
July 10, 2006


Fellowship Program for Intellectual Exchange 2006

Program Announcement & Application Instructions


Following is the description of a competitive process of fellowship program sponsored by The Japan Foundation. Applications will be screened. As the number of awards is limited, the Foundation may not be able to approve all the applications.

1. Program AnnouncementOutline

1. Objectives and Program Overview

This program is designed to provide young intellectuals in the Middle East with an opportunity to visit Japan for three weeks. Approximately seven participants will be involved in collaborative interaction [Core Program] through a series of lectures, fellows’ presentations, field trips and workshops/seminars organized around the overall theme of “Education and Development: from political, economical and cultural perspectives”. They will meet counterparts in Japan along with other participating fellows from the Middle East.

The program also offers a possible extended term for the fellows to conduct their own individual research in a chosen topic and networking/exchange activities. The program thus seeks to assist in the development of a new generation of Middle Eastern intellectual leaders who are familiar with Japan through established individual and institutional networks and are able to add topics /elements relating to Japan to their own field of research in future.

2. Eligibility of Applicants

(1) Scholars, researchers (including , graduate students), journalists and other professionals

who are engaged in research activities in the field of humanities and the social sciences at

universities, or research, media, or non-profit organizations in the Middle East.

(2) Applicants whose specialization is Japanese studies are NOT able to apply. However, the applicant should aim to conduct research that is related to Japan.

(3) Individuals with adequate English proficiency to take part in the three-week core program collaborative interaction and to conduct research in Japan

(4) Individuals who can take part in the three-week collaborative interaction and are interested in the topic of this year (‘Education and Development’).

(5) Applicants must be a national/permanent resident with active academic/professional affiliation in one of the following countries: Afghanistan, UAE, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Bahrain, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya

3. Objectives and Program Overview

The Fellowship Program for Intellectual Exchange 2006 is designed to provide selected young intellectuals in the Middle East with an opportunity to visit Japan and be engaged in, for three weeks, . They will be involved in collaborative interaction [Core Program] through a series of lectures, fellows’ presentations, site visits/field trips and workshops/seminars organized around the overall theme of “Education and Development: From from political, economical and cultural perspectives,” meeting counterparts in Japan along with other participating fellows from the Middle East.

The program also offers a possible extended term for the fellows to conduct their own individual research of in a chosen topic and networking/exchange activities. The program thus seeks to assist in the development of a new generation of Middle Eastern intellectual leaders who are familiar with Japan through established individual and institutional networks and are able to add topics /elements relating to Japan to their own field of research in future.

Program Periods

The Program has the following two phases:

(1) Core Program (November56 to November 265, 2006; 221 days, including November 5 as arrival day)

This is mandatory for all fellows. This is the period when the collaborative interaction takes place, and the fellows basically are engaged in a common program of activities.

Date (2006) / Core Program Contents (tentative) / Accommodation
November 5 (Sun) / Arrival to in Japan / Tokyo
November 6 (Mon) / Program Orientation
Core Program Introduction Session
Welcome Dinner
November 7 (Tue) / Site VisitVisits to libraries and briefing on facility use and servicesField tTrip
November 8 (Wed) / AM: Lecture (1), Lecture (2)
PM: Visits to lLibraries and bBriefing on fFacility uUse and sServicesField trip and workshop (Politics)
November 9 (Thu) / AM: Lecture (3), Lecture (4)
PM: Site VisitField Trip and Workshop (EconomyPolitics)
November 10 (Fri) / AM: Lecture (5)
PM: Free for individual research Site VisitField tTrip and wWorkshop (Economy)
November 11 (Sat) / Free for individual research
November 12 (Sun) / Field Trip to Kyoto / Kyoto
November 13 (Mon) / AM: Lecture (6) / PM: Site VisitField Trip in Kyoto
November 14 (Tue) / AM: Lecture (7) / PM: Site VisitField Trip in Osaka
November 15 (Wed) / Field Trips to Nara
November 16 (Thu) / Field Trips to Hiroshima / Hiroshima
November 17 (Fri) / AM: Lecture (8) / PM: RSite VisitField tTrip in Hiroshimaeturn to Tokyo / Tokyo
November 18-19, (Sat-Sun) / Free for individual research
November 20 (Mon) / Submission of the draft of the final project report
November 21 (Tue) / Workshop (“Education and Development”)
November 22 (Wed) / Free for individual research
November 23 (Thu) / Free for individual research / Submission of the final project report
November 24 (Fri) / Core Program Wrap-up Session
Farewell Reception
November 25 (Sat) / Site visitField Trip and Workshop (Culture)
November 26 (Sun) / Departure from Japan or Start of Individual Research Component

(2) 2.

