January 17th, 2012.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

May I wish you all a very happy New Year. I hope that it will be an enjoyable and successful year for all our students in Scoil Eoin.

Our school website www.scoileointrali.com has been updated with links to Junior Librarian, Mathlethics and the School Blog www.scoileointrali.scoilnet.ie/blog. We also have many resources to aid your child in learning. Well worth a visit!!!

Closing Date for applications for enrolment - We are taking enrolments for the final few places for Junior Infants 2012 – 2013. Closing date for applications under admission’s criteria (sibling/catchment area/school staff) is January 31st 2012.

Front door buzzer – Please ring once and wait as we cannot release the door while buzzer is held down.

School entrances Once again we need to remind parents/guardians that both school entrances are for pedestrian access only. This message is continually being sent out both from the school and the Board of Management and unfortunately is still being ignored by a number of parents/guardians. For the safety of all our pupils we ask for your cooperation in this matter.

Insurance To comply with insurance regulations we are providing the following clarification with regard to access for our pupils in the mornings:

§  The BOM accepts responsibility for our pupils from 8.45 a.m .

§  Pupils remain in their assigned playgrounds until bell rings and school building opens at 9.00am

§  However on mornings of adverse weather pupils will be allowed indoors from 8.45 am onwards and supervision will be provided.

Mercy Mounthawk Secondary School are staging a production of Oliver in Siamsa Tire from Wednesday January 25th – Saturday January 28th and would greatly appreciate our support. A wonderful show is promised!

Penitential Service: February 1st at 7.30 p.m. in Balloonagh Church for Sixth Classes.

Confirmation: March 23rd in Our Lady & St. Brendan’s Church at 3.30 p.m.

First Confession: February 8th in Our Lady & St. Brendan’s Church at 7.30 p.m.

First Holy Communion: May 12th in Our Lady & St. Brendan’s Church at 11.00 a.m.


Child absent – Please do not ring the school re your child’s absence unless it is relating to chicken pox/measles etc or long term. A note of explanation is to be given to your child’s teacher when he/she returns to school. When a child is absent 20 days it must by law be reported to the National Welfare Education Board along with reasons why.


Please supervise and sign your child’s homework every night. If you have any problems or concerns do not hesitate to make an appointment with the class teacher to discuss the problem.

Leaving school: Children may only leave school during school hours if accompanied by an authorised adult.

Attendance Punctual and regular school attendance is essential to ensure your child gets the most of his/her time here with us.

Hair Notes - To minimise the number of Head lice outbreaks, we ask all pupils to tie back their hair at all times.

Birthday Invitations: May only be handed out in school if the whole class are receiving invitations.

Child Protection: In line with Child Protection Guidelines access to the classroom is no longer allowed without prior arrangement/appointment with class teacher.


We would like to thank you all for your support in the run up to Christmas and for your generosity in supporting,

·  Our Christmas Concert

·  Hampers for Concert Raffle,

·  Parents’ Association Raffle

Sincerest thanks to the Parents’ Association Members who helped during concert week and who organised Santa’s Visit.

I would like to thank all our parents/guardians for their continued support and co-operation and again wish you and your family the very best for 2012.



Mr.Kieran O’Toole

Priomh Oide.
