Harriet P. Lefley, Ph.D.

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December, 2005

Harriet P. Lefley, Ph.D.


Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (D-29)

University of MiamiSchool of Medicine

Miami, Florida33101-6960

Telephone:Office (305) 355-9118 FAX (305) 355-9133

Home - (305) 6655023 FAX (305) 662-1028

E-mail: and H,


B.A., February, 1964Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois

Major: Psychology

M.A., September, 1967Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois

Major: Clinical Psychology

Additional postgraduate: University of Chicago; Illinois Institute of Technology

Ph.D., January, 1973University of Miami, Miami, Florida

Major: PersonalitySocial Psychology

Specialization: CrossCultural and Ethnopsychology


1973 dateAssistant Professor to Professor

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,

University of MiamiSchool of Medicine

Grants and Contracts:

1986 1989Director, Collaborative Family Training Project, Principal Investigator and Project Director, Clinical Training Grant (NIMH #1 T24 MH 18779) Manpower Research & Demonstration; Training Psychiatric Residents and Social Work Staff to Work Collaboratively with Families of the Severely Mentally Ill.

1987, 1988Principal Investigator and Project Director, Annual National Forums on Educating Mental Health Professionals to Work with the Seriously Mentally Ill and their Families. Contract. ADAMHA/NIMH.

19861989CoInvestigator, Ethnicity and Impact of Rape (NIMH, D. Hicks, P. I.)

1979 1982Principal Investigator and Project Director CrossCultural Training Institute for Mental HealthProfessionalsUniversity of Miami (NIMH # 24 MH 15429).


1983 1988Director of Quality Assurance New Horizons Community Mental HealthCenter

1985 1986Consultant to St. Luke's Drug Abuse Program Methadone Clinic, Miami, FL.

1974 1982Associate Director and Director of Research & Evaluation, University of MiamiJackson MemorialMedicalCenter Community Mental HealthCenter (now New Horizons CMHC).

1973 1976Program Evaluator, Miccosukee Tribe of Indians Florida Bilingual Education Program.

1974 1975Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Miami.

1974 Director, University of MiamiJacksonMemorialHospital Community Mental Health Services.

1969 1971Primary Consultant in Social Research to Ministry of Labour and Welfare, Government of Bahamas

Designed and conducted socioeconomic and psychological studies of samples of lowerincome and middleincome families; Testing programs, Government Labour Exchange and Industrial Schools; Consultant, Sandilands Mental Hospital & Rehabilitation Center, and Welfare Casework Staff.

1967 1969Resident Social Research Consultant, Ministry of Labour & Welfare

CoDirector, Bahama Islands Manpower Survey (all employers in the Bahamas), and Bahama Islands Household Survey (all islands).

1965 1966United States Peace CorpsSierra Leone Training Project: Psychological Assessment Officer.

1965 1966University of Chicago, LaboratorySchool Psychological Assessment


Grants Review:

National Institute of Mental Health Grants Review and Planning CommitteesMultiple

National Institute of Mental Health, Chair, Community Support Program

Review Committee, 1987, 1988, 1990; other reviews 1991--continuing

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration, Center for Mental Health Services 1993 and continuing

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

National Endowment for the Humanities

Health Research Council of New Zealand

Journals: Editorial Board/Reviewer/Referee

Editorial Board -

Community Mental Health Journal

Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research (formerly Journal of Mental Health Administration)

Innovations & Research in Clinical Services, Community Support, and Rehabilitation.

(Former co-editor)

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal


American Journal of Psychiatry

American Journal of Community Psychology

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

Community Mental Health Journal

Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry

Disease Management and Health Outcomes (New Zealand)

Family Relations

Hospital & Community Psychiatry (see Psychiatric Services)

Human Organization

International Journal of InterCultural Relations

Journal of Affective Disorders (UK)

Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research

Journal of Clinical Child Psychology

Journal of CrossCultural Psychology

Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Medical Anthropology

Mental Health & Social Justice

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

Psychiatric Services

Schizophrenia Bulletin

Social Science & Medicine

Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review


Juried Journal Articles

Lefley, H.P. (1971). Masculinityfemininity in obese women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 37, 180186.

Lefley, H.P. (1972). Modal personality in the Bahamas. Journal of CrossCultural Psychology, 3, 135147.

Lefley, H.P. (1974). Social and familial correlates of selfesteem among American Indian children. Child Development, 45, 829833.

Lefley, H.P. (1974). Effects of a cultural heritage program on the selfconcept of Miccosukee Indian children. Journal of Educational Research, 67, 462466.