Extended Fellowship Term for Individual Research (November 26 to December 22, 2006; up to 27 days)

This is an optional period. Applicants can propose an extension of the fellowship term and stay in Japan up to 27 days following the core program period. The Foundation will evaluate the content offor the proposaled extended individual research component such as research topic, methodology, Japanese affiliation/hosting institution/advisor, and dissemination plan of research results, filed at the time of the application, and make decidesionson whether to approve or decline the request for an extension.

4. Program Contents

[Core Program]

-This is a three-week period, which will include lectures, workshops, field trips and seminars.

-This is the three-week collaborative interaction period [Core Program], which will include such activities as lectures workshops, site visits & field trips, and seminars. The overall theme of the Fall 2006 program is “Education and Development.: From political, economical and cultural perspectives ”.

-Its purpose is to provide fellows, through such activities, with opportunities to familiarize themselves with Japan, to network with Japanese counterparts and among the participating fellows, and also to share and discuss issues of individual research interests on Japan with those colleagues.

-Fellows have to choose topics related to “Education and Development” ” from each of the Fellow’s perspective. It is desirable that these topics are appropriate for discussing with other fellows and Japanese researchers and for comparing Japan and each own country.

Ex) “How Education and Development are related to the democratic system?” “Education and Development in the perspective of Women’s social status” “Economic development and Education” “Education and Development as a solution of unemployment problem”

Date (2006) / Core Program Contents (tentative) / Accommodation
November 5 (Sun) / Arrival in Japan / Tokyo
November 6 (Mon) / Program orientation
Introduction session, presentation of proposed research
Welcome dinner
November 7 (Tue) / AM: Lecture (1), Lecture (2)
PM: Field trip and workshop (Politics)Visits to libraries and briefing on facility use and services
November 8 (Wed) / AM: Lecture (3), Lecture (4)
PM: Field trip and workshop (Economy)AM: Lecture (1), Lecture (2)
PM: Field trip and workshop (Politics)
November 9 (Thu) / Free for individual research AM: Lecture (3), Lecture (4)
PM: Field trip and workshop (Economy)
November 10 (Fri) / AM: Lecture (5)
PM: Free for individual research
November 11 (Sat) / Free for individual research
November 12 (Sun) / Field trip to Kyoto / Kyoto
November 13 (Mon) / AM: Lecture (6) / PM: Field trip in Kyoto
November 14 (Tue) / AM: Lecture (7) / PM: Field trip in Osaka
November 15 (Wed) / Field trip to Nara
November 16 (Thu) / Field trip to Hiroshima / Hiroshima
November 17 (Fri) / AM: Lecture (8) / PM: Return to Tokyo / Tokyo
November 18 - 19,
(Sat - Sun) / Free for individual research
November 20 (Mon) / Submission of the draft of the final project report
November 21 (Tue) / Workshop (“Education and Development”)
November 22 (Wed) / Free for individual research
November 23 (Thu) / Free for individual research / Submission of the final project report
November 24 (Fri) / Core program wrap-up session
Farewell Reception
November 25 (Sat) / Field trip and workshop (Culture)
November 26 (Sun) / Departure from Japan or start of individual research component

. The overall theme of the Fall 2006 program is “Education and Development.”

-Fellows have to choose topics related to “Education and Development” from their own perspective. The topics should be appropriate for discussions with other fellows and Japanese researchers and for comparing Japan with the fellow’s own country.

E.g.) “How are Education and Development related to democracy?” “Education and Development from the perspective of Women’s social status” “Economic development and Education” “Education and Development as a solution of unemployment problems”


Its purpose is to provide fellows, through such activities, with opportunities to familiarize themselves with Japan, to network with Japanese counterparts and among the participating fellows, and also to share and discuss issues of individual research interests on Japan with those colleagues.

-The topics of lectures will include among others Japanese politics, economy, international and regional relations and policies, education and work, and the history of modern Japan. Also, workshops will be planned to discuss common and/or shared issues for Japan and the Middle East.

[Extended Fellowship Term for Individual Research]

(1)(This is the additional period immediately following the conclusion of the Core Program, available for those fellows who successfully have who have successfully been granted an extended fellowship term with a confirmed Japanese affiliation/hosting institution/advisor.

