Learner name / Assessor name
Date issued / Completion date / Submitted on
Qualification / Unit number and title
BTEC First Extended Certificate / Unit 29: Presenting Information Using IT
Assignment title / Assignment 2 - Document Production
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that
the student is able to: / Task no. / Page numbers
P3 / Produce documents that meet the needs of defined audiences
P4 / Use tools and techniques to enhance the presentation of
M1 / Create a document template for a given requirement
M2 / Use advanced formatting tools and techniques to enhance the presentation of information
D1 / Demonstrate use of appropriate language and layout in documents.
D2 / Create a complex document that combines textual, numerical and graphical information appropriate for a defined audience
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Learner signature: Date:

Unit number and title / Unit 29: Presenting Information Using IT
Qualification / BTEC First Extended Certificate
Start date
Assignment title / Document Production
The purpose of this assignment is to:
You are employed in a PR company. The manager of Hilltop Fitness, which is a local gym is looking to rebrand their organisation. As part of this process you have been asked to present a range of business documents that fit for purpose. To help you with this you have been provided with all the company information and the services they provide.
Task 1
Design and create a Letterhead for Hilltop Fitness Centre
Use this letterhead to produce a letter on an example business letter. The topic for the letter will be given by your tutor.
Task 2
Design and create a Business Card for the manager of Hilltop Fitness.
Task 3
Design and create a Poster to advertise for Hilltop Fitness Centre
Task 4
Using Desktop publishing software design and create a four page Newsletter that Hilltop will give to customers on a quarterly basis to let the know what is going on in the centre.
  • You need to produce a template version that can be reused
  • You need to produce a completed version that has all the relevant information.

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