Lefley, H.P. (1974). Differential selfconcept in American Indian children as a function of language and examiner. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31, 3641.

Lefley, H.P. (1976). Acculturation, childrearing, and selfesteem in two North American Indian tribes. Ethos, 4 (3), 385401.

Lefley, H.P. (1979). Prevalence of potential fallingout cases among the Black, Latin, and nonLatin White populations of Miami. Social Science & Medicine, 13B (2), 113114.

Lefley, H.P. (1979). Female cases of fallingout: A psychological evaluation of a small sample. Social Science & Medicine, 13B (2), 115116.

Lefley, H.P. (1979). Environmental interventions and therapeutic outcome. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 30, 341344.

Lefley, H.P. (1981). Psychotherapy and cultural adaptation in the Caribbean. International Journal of Group Tensions, 11, 14.

Lefley, H.P. (1984). Crosscultural training for mental health professionals: Effects on the delivery of services. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 35, 12271229.

Lefley, H.P. (1985). Families of the mentally ill in crosscultural perspective. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 8 (4), 5775.

Lefley, H.P. (1985). Etiological and prevention views of clinicians with mentally ill relatives. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 55, 363370.

Lefley, H.P. (1985). Impact of crosscultural training on Black and White mental health professionals. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 9, 305318.

Lefley, H.P. (1987). Aging parents as caregivers of mentally ill adult children: An emergent social problem. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 38, 10631070.

Lefley, H.P. (1987). Impact of mental illness in families of mental health professionals. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 175 (10), 613619.

Lefley, H.P. (1987). The family's response to mental illness in a relative. New Directions in Mental Health Services, 31, 3-21.

Lefley, H.P. (1988). Linked changes in mental health service delivery and psychiatric education. Psychiatric Quarterly, 59 (2), 121139.

Lefley, H.P. (1988). Training professionals to work with families of chronic patients. Community Mental Health Journal, 24 (4), 338357.

Lefley, H.P., & Cutler, D. (1988). Training professionals to work with the chronically mentally ill. Community Mental Health Journal, 24 (4), 253257.

Lefley, H.P. (1989). Family burden and family stigma in major mental illness. American Psychologist, 44 , 556-560.

Lefley, H.P., Bernheim, K.F., & Goldman, C.R. (1989). National forum on training clinicians to work with seriously mentally ill persons and their families. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 40, 460-462, 470.

Faulkner, L.R., Cutler, D.L….& Lefley, H.P. (1989). A basic residency curriculum concerning the chronically mentally ill. American Journal of Psychiatry, 146, 1323-1327.

Lefley, H.P. (1990). Culture and chronic mental illness. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 41, 277-286.

Lefley, H.P. (1990). Rehabilitation in mental illness: Insights from other cultures. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 14, 5-11.

Lefley, H.P. & Bestman. E. W. (1991). Public-academic linkages for culturally sensitive community mental health. Community Mental Health Journal, 27, 473-488.

Lefley, H.P. (1992). Developing living wills for the seriously mentally ill to address psychiatric emergencies. Psychiatric Times, 9(5), 7-11.

Lefley, H.P. (1992). Expressed emotion: conceptual, clinical, and social policy issues. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 43, 591-598.

Lefley, H.P. (1992). Multicultural mental health and substance abuse services; An Introduction. Journal of Mental Health Administration, 19, 209-212.

Lefley, H.P. (1993). Involuntary treatment: concerns of consumers, families and society. Innovations & Research 21(1), Winter, 7-9.

Lefley, H.P., Scott, C.S., Llabre, M., & Hicks, D. (1993) Cultural beliefs about rape and victims’ response in three ethnic groups. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 63,623-632.

Scott, C.S., Lefley, H.P. & Hicks, D. (1993). Potential risk factors for rape in three ethnic groups, Community Mental Health Journal, 29, 133-141.

Lefley, H.P. (1994). Interventions with families: what have we learned? New Directions for Mental Health Services, 62, 89-98.

Lefley, H.P. (1994). Thinking about recovery: paradigms and pitfalls. Innovations & Research, 3(4), 19-23.

Cook, J.A., Lefley, H.P., Pickett, S., & Cohler, B.J. (1994). Age and family burden among parents with offspring with severe mental illness. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 64, 435-447.

Brauzer, B., Lefley, H.P., & Steinbook, R. (1996). A module for training residents in public mental health systems and community resources. Psychiatric Services 47, 192-194.

Marsh, D.T., Lefley, H.P., Evans-Rhodes, D., Ansell V. et al. (1996). The family experience of mental illness. Evidence for resilience. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 20(2):3-12.

