Summer Programs at SLAS 2016

Join us at Shanghai Livingston American School for the 2016 Summer Programs! This year’s summer programs cater to students who seek academic enrichment, English and Chinese language learning, fun sports-based activities, and high school credit courses. We will also be having a celebration of America’s Independence Day on July 4, 2016.

Students enrolling in the Early Years and Elementary, as well as secondary non-credit course summer school have the option in participating in all 8 weeks of summer school or they may also choose to enroll in less than 8 weeks. Each week will build up on the previous week’s content. Summer school’s theme will be Around the World in Eight Weeks. Each week will have a theme based on the overall summer school theme.

Week 1:Australia

Week 2:Brazil

Week 3:USA

Week 4:Norway

Week 5:France

Week 6:Egypt

Week 7:India

Week 8:China

Summer School – Early Years Class Offerings

Nursery – Kindergarten Programs
Half Day:8:30 – 12:20
Full Day:8:30 – 15:30 / June 20 – Aug.11
(8 Weeks)
Nursery– PS
(Age 2 – 3) / SLAS Tiniest: Our Nursery program will provide a dynamic and exciting educational experience for your child. Our course will cater to the young minds’ need to question, discover, create, communicate, and explore. This class will be based on weekly themes that will allow your child to be exposed to a wealth of new experiences. / HALF DAY
Early Bird:
RMB 2082 / week
RMB 2313 / week
Early Bird
RMB 2851 / week
RMB 3168 / week
PK – K
(Age 4 – 5) / SLAS Minis:Based on weekly themes, students will have a variety of topics to touch on. This course combines reading, arts and crafts, and music activities to develop students’ confidence. Visits to the LAS library and computer lab and swimming pool will brighten up the summer experience. Students will end this course with an expanded vocabulary, stronger listening and speaking skills and a boost in their English skill confidence.

Summer School – Elementary Class Offerings

Morning Elementary Programs(G1-G5)
M-F (8:30 – 12:20) / June 20 – Aug.11
(8 Weeks)
/ English Adventures:Be immersed in the English language while developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through fun interactive activities. Increase your reading comprehension and understanding through whole group, small group, and independent literacy activities centered around a weekly theme and key question. Promote social skills while collaboratively with peers as you travel Around the World in Eight Weeks! Become a proficient communicator, creative thinker, compassionate citizen, and confident individual as you learn more about English and our world around us. / Early Bird:
RMB 2115 / week
RMB2350 / week
Intermediate to advanced / Summer Prep: This Prep course will introduce students a wealth of information. This program emphasizes learning activities based not just on book discussions, creative research presentations and art projects but also social interaction. All of these methods will enhance their ability to practice the new skills being acquired. Students will end the course with a strengthening of their presentation abilities and oratory skills.At a minimum, students in the intermediate/advanced class should be able to read and write simple sentences in English, answer yes/no questions, and use present/past tense correctly. / Early Bird:
RMB 2115 / week
RMB 2350 / week
G1 – 5 / Chinese Language Learning (Level I to Level III):
This program offers Chinese language learners an opportunity to immerse themselves in the target language in an innovative and interactive way.
The Chinese Language Learning course will be separated into three classes of: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced levels.
Level I Beginners:
Students will begin through a basic introduction to Chinese vocabulary and grammar through the use of games and activities to stimulate the young minds.
Level II Intermediate:
Students will strengthen their foundation of Chinese and learn to use the target language to talk about themselves, their friends and families and all of their favorite activities.
Level III Advanced:
Students will be encouraged to use Chinese to tackle real life situations, ordering in restaurants, asking for directions, debating about certain issues and giving presentations. / Early Bird:
RMB RMB905 / week
RMB RMB 1005 / week
Afternoon Elementary Electives
Grade 1 – 5 M-F (13:05 – 15:30)
Note: Please select two activities for afternoon / June 20 – Aug. 11
(8 Weeks)
Please select two classes
from the following: / Period 1:
13:05 – 14:15
Period 2:
14:20 – 15:30 / Elementary Electives Program:
Arts & Crafts & Pottery
Chinese Conversation
Dance* only available at 13:05-14:15
Computer Fun* only available at 14:20-15:30
Sports / Early Bird:
RMB 435 / week
RMB 483 / week
Elective Booster Programs:
Mad Scientist
World of Words
Building English Fluency
Cooking* only available at 13:05-14:15
Drama / Early Bird:
RMB 707 / week
RMB 785 / week

