
Barkley Wild Salmon Working Group

January 30, 2015

West Coast Aquatic

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Conference call Information:

Call 1-855-890-5110 Participant Number is 6446235#

Working Group Members
Tseshaht / Andy Olsen / Hupacasath / Steven Tatoosh
Timberwest / Domenico / Island Timberlands / Morgan Kennah
BCTS / Roland Doerning / Western Forest Products / Erin Badesso
Tseshaht / Hugh Braker / Catalyst / Larry Cross
Huu-ay-aht / Christine Gruman / Toquaht / Carlos Mack
Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ / Gently Down the Creek / Darrin Olson/James Messenger
Uchucklesaht / Monty Horton / Uu-a-thluk / Jim Lane/Sabrina Crowley
DFO Habitat / Margaret Wright / DFO Stock Assessment / Wilf Luedke
DFO SEP / Steve Emmonds / DFO / Isobel Pearsall
City of Ucluelet / Thornton Hatchery
ACRD / Penny Cote / AVEA / Jake Leyenaar
AMS / Rick Avis / AVEA / Phil Edgell
Sportsfishing / Bob Cole / Omega / Carol Schmitt
Shannon Hatchery / Dan Shannon / DFO SEP / Mel Sheng
Gillnet / Paul Kershaw / Watershed Watch / Craig Orr/Aaron Hill
Alberni Fish and Game / Ron Creber / Seine / Chris Cue/Chris Ashton
AVEA / Living Rivers / Al Lill
Gillnet / Ryan Mceachern / Regional District / Robert Gunn
Biologist / Dave Clough / Nitnaht Hatchery / Rob Brouwer
School District 70 / Nick Seredick / Port Alberni / Ken McCrae
DFO Community Advisor / Erica Blake / City Council / Jack McLeman
CWCFS / Jessica Hutchinson / Ron Tanasichuk
Time / Item
10:00 – 10:05 / Welcome and introductions
Approval of minutes
In attendance: Larry Cross, Mike Spence, Bob Cole, Ron Creber, Rick Avis, Erica Blake, Rob Brouwer, Roland Doerning, Phil Edgell, Carol Schmitt, Jake Leyenaar, Isobel Pearsall, Sabrina Crowley, Sheena Falconer, Steve Emmonds, Jack McLeman, Wilf Luedke (phone)
Regrets: Andy Olsen, Morgan Kennah, Domenico, Penny Cote, Margaret Wright
10:05 – 11:00 / Updates
Enhancement Updates:
Robertson Creek Hatchery – Steve Emmonds
Discussion as to egg takes and high mortality that may be due to high river temperatures in the fall. Mortality of eggs will affect the net pen program (reduced numbers) and the s1 project (cancellation). Discussion as to IHN from swim ins. Concern expressed about ongoing high temperatures and effect on current eggs. Discussion about possible mitigation strategies in light of high temperatures that may include early release.
Nitinat Hatchery – Rob Brouwer
Discussion as to poor returns at Sarita – 500 adults back with approximately 150,000 eggs. Regarding S1 project, last year had 200 back, this year only 8. Chum were poor – under 200,000 so no commercial fishery. 20 million chum eggs. We let 50,000 fry go into three lakes where they will rear over the winter. Male returns were high at 67 percent. We had a flood to contend with as well.
Alberni Valley Enhancement Hatchery – Phil Edgell
Discussion of snorkel survey project expansion to include estuaries down the canal, as well as two river swims. Worked with DU/City/PAPA/ACRD to LIDAR map the estuary. Costing out elevational overlay, vegetative overlay, wetted channels overlay. Report on the RFCPP project that involved replacing riprap with lock blocks on the estuary city acess road. Report on Somass estuary technical committee - Ian birtwell did a literature review of the estuary and made some recommendations. Broader committee will be making recommendations to Barkley Group during limiting factor workshops. Phil’s group didn’t have many coho females, but 14,000 eggs from 5 different streams.
Alberni Valley Enhancement Society - Jake Leyenaar
Discussion about new diversion channel which is still settling in. 80 – 90,000 coho eggs. Work is still needed on the diversion channel counting fences. Egg mortalities are high with many green fish coming up. We kept very few fish. Very few males with sperm. Never seen this before. We would milk ten bucks and only get one with sperm. 647 adults.
Shannon Hatchery – Dan Shannon
40 – 50,000 eggs from 5 creeks. Same as Jake – had many green fish. Had issues with big rains with sediment issues. In terms of washing eggs, the events in December were difficult. Now eggs are starting to hatch. Tray after tray as the temperature climbs. Salmon were returning as late as January. Many came up in the big rain event in December.
Chinook Net Pen project – Bob Cole
net pen is approved 200,000 chinook (only 180,000 available at this point). Net will be purchased this year. Still determining site. Will apply to PSF for funding for CWT and application of tags. Frames are in good condition. Hoping to have automatic feeders this year. Erica – installation of data loggers would be helpful.
Chum Project – Phil Edgell
2012 chum recovery program. Phil has been spearheading a project to work with FN on this project. For upcoming year we are looking at backup plans. Erica will do a literature review to see what has been done for enumeration counts. Discussion regarding Nahmint as a potential source of chum eggs, but better to take out of local streams. Nahmint side channel good for chum production. In the early 2000’s got up to about 30,000. Those stock seem to do ok, so numbers haven’t been really scrutinized. Discussion regarding 2015 chum project. A group has been formed to work on this with Phil.
Community Advisor Update – Erica Blake
PSF deadline of Feb 15 so please discuss applications with her. Monitoring and assessment very important. .
S1 Update - Sheena Falconer
S1 subcommittee approved for four year project. Delayed one year due to egg mortality. Going to proceed next year. Group putting in expanded application. Meeting in February to craft 2015 trial. Erica will get information on return, age composition and stray rates.