Lefley, H.P. (1997). The consumer recovery vision: Will it alleviate family burden? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 67, 210-219.

Lefley, H.P. (1997). Mandatory treatment from the family’s perspective. New Directions for Mental health Services, 75, 7-16.

Lefley, H.P. (1997). Synthesizing the family burden research: Implications for service planning, social policy, and further research. Family Relations, 46, 443-450..

Lefley, H.P. (1998) Foreword to Quality of Life for Persons with Mental Illness: International Perspectives. Special issue of Community Mental Health Journal, 34, 455-457.

Lefley, H.P. (1998) Families’ experience of mental illness: constructing new realities. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes,.61,335-355.

Lefley, H.P. (1998). The family experience in cultural context: Implications for further research and practice. New Directions for Mental Health Services, 77, 97-106.

Lefley, H.P. (1998) Training professionals for psychiatric rehabilitation teams. New Directions for Mental Health Services, 79, 13-23.

Winarski, J.T., Cohen. M., Feldman, S., Henderson,M.J., Jackson, V., Lefley, H. et al. (1998). Issues affecting clinical practice in an era of managed behavioral health care.Journal of the WashingtonAcademy of Sciences 85(1), 101-113.

Lefley, H.P. & Hatfield, A.B. (1999). Helping parental caregivers and mental health consumers cope with parental aging and loss. Psychiatric Services, 50, 369-375.

Lefley, H.P. (1999). What does “community” mean for people with mental illness? New Directions for Mental Health Services. 83,3-12.

Lefley, H.P. (2000). Cultural perspectives on families, mental illness, and the law. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 23, 229-243.

Lefley, H.P. (2000). Psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychosis: will turf battles trump treatment? New Directions for Mental Health Services, 88,39-47.

Hatfield, A.B, & Lefley, H.P. (2000). Helping elderly caregivers plan for the future care of a relative with mental illness.Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 24, 103-107.

Dixon, L., McFarlane. W.R., Lefley, H. et al. (2001). Evidence--based practices

for services to families of people with psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric Services. 52, 903-910

Marsh, D. T., & Lefley, H. P. (2003). Family interventions for schizophrenia. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 14, 47-67

Lefley, H.P. (2004). Intercultural similarities and differences in family caregiving and family interventions in schizophrenia. Psychiatric Times, 21(13), 70.

Hatfield, A.B. & Lefley, H.P., (2005),. Future Involvement of Siblings in the Lives of Persons with Mental Illness.Community Mental Health Journal, 41, 327-338

Marsh, D.T. & Lefley, H..P. (in press). Schizophrenia. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2d ed.


Lefley, H.P., & Pedersen, P.B. (Eds.). (1986). Cross-Cultural Training for Mental

Health Professionals. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Hatfield, A., & Lefley, H.P. (Eds.). (1987) Families of the mentally ill: Coping and adaptation. New York: Guiford Press.

Lefley, H.P. & Johnson, D.L. (Eds.) (1990). Families as allies in treatment of the mentally ill: new directions for mental health professionals. WashingtonDC: American Psychiatric Press.

Lefley, H.P. (Ed.), (1990). National Institute of Mental Health. Clinical training in serious mental illness. DHHS Pub. No. (ADM.) No. 90-1679. WashingtonDC: Supt. of Docs. U.S. Government Printing Office.

Hatfield, A.B. & Lefley, H.P. (1993). Surviving mental illness: Stress, coping and adaptation. New York: Guilford.

Lefley, H.P. & Wasow, M. (Eds.) (1994). Helping families cope with serious mental illness. Newark, N.J: Harwood Academic Publishers.

Lefley, H.P. (1996). Family caregiving in mental illness, Thousand Oaks, C.A: Sage Publication Co.

Lefley. H.P. Editor. (1998). Families Coping with Mental Illness: The Cultural Context. New Directions for Mental Health Services, No. 77. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lefley, H.P. & Johnson, D.L. (2002). Family interventions in mental illness: International perspectives.Westport CT: Praeger.

Monographs, and Book Chapters

Lefley, H.P. (1969). SocioEconomic Survey of LowerIncome Bahamian Families. Nassau, Bahamas: Ministry of Labour & Welfare.

Lefley, H.P. (1969). A Sociological Survey of Bahamian Adults: Individual and Family Characteristics and Generational Changes. Nassau, Bahamas: Ministry of Labour & Welfare.

Lefley, H.P. (1971). Attitude Survey of Employees in the Tourist Industry. Nassau, Bahamas: Ministry of Labour & Welfare.

