Self-Audit Checklist for the Junior Secondary Curriculum: Arts Education Key Learning Area

(The content of the table below is based on the Arts Education KLA Curriculum Guide (P1-S3) 2002. Teachers can download the table from èExamples/tools for planning NSS)

1. Please use the following table to examine the junior secondary Arts Education curriculum in you school.

Areas / Essential Learning Elements / Learning element are taught through the following subject / school-based
curriculum / learning activities / If not covered, please provide reason(s) (e.g. insufficient time) / Remarks /
(Please indicate the year level(s) in which the elements are covered) / School-based Curriculum
(Please indicate the curriculum name, year level(s) and theme) / Cross-subject or Cross-KLA Learning Activities / Others /
Arts / Music / Others / (e.g. project learning) /
1. Creating / 1. Generate ideas and conceive artwork by using senses, experiences and imagination
2. Collect and process visual, musical and print data for developing ideas
3. Explore traditional and innovative forms of presentation and media
4. Connect the knowledge and skills of performing/performance/ appreciation in creating
5. Use image development strategies and various tools to visualise concepts and create artwork for expression
6. Select and manipulate appropriate visual arts language, skills and media to create artwork for communication
7. Create/improvise music for specific purposes to demonstrate the grasp of creating skills
8. Make use of IT to create music
2. Performing / 1. Use skills proficiently to interpret one’s own and others’ compositions
2. Sing in unison and in parts with technical accuracy
3. Play instruments in unison and in parts with increasing control of techniques
3. Appraising / 1. Use appropriate vocabularies to describe and analyse artwork and performances, and express personal feelings and views
2. Interpret the messages conveyed through artwork and performances
3. Explore the meanings of artwork and performances from diverse cultures and their relationships with the contexts
4. Explore the criteria for appraising artwork and performances
Average no. of teaching periods per week / cycle at S1 in 2008 / 09 s.y.
Average no. of teaching periods per week / cycle at S2 in 2008 / 09 s.y.
Average no. of teaching periods per week / cycle at S3 in 2008 / 09 s.y.
Total no. of teaching periods per week / ___-day cycle* in 2008/09 s.y. :_____

2. With reference to the outcome of the audit, please suggest remedial measures for essential learning elements that are not covered.

Learning elements not covered / Remedial measures that can be taken


* Please delete as appropriate