Mr. Ponder:Pre-AP Oklahoma History and Pre-AP World Human Geography
Course: In this class, we will learn how to analyze primary documents by various means. There will be much writing in this course and students must be prepared to read as well. We will have activities ranging from debates, discussions, group projects, etc. Also, we will have a research paper later in the year. It will be a demanding class, but it will prepare you for the challenges of the Advanced Placement courses that you will begin taking next year.
- Supplies: 6divider tabs, oneruler, black ink pens, 2 1/2 inch,3-ring binder, highlighters, 4 packsloose-leaf paper, andpencils
Contact Information: The best way to contact me is by e-mail at , but you are welcome to call the school and set up an appointment to speak with me.
Binder Sections:
- The first divider should be labeled Pre-AP Oklahoma H. and Human G.and be immediately followed by this syllabus,maps (given by teacher), and semester exam materials.
- The second divider should be labeledNotes. All notes taken in class will belong in this section of students three ring binder.
- The third divider should be labeled Primary Documents. This is where all the primary documents that I give students in class will go. It will help them study if they’re organized.
- The fourth divider should be labeled Graded Work All graded work will be in this divider. This way if the instructor ask students to pull a graded assessment out to review in class, than the students will do so with ease.
- The fifth divider should be labeled Writing. All writing assignments and writing handouts should go here.
- Finally, the sixth divider should be labeled Maps. Students (especially beginning in January) will receive an immense amount of maps from the teacher. They will struggle if they do not have those maps organized with a divider.
C-Notes: Students will learn the Cornell style of note taking and apply it in all of their classes including Pre-AP Oklahoma History and Human World Geography. 1. C-Notes should be taken over everything we study in class and kept in the binder under the appropriate tab.
Grades are based on a percentage scale:
Homework/daily assignments-20%
Notebook Check-10%
Writing assignments-20%
Semester Exam-20%
Expectations: Follow school policy, exhibit appropriate behavior, be honest, show respect for your fellow classmates and instructors, come to class prepared, exhibit effort, and have a positive attitude toward learning.
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to be on time to all classes. Students will be counted tardy until 5 minutes after the start of class. At that point, students will be counted absent. 3 tardies equal an unexcused absence.
Bring your supplies to class:This includes your binder, black pen, pencil, highlighter, and the current text we are studying. You will receive 3 free hall passes for the semester.If you lose your hall pass or use all three, you will be allowed to leave at my discretion, and it will result in an unexcused tardy.
Cell Phones: School policy dictates that students should not have cell phones out in the building. If I see or hear a cell phone, I will ask for it, and I expect the student to hand over the phone with no questions or comments. For disciplinary actions regarding cell phones, please see the student handbook.
Agendas: Students are expected to carry and maintain an agenda.
Writing Format: All finalized writing assignments must be written or typed in blackink and double-spaced or I will not grade them.
B-List: There is a list of academic writing rules posted in my classroom that if violated on formal assignments, students will receive a maximum grade of an 80%. This list will be discussed often and may be expanded throughout the year.
Late Work: I allow students to turn in work up to ONE DAY late. This will result in a maximum of a 75% on the assignment.
Make- Up Work: It is your responsibility to get your make-up work. School policy dictates that the student shall receive the number of days absent plus one day to complete missing work.If a student is gone for a school activity, they are expected to have the work they missed completed when they return to school. All students should schedule a time with me to make-up any tests/quizzes. If the student does not come in to make-up the work in a timely fashion, they will receive a zero for the assignment. I have an Absent Box that has all make-up work listed and handouts provided for students to retrieve when they return from being absent.
Extra Credit: I offer 2 extra credit opportunities throughout the year. Extra credit is available to all students. No extra credit will be given on an individual basis.
Film: There will be several clips of film shown in class. Movies will only contain content parallel to the curriculum and that further expand understanding of mandated Oklahoma State Standards.
Office Hours: My office hour is Monday 3:00-4:00.
Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism isan act or instance of using or closely imitating the languageand/or thoughts of another author withoutauthorization and the representation of that author's work asone'sown, as by not crediting the original author.Plagiarism is a serious offence. You can be kicked out of college if you plagiarize. The consequences in my class are:
1st offense: a 0% on the assignment, a meeting with the administration to discuss the gravity of the issue, and a detention
2nd offense: a 0% on the assignment and two detentions
3rd offense: a 0% on the assignment and a day ofIn School Suspension
By signing below, I am stating that I have read, understand, and agree to the policies and procedures stated in this syllabus.