Lefley, H.P. (1977). Differential selfconcept in American Indian children. In S. Chess & A. Thomas (Eds.), Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development. New York: Brunner/Mazel (Reprint of 1974 article).

Lefley, H.P. (1981). Social aspects of medicine. In J. Braunstein & R. Toaster (Eds.), Medical Applications of the Behavioral Sciences. New York: Behavioral Publications.

Lefley, H.P. (1982). Selfperception and primary prevention for American Indians. In S. Manson et al., New Directions in Prevention Among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. Portland: OregonHealthSciencesUniversity.

Lefley, H.P. (1984). Delivering mental health services across cultures. In P. Pedersen, N. Sartorius, & A. Marsella (Eds.), Mental Health Services: The CrossCultural Context. New York: Sage.

Lefley, H.P. & Bestman, E.W. (1984). Community mental health and minorities: A multiethnic approach. In S. Sue & T. Moore (Eds.), The Pluralistic Society: A Community Mental Health Perspective. New York: Human Sciences.

Lefley, H.P. (1985). Mental health training across cultures. In P. Pedersen et al. (Eds.), Reference Handbook of CrossCultural Counseling and Therapy. New York: Greenwood.

Lefley, H.P. (1986). Why crosscultural training? Applied issues in culture and mental health service delivery. In H.P. Lefley & P.B. Pedersen (Eds.),

CrossCultural Training for Mental Health Professionals (pp. 1144). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Lefley, H.P. (1986). The crosscultural training institute for mental health professionals: Reeducating practitioners in cultural and community perspectives. In H.P. Lefley & P.B. Pedersen (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Training for Mental Health Professionals (pp. 89111). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Lefley, H.P. (1986). Evaluating the effects of crosscultural training: Some research results. In H.P. Lefley & P.B. Pedersen (Eds.), CrossCultural Training for Mental Health Professionals (pp. 265307). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

Lefley, H.P. (1987). An adaptation framework: Its meaning for research and practice. In A. Hatfield & H.P. Lefley (Eds.), Families of the mentally ill: Coping and adaptation (pp. 307329). New York: Guilford.

Lefley, H.P. (1987). Behavioral manifestations of mental illness. In A. Hatfield & H.P. Lefley (Eds.), Families of the Mentally Ill: Coping and Adaptation (pp. 107127). New York: Guilford.

Lefley, H.P. (1987). Culture and mental illness: The family role. In A. Hatfield & H.P. Lefley (Eds.), Families of the Mentally Ill: Coping and Adaptation (pp. 3059). New York: Guilford.

Lefley, H.P. (1987). Interdisciplinary training for work with families of clients with chronic mental illness. In M. Davis & A.M. Sanchez (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Collaboration between State Mental Health and Higher Education (pp. 6163). Boulder, CO: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.

Lefley, H.P. (1988). Guest Editor (with D. Culter). Training professionals to work with the chronically mentally ill Community Mental Health Journal, Winter 24 (4) label issues.

Lefley, H.P. (1989). Counseling refugees. In P.B. Pedersen, W.J. Lonner, J.E. Trimble, & J.G. Draguns (Eds.). Counseling across cultures (pp. 243-266). 3rd rev. ed. Honolulu: University press of Hawaii.

Lefley, H.P. (1990). Research directions for a new conceptualization of families. In H.P. Lefley and D.L. Johnson (Eds.), Families as allies in treatment of the mentally ill: New directions for mental health professionals (pp. 127-162). WashingtonDC: American Psychiatric Press.

Lefley, H.P. (1990). Cultural issues in training psychiatric residents to work with families of the long-term mentally ill. In E. Sorel (Ed.), Family, culture, and psychobiology. Toronto: Legas.

Lefley, H.P. (1990). Training psychologists to refocus on the seriously mentally ill. In D.L. Johnson (Ed.),I Training psychologists to work on the seriously mentally ill. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Lefley, H.P. (1990). Training psychologists to work with the seriously mentally ill: Faculty development, curriculum development, and continuing education. In D.L. Johnson (Ed.). Training psychologists to work with the seriously mentally ill. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Lefley, H.P. (1990). Consumers, clinicians, community, and classroom: Models of linkages, In M. Davis, D. Moore, and A.M. Sanchez (Eds.), Strengthening linkages between state mental health systems and higher education in the west (pp 5-14). Boulder, CO: Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education).

Lefley, H.P. (1990). A social policy perspective on applied master's level training in psychology. Proceedings of the National Conference on Applied Master's Training in Psychology, June 2-4. Edited by Rosemary H. Lowe. Norman, OK, University of Oklahoma.