-During this second part of the fellowship, fellows Fellows independently will independently conduct their own individual research activities on their chosen topic.srelated to Japan as described in the application.

-The research topic must be one that is appropriate for visiting Japan (i.e. there should be a reason why the fellow requires to stay in Japan for research).

The topic must fulfill at least one of these requirements:

1. A topic that incorporates Japanese issues into your area of specialisation.

2. A topic that is of mutual interest to Japan-Eastern Europe (including Russia, Central Asia and Caucasia), or Japan-Israel, or Japan-Africa.Middle East.

3. An international topic (global issue).

* Although fFellows can choose a different topics from thosee of core program,; however, it is desirable that both topicsthe are similar former are related to the latter and and interconnectedbased on results of the research project during core program.


-Those applicants who wish to apply for an extension of the fellowship term beyond the Core Program period must include their individual research plan in the relevant section of the application form and also provide the information on the proposed Japanese affiliation/hosting institution/advisor [Sections 9, 143, 154].


When applicants contact the institution(s) and advisor(s) in Japan, it is advised to explain to them the following issues relating to this fellowship’s purpose, (“constructing academic networks,”) as well as the applicant’s research topic and plan in Japan:

The advisor will be expected to meet the fellow at least twohree times during the fellows’ stay in Japan.

The advisor will be expected to introduce the fellow to researchers and students who share common research interests with the fellow.

If it is possible, it is desirable that the advisor will have a small meeting or seminar in which the fellow can make a presentation or can exchange opinions about his/her research topic with experts or students in their field.

It is expected that the advisor will write comments on the final report, which the fellow has to write before departure from Japan.

The Japan Foundation will directly pay a supervisor fee (¥50,000) to the advisor.

The Japan Foundation will pay enrolment fees (up to ¥50,000) to the fellow’s affiliated organization, in the case that the Japan Foundation sees it necessary.

Note: Those of you who are in the process of contacting the affiliated organisation(s) and advisor(s) in Japan at the time of filing the application, must provide pertinent information such as the profile(s) and contact details (e-mail address and telephone no.) of desirable institutions and advisors relevant to your proposed individual research topic. If you are contacting more than one institution/ advisor, please write them in order of preference. The Foundation may be able to assist you in locating an appropriate affiliation/advisor; however, it reserves the right to approve/decline the applicant’s choices.

5. Obligations of the Program Pparticipants

(1) 1. For all fellows, they are expectedFor all fellows:

-To prepare a Research Project Paper (1 page: focusing on your activities and/or interests in conjunction with the theme of “Education and Development: From political, economical and cultural perspectives,” from each of the Fellow’s perspective) prior to your arrival, for the purpose of sharing your research interests/ intellectual concerns with the other fellows (1 page)

-To take part in all lectures, site visits/field trips and workshops/seminars organized for the Fellows duringof the three-week collaborative interaction [Core Program.am], including the presentation of the DiscussionResearch Project Paper at beginning of the Core Program;

-To participate in and give a presentation of proposed research at the introduction session, and an expanded presentation of the Discussion PaperResearch Project Paper at the final seminar to be organized at the end of the Core Program period;

-To submit tan evaluation he final project paper of the three-week Core Program on November 23..

-To submit an essay about Japan and experiences of the Intellectual Exchange Program within one month after leaving Japan.


(2) 2. For those Fellows, whose fellowship term has been extended allowing them to continue individual research following the Core Program period, they are expected:

-To submit anindividual research final project report to the Japan Foundation one day before leaving Japan.

6. Contents of Fellowship Awards

(1) Round-trip discount economy-class air ticket (PEX)

Please note that excess luggage charges must be borne by the fellows.

(2) Allowance to cover accommodation, meals, local transportation, research expenses and other incidentals (20,000 Japanese yen per day).

(3) Insurance:

Please note that the insurance coverage provided would be in accordance with

the general guidelines as set forth by the Foundation.

(4) 4. The Japan Foundation will directly pay a supervisor fee (¥50,000) to the academic supervisor (Applicants who want to extend the fellowship term only).

(5) 5. The Japan Foundation will pay enrolment fees (up to ¥50,000) to the fellow’s affiliated organization, in the case that the Japan Foundation recognises its necessity (Applicants who want to extend the fellowship term only)..

7. Application Materials and Procedure

(1) For an application package and further information, please contact the Japanese Embassy in your country. For applicants in Egypt, please contact the Japan Foundation Cairo Office.

(2) Please note that electronic applications will not be accepted.

(3) