Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church
1228 2nd Avenue
Berwick, PA 18603
(570) 752-3184
Rev. Michael Demko, Rector
October 23, 2016
Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord
Troparion tone 4 (Holy Apostle James)
As the Lord’s disciple thou didst receive the Gospel, O righteous James;
as a martyr thou hast unfailing courage;
as God’s brother, thou hast boldness;
as a hierarch, thou hast the power to intercede.//
Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Birthdays—Andrew Sponenberg-Oct. 23
Effie Marvelos- October 25
Sophia Tripp- October 29
Remember in your Prayers: Archbishop Nikon, Bishop Herman, Priest Emilian, Priest John, Priest Nicholas, Priest James, Priest John, Mary, Roland, David, Cayden, Kathryn, Larraine, Jennifer, Rose, Effie, Christina, Donna, Emalee, John, Christine, Matthew, Ivy Elizabeth, Yvette, Tyler, David, Marie, Jenny, Paul, Paul, Annie, Erin, Clare, John, Dianne, Joe, Bryce, Luke, Melanie, Amailia, Stavro, Thomas, Ethan, Benjamin, Emmitt, Mary, Jack, James, Alaina, Jewel, Kyle, William, Donna, Ron, Elizabeth, Christina, Missy, Bob, Carol, Leadeth, Linda, Korey, Cathy, Maggie, Tom, Mike, Artem, Jane, Linda, Laura, Antonina, Elaine, Cali, Mariah, James, John, Barbara, Tom, George, David, Charlie, Joseph, Heather, Leyla, Betty, Edward, Michelle, Nick, Sam, Mark, Jean, Andy, Nicole, Ally, Reagan, Tara, Sam, Ray, Diane, Nicholas, Bill, Julia, Hannah, Edward, Rick, Roy, Mary, Michael, Taylor, Pamela, Jillian, Jean, Jesse, Kurt, Nancy, Theodore, John, Finley, Michael, Paula, Nathan, Noah, Maria, Nikki Ann, Matthew
Sunday October 23-Church School 8:25 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am followed by fellowship
Monday October 24- Adult ed. Orthodoxy 101-Holy Tradition and how it relates to Holy Scripture and the Life of the Church and Heresy and Church Councils 7pm
Tuesday October 25- Adult ed. WrittenWorksoftheEarlyApostolicChurch: Acts of the Apostles II
Saturday October 29-Vespers and Confession 6pm
Sunday October 30-Church School 8:25 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am followed by fellowship and fund raising meeting
Collection for October 16
Candles-$57.00; donations-$200.00; Loose Money-$45.00; Weekly Envelopes-$1,150.00; Trust income-$100.00; Outreach-$200.00; Special funds (CAP.)-$50.00; Total-$1,802.00
I ask you to try something. If someone grieves you, or dishonors you, or takes something of yours, then pray like this: “Lord, we are all your creatures. Pity your servants, and turn them to repentance,” and then you will perceptibly bear grace in your soul. Induce your heart to love your enemies, and the Lord, seeing your good will, shall help you in all things, and will Himself show you experience. But whoever thinks evil of his enemies does not have love for God and has not known God.St Silouan the Athonite