

Climate Brochure Project


How do you decide where you go on vacation? Most people choose a place that fits their personality and plans. If you want sun and sand, you can't visit the mountains.And if you plan on snow skiing, you can't visit Florida. Climate regions are important for many reasons, and your job for this project, is to create a brochure for a city of your choice.You should include the climate region of the city, pictures, and activities you can do there (based on the climate.) The brochure should not be about the city itself, but should focus on the activities you can do because of the climate and the characteristic of the climate.

For example:what kind of animals live there, what kind of plants will you see, what kind of activities can you do there based on its weather and climate, what kind of weather can you expect in Jan., June, or September?


1.  Choosea city where you would like to go on vacation.

2.  Locate and label this city on the map. You can copy and paste OR print, cut and paste in your brochure. The website for the map is:,+dry,+temperate+marine,+temperate+continental,+polar+and+highlands&rlz=1C1KMZB_enUS599US599&es_sm=93&biw=1366&bih=653&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=MmVqVOy6IbWHsQTnjIG4Bw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&gws_rd=ssl#tbm=isch&q=world%27s+geographical+blank+map&facrc=_&imgdii=_&

3.  Decide what climate region it is in. Use the references given under #1.

4.  Research that region based on its climate region. Use the references given under #1 and 2.

5.  Write about your findings about the climate that city will have in the month you are planning to visit. Use the references given under #1 and 2.

6.  CREATE a TRAVEL brochure of your destination city based on their climate regionONLY using a template from either Microsoft Publisher or something similar.

7.  Information should be appropriate to their climate, including landscape, vegetation, and animals.Make it very informative by including pictures.Use the references given under #1, 2, 3 , and 4.

8.  Include all the places of attraction and the activities you will be doing while you will be visiting that city Use the references given under #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

9.  Include a 7 day forecast calendar. The calendar must include: date, days of the week, weather, precipitation, high temperature, low temperature, any kinds of fronts passing through that city, and any kind of watches/warnings issued by National Weather Services. Use the references given under #4, 5, and 6.

10.  Compare and contrast the climate of the destination city with your own city that you live in, ATLANTA. Use the references given under #1 - 6.

11.  Dedicate a panel of the brochure to the change in climate of the region. Use the references given under #7.

12.  All work should be typed in your own words, not copied and pasted, especially captions under your pictures.

This is due December 5th.


Examine the sites below.You MUST view at least 1 of the sites. Using all of them will help you complete the entire task.

1.  Overview of the 12 Climate Regions


o  Use this site to get information on your cities climate region.

2.  Regional Climates


o  Use this site to find specific details about United States Regions

3.  Biomes


o  Use this site to explore the landscape and animals of your climate region.

4.  Climate Zone


o  Use this site to find the weather over an extended time for any country.

5.  Travel Channel


o  Use this site to find attractions, activities, etc. for your specific city.

6.  Travel Guide and Pictures


o  Use this site to get pictures and info on best months to travel.

7.  Climate Change


o  Use this site to find out about climate change in any country


o  Use this site to find out about climate change in Australia


o  Use this site to find out about climate change in China


o  Use this site to find out about climate change in South America


o  Use this site to find out about climate change in European countries