Management Review [Agenda/Minutes]
Quality Control and Advancement
Management Review Agenda
Check the items that will be included in this Management Review Meeting:
Check / Agenda Item / Presenter(s)x /
- Attendance
x /
- Review Action Items from Previous Meeting
- Customer Feedback, Awards, Survey results, etc.
x /
- Quality Policy Objectives
x /
- Process Performance/Product Conformance
- Changes Affecting QMS
x /
- Audit Results
x /
- Corrective and Preventive Action Status
- Agents – Subcontractor Performance
- Resources
x /
- Training
x /
- Improvement Recommendations
x /
- Overall Effectiveness
Date Meeting is Scheduled:September 21st 2009
Location:gotomeeting (online)
Kim Davidson CEO / Garry Harrington – Technical DirectorAlex Willems QC / ISO (Chair)
Chris Kelly COO
Diane Edmonds Finance & Admin
Diane Beggan – Commercial Director
Documents or Reports to Bring:
Quality Manual QM-0102
Job Description
Documents noted as substandard
Management Review Minutes
Date of Meeting:September 21st 2009
Attendance(record names of those who attended)
Review Action Items from Previous Management Meeting
Action / Responsible Person / Due Date / StatusFirst meeting and no previous actions.
Customer Feedback, Awards, Survey results, etc
What feedback are we getting from customers (complaints, compliments, suggestions, etc)?
Action: As we focused on internal findings and improvements this was tabled until the next meeting as there we no outstanding issues.
Quality Policy/Objectives
Is the Quality Policy adequate, suitable, and effective? Are the quality objectives measuring the right things? Do we have the appropriate goals/targets?
All in attendance were pleased with the new direction of documented quality. Though for years we have been aiming for the best quality product and company, we all agree that this more structured approach is the most long-term profitable approach.
Though we have clearly found several items in the audit that need to be documented and improved all are recommitted to making the changes necessary.
Process Performance/ Product Conformance
Are the key processes that have been defined up-to-date? Do our current process results indicate trends that require action, including preventive action?
The processes that have been implemented are up to date. Frankly as most are in their first revision we understand that this is an area that will be dynamic for a while to come. We have found in all areas of business that there are improvements to be made.
Does RCMTurbo quality meet requirements? Are there improvements to RCMTurbo needed?
Currently the latest version of the software is stable and there have been no major complaints around the world other than some items that have more to do with implementation than with the tool. A project has been instigated to improve both the help file and deliver documentation. (OFI-0101-01)
Does SOS quality meet requirements? Are there improvements to SOS needed?
SOS is also in its most current release stable and usable. We have had an intermittent customer problem with printing, the latest issue came from PIC in Kuwait (TT-0101-01) and once we pinpoint the cause we will either build a patch or update install documentation depending on the cause of the problem.
Does our service quality meet requirements? Are there improvements to our services needed?
Currently all customers who have recently received training are well pleased as best as we know, the CEO has a project to follow up with customers (CSI-0101) to document satisfaction or lack thereof.
Changes that could affect the Quality Management System
Are there any upcoming changes for which we need to plan?
In the upcoming ISO audit there are undoubtedly going to be items that need fine-tuning or even larger changes. We also need to take a more detailed approach to the design and alpha testing phase of our software development.
Prepare further reports for collating the results of our audits. Draw up more useful forms for the design of software and forms and processes for software design.
Audit Results(This applies to internal audits, customer audits, and external audits)
Are audit resources adequate? Are audits being done as scheduled? Are nonconformances being addressed? Are audits resulting in improved process performance?
Audits can become more robust but remain on schedule. Nonconformance is the highest priority during the audits and all participants are extremely co-operative in finding and updating any non-conforming processes and forms.
New Audit schedule to be prepared and sent out by the end of October.
Corrective and Preventive Action Status
Are actions being closed out in a timely manner? Is there sufficient resources assigned? Are problems solved so they don’t reoccur?
All actions that are discovered are being handled on average in less than a week. The only outstanding actions are in-depth technical issues that don’t have a clear answer and these have been assigned as projects with sufficient resources.
Agents – Subcontractor Performance
Are agents meeting our requirements? Are there any agents that need to be added or removed from the approved list? Is there something we can do to help improve the quality of our agents?
Currently no active agents on any jobs.
(If applicable) Are subcontractors meeting our requirements? Are we collecting feedback from customers to adequately assess subcontractor quality? Do we need to take any proactive steps to maintain or return delivery quality?
Currently no active agents on any jobs.
There is the good possibility of a major joined contract that will require an extended cooperation with Oniqua and we have scheduled a meeting on the 8th of October with key personnel there to make sure that these issues are covered.
Are there adequate resources in place for people, equipment, facilities, etc…?
All personnel currently feel that there is adequate equipment and facilities.
Is there additional training that needs to be provided? Has past training been effective?
No scheduled training at the moment. Garry Harrington just completed an Adobe Flex training course for software development and was deemed effective and the knowledge is already being employed for the next release candidate.
Improvement Recommendations
Are there any other additional recommendations for improvement? (List)
Currently we are focused on finding and fixing any non-compliant and non-conforming items in our internal and external audit and all improvement it focused thereon.
Action Items
Action Required / Responsible Person / Due Date / StatusCollect all non-conforming docs. / Alex Willems / 30.09.2009 / Pending
Modify documents to correct / Alex Willems / 15.10.2009 / Pending
Prepare project for SOS printing issue / Chris Kelly / 15.10.2009 / Pending
New Audit Schedule / Alex Willems / 31.10.2009 / Pending
Overall Effectiveness
Is the Quality Management System adequate, suitable, and effective?
(If No, state the reason(s) why and prescribe appropriate remedial actions. List Action items above.)
We are currently moving at full speed to a fully suitable system and when the items addressed in the audit forms are completed we can check this as a yes.
Next meeting is scheduled for:Nov 23rd 2009
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