Elementary Course Description

Afternoon Elementary Electives Program:
Arts and Crafts and Pottery:This course delves into your student’s creative and artistic side. Students will be in touch with their imaginative side making fantastic art and craft projects this summer!
Chinese Conversation: The best way to learn a language is a total immersion- this class will provide students with basic Introductionto Chinese vocabulary and grammar through the use of games and activities to stimulate young minds.
Students will learn to use Chinese to talk about themselves, their friends and families and all of their favorite activities.
Dance: Ballet and hip hop
ComputerFun: Join us for fun and learning with the computer. Students will learn how to create Excel, word documents and PowerPoint presentations. Education games will be used to teach typing skills
Music: Students joining this class will have the opportunity tostudy the proper technique for performing and singing to an audience.They willexperimentwith different instruments and sound makers to learn about rhythm and technique
Sports:SLAS is equipped with a full functional track and field, soccer field, basketball courts, tennis court and play grounds.
Students will be able to engage in many fun activities and games such as soccer tournaments, Capture the Flag, Marco Polo, etc.
Afternoon Elective Booster Programs:
Mad Scientist:Sharpen your scientific investigative skills this summer through the Mad Scientist course! Join us for a summer filled with fun, hands-on science experiments from exploring colors through tie-dye, volcano eruptions, growing crystals and more.
World of Words:Learn English vocabulary through amazing games, puzzles, songs, rhymes, stories, and more. Children will build their English vocabulary skills and knowledge of world geography and cultures through our exciting Around the World in Eight Weeks, SLAS 2016 Summer School theme.
Building English Fluency:This class will be a vocabulary and reading fluency building class focused on developingskills associated with reading.We will use an internet program called Head Sproutsto provide the students a fun experience to improve their reading.Students will be assigned a reading level when they enter and meet weekly one on one with the teacher to review skills and areas that need to be improved.Thisclassprovides individual learning for every student based on computer direct instruction anddirect follow up from teacher.
Cooking: This is our most popular class at SLAS. This course introduces students to food preparation and storage as well as various cuisines from around the globe. This is truly a class where kids have fun and get to eat their creations.
Drama: Summer Drama class is an exciting opportunity for students to improve their skills while having fun. Together, students will use their bodies, voices, and minds to create exciting stories, interesting characters, and playful performances. Native English speakers and English Language Learners alike will work on their speaking and listening skills in an encouraging, challenging environment.

Summer School – Secondary Class Offerings (G6-G12; non-credit)

Morning Secondary Programs
M-F (8:30 – 12:20) / June 20 – Aug.11
(8 weeks)
Gr. 6 – 8
Gr. 9 – 11
8:30 – 12:20 / English Language Learning:
Taught by an experienced credentialed teacher, this ESL course is an intensive, fast-paced class focused on strengthening the student’s English foundation. Students will concentrate on correct usage of grammar, building vocabulary, enhancing oral skills and improving reading and listening comprehension. / Early Bird:
RMB 2266 / week
RMB 2518/ week
Gr. 6 –11
8:30 – 12:20 / Intensive Chinese: (Not for credit)
This course prepares Chinese language learners through an immersion in the target language. They will focus on building strong vocabulary and grammar foundations as well as develop a professional usage of the target language. This fast-paced course is recommended for students who have some background in Chinese. / Early Bird:
RMB 960/ week
RMB 1066/ week
Afternoon Secondary Programs
M-F (13:05 – 15:30, Period 1&2 ) / Jun 20 – Aug. 11
(8 weeks)
Gr. 9-11
13:05 – 15:30 / Intensive Writing Workshop: This course is designed to help the ESL student improve their writing skills in order to be successful in the regular English classes.Students will write persuasive, expository and mini research papers.Students will be introduced to the necessary skills used to write research papers such as note cards, outlines, citing sources. This course is for ESL 2 and above. / Early Bird:
RMB 1146/ week
RMB 1273/ week
Gr. 6 – 9
13:05 – 15:30 / Algebra Readiness Workshop: This course is designed to boost basic algebra skill set while simultaneously reinforcing their reading and writing skills. / Early Bird:
RMB 1146/ week
RMB 1273/ week
Please select two classes from the following: / Gr. 6 –11
13:05 -14:15
(Period 1) / Computers
This course will focus on the Microsoft Office programs. Students will learn how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Mastery of these programs are necessary to be a successful high school student prepared to enter college level classes. / Early Bird:
RMB 435/ week
RMB 483/ week
Gr. 6 –11
13:05 -14:15
(Period 1) / Pottery
This course allows students to experience their creative side by using clay to model various shapes and pieces based on the content being taught in the class. / Early Bird:
RMB 435/ week
RMB 483/ week
Gr. 6 11
(Period 2) / Cooking
This is our most popular class at SLAS. This course introduces students to food preparation and storage as well as various cuisines from around the globe. This is truly a class where kids have fun and get to eat their creations. / Early Bird:
RMB 797/ week
RMB 885/ week
Gr. 6 –11
(Period2) / Dance
This course gives students the chance to get from behind a desk and move their bodies to the groove. This dance class will primarily focus on hip-hop style dancing and movements to current songs frequently heard on the radio. / Early Bird:
RMB 435/ week
RMB 483/ week

Summer School – Secondary Class Offerings (G9-12 for credit)

Note: High school credit courses excluded from the special SLAS discount offer.