Habitat Restoration Updates:

Roger Creek Project – Sheena Falconer
Project proceeding this summer with RFCPP and City funding. Will consist of off channel fish habitat, sediment pond, trails and bridge. Surveying commending in next few weeks.
Taylor River Projects – Sheena Falconer
Overview of Taylor project that will commence this spring to repair the breach.

BCTS – Roland Doerning

Discussion of presence of spawning Chinook in the Taylor. Discussion of habitat banking and relationship to habitat restoration work and discussions with WCA regarding habitat banking.
Somass Estuary – Rick
we are trying to work out the relationship between the somass estuary management committee and somass technical committee. Invasive species are a problem.
Liaison Updates:
Tseshaht First Nation – Andy Olson – not available due to CoH meeting but sent word that Tseshaht is involved with and supportive of Area 23, chum project, S1 project, SEP workshop and more.
Hupacasath First Nation – Steven Tatoosh – not available due to CoH meeting but sent word that Hupacasath is involved with and supportive of Area 23, chum project, Ash project, and more.
Huu-ay-aht First Nation – Christine Gruman – not available due to CoH meeting
Uchucklesaht First Nation – Monty Horton
Update on oyster license. Meetings every month regarding common issues. Working on hagfish, crab and prawn. Test fisheries. Pre season annual fishing plans being developed. Concern with the preseason forecast. There are issues with respect to Henderson lake. There is a plan for a permanent fish fence at Henderson. Working with Carmen McConnell. Discussion regarding herring fishery boycott.
Uu-a-thluk – Sabrina Crowley
provide technical support to NTC/attend area 23/risk assessment/ assisted Uchucklesaht with fish fence/our main projects are up in the northern region.
Area 23 – Wilf Luedke/Mike Spence
Continue with fish planning – fine tuning. Discussion regarding improving the Henderson forecast in the future. The round table works and is one of the the most satisfying things that I do in DFO. We are going to continue with chinook planning. Develop a plan as we have done with sockeye. The outlook this year is a 4 – it means an abundant year, unless something changes. For coho – the outlook is a 3. Fairly abundant, so no changes for coho. The fraser coho could affect – doesn’t get determined to june. Chinook outlook is a 2. Same as last year. That may change, but that is what I have right now. Erica can send out a preliminary forecast. We are still sending out information from last year’s brood. Not updated until late spring. Discussion regarding concern about low snowpack and potential high sockeye mortality in relationship to high temperatures/low water flows. Need to make contingency plans. Discussion as to Junk Creek indicator results and whether they are helpful for local areas. Discussion as to the variance in sockeye returns between GCL and Sproat. Discussion about front end loading of fisheries, particularly in high temperature years and how to manage escapement targets.
Action item: Determination by the group that returns to GCL/Sproat and escapement during high temperature years need to be addressed.
Fish and Game – Ron Creber
Pet and Ron work with net pen project. Concern with GCL water levels, and worms in the fish. Discussion of congestion at Clutesi.

Regional District – Penny Cote (email)

Overview of new regional district appointment. Penny has been assigned to Barkley Salmon Group again.
City of Port Alberni – Jack McLeman
Update on community forest grants. Discussion regarding Dry Creek Flood protection project.
Somass Water Management Protocol – Margaret Wright (via email)
Nothing new this calendar year as of yet. Discussion regarding low snow pack – Larry will provide information. More information will be forthcoming regarding the BC Hydro plan.
Liquid Waste Management Plan – Phil Edgell
Change in project to have effluent dispersed at surface – province regs require it to be deeper. Coliform issue can be addressed in a different way.
Catalyst – Larry Cross
google river forecast centre for information on snowpack data. Put out a monthly update. Next one is Feb 6. The field work for environmental effects monitoring program will be done this summer. Plan is to repeat the benthic survey. Hopefully it will show an improvement. That will happen this summer. The following are links were provided by Larry to the Province of BC River Forecast Centre:
This one brings up the page where you can get the monthly bulletin for the province.

Gives a good summary of conditions/forecast. Issued about the 7th of each month.

This one brings up a map of Vancouver Island. Click on a station at it brings up a trend.
These are the “near real time” data automated stations run by the province.
There is one in the Campbell Lake watershed and Nanaimo Lakes.
None in the Alberni Valley, but trends will be similar.

Port Alberni Port Authority – Ron Kyle

Ron introduced himself to the group and stated he is happy to be working together on common goals.

DU Dinner – Bob Cole

Dinner takes place Feb 21 at the Barkley at 530. Tickets still available. Great to support estuary work.

SEP 2015 Workshop Invitation – Sheena Falconer

SEP workshop taking place May 15 – 17, 2015. Next meeting Feb 24.
Action Item: Group to review critical limiting factors and the draft Chinook Plan for next meeting
11:00 – 11:30 / Project list – brief overview of project list – items accomplished and those still to be undertaken.
11:30 – 12:00 / Chinook Risk Assessment – Review Chinook Plan and provide comments for revision
Include trendlines
Include introduction on barkley salmon group
Introduction as to “why”
12:00 – 12:30 / Lunch
12:30 – 1:55 / Chinook Risk Assessment - Discussion of specific limiting factors and proposal development(postponed due to lack of time – carried forward in February meeting)
1:55 – 2:00 / Announcements, Action Items, Next meeting date, wrap up and adjournment.
Next meeting date: February 27, 2015