015/21Taking action against gender-related killing of women and girls. The later is expected to be adopted by the Third Committee on the General Assembly at this year’s session.