Grade 9 - 12 Credit Courses
(1 credit per session)
M-F (8:30– 15:30) / Jun 20 – Jul 15
Session I (20 days) / July18 – Aug 12
Session II (20 days)
Algebra 1
(Pre-requisite: Pre-Algebra)
(Pre-requisite: Algebra 1)
Algebra 2
(Pre-requisite: Geometry)
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12 / Biology
US History
World History
World Geography
US Governments
Economics / Early Bird:
RMB 9282
RMB 10313 / Early Bird:
RMB 9282
RMB 10313
Chinese Language / Early Bird:
RMB 4840
RMB 5377 / Early Bird:
RMB 4840
RMB 5377

Note:Students must seek approval from current teacher or counselor before taking any credit course.A minimum of three (3) students is required to open a class. Student taking HS credit courses mayonly beabsent for one class and stillreceive the HS credit.No “make up” time will be allowed for students who miss more than one day.

Applications and Admissions

Our Summer Programs are open to students from nursery level (SLAS Tiniest) to those entering Grade 12. Admission to our Summer Programs is granted to students on a first-come, first-serve basis.Applications must be accompanied by all fees (tuition, lunch, bus, etc.) in order to process the application.

The priority application deadline isMay 6, 2016. Sign up before the priority deadline for reduced tuition rates! Applications and fees must be submitted on or before May 6, 2016.

The standard application deadline isMay 31, 2016. Applications for all students in all programs must be received by this deadline. Any application submitted after this time will only be accepted if space remains in the requested classes.

Tuitions, Fees and Refunds

Effective May 1, 2016 a 3% China Government tax will be added to all tuition.

Pricing for SLAS Summer Programs is on a per-course basis. Each course has a separate tuition, and students have the option of enrolling in a lunch program for an additional fee. Tuition includes any materials used in the classroom. Families will receive a 5% sibling discount if they have two or more students attending SLAS summer school.

Sibling Discount: There will be a 5% discount on tuition from the 2nd child who signs up from the same family.

SLAS students: SLAS students will receive a 20% discount from tuition. This discount may be applied on top of the sibling discount and the Early Bird discount.

Upper-grade students may be able to keep certain books as noted by the instructor at the end of the session. Lost or damaged school-owned books will need to be purchased by the student before certifications or grades can be released. Some classes may require textbook deposit.

The Summer Programs staff reserves the right to cancel or combine any coursesthat do not meet a minimum number of enrollments. Such decisionswill be made no later than:June 3, 2016 for the first session and July 1, 2016 for the second session (only for secondary course). Students enrolled in a class that is cancelled may either receive a full refund or may select another class or program.

No refunds in tuition or transportation fees will be given for withdrawal requests received after June 3, 2016.Lunch refunds will only be provided with a written notice at least one week prior. In the event of bad weather requiring the school to close, a refund will not be issued.


A warm lunch will be provided each day.All Early Years students are given two snacks each day, while elementaryschool students receive refreshments during their daily morning breaks. Lunch is 28 RMB / day.

*1: Students attending the Early years program(SLAS Tiniest and SLAS Minis: half day / full day) must order lunch or bring a sack lunch from home.*2: Students attending only the morning session for elementary and above may NOT purchase school lunch.

Lunch:RMB 140 for weeks 1-7; RMB 112 for week 8
For credit course applicant, lunch fee is RMB 560 per session


Bus service will be provided for students in the summer program including a pick-up and drop-off, once at the beginning (from the designated pick-up area to school) and once in the afternoon after the morning session and another afternoon drop-off after the afternoon session (from school to the designated drop-off).There will be no pick-ups for students participating in afternoon courses. No one-way bus fee provided. Transportation requests must be turned in by May 31, 2016.Otherwise, transportation might not be offered.

Fees for the bus service:
RMB 375for weeks 1-7; RMB 300 for week 8
For credit course applicant, bus service fee is RMB 1500 per session

Contact Information

*Summer Program Admissions: +86(21) 6238-3511, +86 (21) 5218-8575

*Transportation Coordinator:Ms. Emily Zhang at+86135-2448-4553

The school retains the privilege to place students in class based on total enrollment, language level, and as needed.

SLAS Bank Account Information:

Bank Name / First Sino Bank Hong Qiao Sub-Branch 富邦华一银行虹桥支行
Address / No.88EastRongHuaRoad,ChangningShanghai201103,P.R.C
Phone / (86 21) 6295 1616
Account Name / Shanghai Livingston American School
Account Number / RMBA/C50100001100004085
Note / Please write your child’s English Name, Grade Level, and Summer Program on the copy of the bank voucher/remittance form and fax it to (86 21) 5218 0390 or email to for confirmation.

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No.580, Gan Xi Road, Changning District Shanghai, China 200335

Tel: (8621) 6238-3511 Fax: (8621) 5218-0390 Website: Email: