Current Events Instructions

What Is It?

Current Events are just that, things that are happening right now in the world around you. One of the objectives of the Government curriculum is to make you more aware of what is going on in your world. In order for this to happen, you must begin to pay attention to the news and read the newspaper.

What Are We Doing?

First of all you are looking for a newspaper article from a creditable news source. The National Enquirer is NOT a creditable news source. Find an article that contains some form of controversy. These articles will have two opinions or points of view expressed in them. If your article does not contain controversy, you may not use it for this assignment.

How Should The Paper Be Filled Out?

See the sample on the back of this paper.

What Are The Topics?

You must do one Current Events summary for each of the following topics:

·  State Government (Arizona only.)

·  Local Government (Maricopa County or Phoenix)

You must do two Current Events summaries for the following:

·  Free Choice (anything of your choice and may include a topic you’ve already done)

You must also do three Current Events summaries for the following:

·  National Government (Executive, Legislative & Judicial Branches) You do not have to find an article that covers each branch. You may use two on the US Congress and one on the Supreme Court if you wish.)

When Is It Due?

Current Event summaries are due every Wednesday at the beginning of class. Anything received later will be considered late and points will be deducted.

SOURCE: (Where you got the article from) / NAME: (Your Name)
TITLE: (The Title of the article) / DUE DATE: / PERIOD:
DATE: (of the article) / CATEGORY: (International, National, State, Local, or Free Choice)
PAGE: (from the newspaper or blank if you got your article from the Internet)




CONTROVERSY STATEMENT: This is a statement, not a question and should describe what the argument is from the article. (Example: “The Glendale Union High School District has approved closing the campuses of all nine high schools thus requiring all students to stay on campus for lunch.”)


PRO – In favor of what is being argued



CON – Not in favor of what is being argued