Lefley, H.P. (1991). Foreword. In L.L. Adler (Ed.), Women in CrossCultural Perspective. London: Pergamon.

Lefley, H.P. (1991). Cross-cultural issues in clinical settings. In P. Keller (Ed.), Innovations in clinical practice: A source book. Vol. 10. Sarasota, FL. Professional Resource Exchange, Inc.

Lefley, H.P., Nuehring, E., & Bestman, E.W. (1992) Homelessness and mental illness: A transcultural family perspective. In H.R. Lamb (Ed.), Treating the homeless mentally ill., Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Lefley, H.P. The stigmatized family. In P. Fink & A. Tasman (Eds.). Stigma and the mentally ill. WashingtonDC. American Psychiatric press.

Lefley, H.P., (1993). A family perspective on rehabilitation. In R. Flexer and P. Solomon (Eds.) Psychiatric rehabilitation in practice. Boston: Andover Medical Pub.

Lefley, H.P. (1993). An overview of family-professional relationships. In D.T. Marsh (Ed.) New directions in the psychological treatment of serious mental illness. New York: Praeger.

Lefley, H.P. (1993). The single parent’s struggle: schizophrenia and the adult child-a commentary. In P. Backlar (Ed.) The family face of schizophrenia. New York: Tarcher/Putnam.

Lefley, H.P. (1994). Mental health treatment and service delivery in cross-cultural perspective. In L.L. Adler & U. Gielen (Eds.), Cross-cultural topics in psychology. New York: Praeger.

Lefley, H.P. (1994). Foreword. In K.T. Mueser & S.L. Gingerich, Coping with schizophrenia: A guide for families. New Harbinger Press.

Lefley, H.P. (1994). Family members’ perspectives on involuntary interventions. In Proceedings of Symposium on Involuntary Interventions: The Call for a National Legal and Medical Response. HoustonTX: HarrisCounty Psychiatric Center, University of Texas-Houston Medical School Department of Psychiatry, May 5-7, 1994.

Lefley, H.P. (1994). Rehabilitation of mental illness: insights from other cultures. In L. Spaniol, M.A. Brown, L. Blankertz, D. Burnham, D. Dincin, et al. An introduction to psychiatric rehabilitation (pp. 111-116). Washington, D.C., International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services.

Lefley, H.P. & Bestman, E.W (1996). Training for culturally appropriate mental health services. In C. W. Willie B. Kramer, & B. Brown (Eds.), Racism, sexism, and mental health. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Marsh, D.T., Lefley, H.P. & Husted, J.R. (1996) Families of people with mental illness: opportunities for professional practice. In M. Harway (Ed.), Non-normative events and family functioning: The role of the family clinician. New York: Wylie. Pp.117-143.

Goldman, C. & Lefley, H.P. (1996). Working with self-help, support, and advocacy groups. In J. Vaccaro & G. Clark (Eds.). Community psychiatry: a practitioner’s manual. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Lefley, H.P. (1996). The impact of consumer and family advocacy movements on mental health services. In B.L. Levin and J. Petrila (Eds.). Mental health services: A public health perspective. OxfordUniversity Press.

Lefley, H.P. (1997). Advocacy, self-help, and consumer-run services. In A. Tasman, J. Kay & J. Lieberman (Eds.) Psychiatry. (pp.1770-1780) W.B. Saunders.

Lefley, H.P. (1997).Family burden and family stigma in major mental illness. In L. Spaniol, C. Gage, & M Koehler, eds. Psychological and social aspects of psychiatric disability (pp. 246-253.). Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, BostonUniversity.

Lefley, H.P. (1997). Involuntary treatment: Concerns of consumers, families, and society. In K.F. Bernheim, ed., The Lanahan Cases and Readings in Abnormal Behavior. (pp.366-371). Baltimore, Lanahan Publishers.

Lefley H.P. (1997) Mental health services for a multicultural society. In B. Ferguson and D. Barnes (eds), Perspectives on Transcultural Mental Health (pp. 104-117). Sydney, Australia: Transcultural Mental Health Centre.

Lefley, H.P., Sandoval, M.C. & Charles, C. (1998). Traditional healing systems in a multicultural setting. In S.O. Okpaku (Ed.) Clinical Methods in Transcultural Psychiatry (pp. 88-109). WashingtonD.C. American Psychiatric Press Inc.

Lefley, H.P. (1999). Transcultural aspects of sexual victimization. In J. Shaw (Ed.). Sexual Aggression,(pp. 129-166). Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Press.