WiSE Meeting, March 25, 2009
Fisher Student Center, Sunset Beach Room 1025
Veronica Amatucci, Emily Gould, Shay Chandler, Josh Groll (new member), Teri Walsh, Jennifer Hinkley, Candace Craven, Jen Beare, Kristen Williams, Arial Kane, Christy Visaggi, Virginia Baysden
Pictures on website!
Ordering, $10.00 each (long sleeved and tank tops)
Email Veronica at to order by FRIDAY, March 27, 2009
Student Organization Appreciation Day
April 16, 2009 11:30-1:30pm
WiSE nominated for gold category!!!!
Outstanding student organization
Volunteers to go support other groups and find out what other
Need VIP passes; Veronica picking these up – let her know if you are interested
Clock Lounge???
Rachel Carson
Sense of Wonder Film
New Hanover Library
March 26, 2009; 5:30pm
Notes: film attributed to woman who wrote Silent Springs
End of the Line Film
BSA hosting Dr. Jeffery Hutchins
Expert in fisheries
Lumina Theater showing 3:00pm this Saturday
Notes: Hutchins had nothing to do with the production of the film, but will be there to answer questions on overfishing, etc…
Bowling! WiSE social
Last meeting: April 27, 2009 – Monday evening
Shipyard Boulevard, Cardinal Bowling Alley
Bowling fundraiser (Veronica will pass out shirts this meeting)
Fun before finals!
Notes: meet the 27th, rather than during finals; Time TBA; reason for this bowling alley – fundraiser deal associated
Pam Hallock-Muller!
April 2, 2009 – Thursday
Talks: 2:00pm and 7:30pm
2:00pm – DeLoach Hall 114 – Coral Reefs Talk
7:30pm – Dobo Hall 134 – Gender Discrimination Lawsuit Talk
Reception after night talk
Notes: Reception, we cannot “cater” or bring in items from the deli; we can bring some small items: juice, cookies; possibly changing the room for the reception, so these things may change;
Need volunteers to transport and help set up:
- Pam arrives April 1, 2009 at 7:00pm (Veronica will pick up from ILM)
- Wednesday night dinner with Pam after arrival - 8:00pm at italian restaurant at Mayfaire – contact Christy or Veronica for specific location
- Pick up from hotel to DeLoach, Thursday morning 11:00am = ???
- Thursday 3:30pm, campus tour after 2:00pm talk = Shay and Josh
- Women’s Resource Center – give opportunity to talk with Pam
- Opportunity to have dinner with Pam on Thursday as well, before evening talk; possibility IndoChine on Market?
- Setup: need volunteers for evening reception setup – Jennifer Hinkley, Arial Shabrial
-Bring Pam to ILM Friday, 11:00am – Jennifer Hinkley
- Volunteers to chalk?
Christy made two flyers to distribute; still need to print; will be available
Veronica will be emailing volunteers to reiterate and asking for more volunteers
Department Representative Issues (Arial)
Need emails for just reps
Flyers need to be sent out and distributed A WEEK BEFORE meeting
Sending pictures to add to the web to be the face of WiSE departmental representatives so interested students are able to find you
Notes: Dr. Gahn and Dr. Deal – volunteers to work as WiSE mentors; Need a department representative director because Arial is leaving after this semester
Christy: We need to get faculty more involved; invite them to the Bowling Social!
Shay: 919-455-7159
Josh: 910-257-6900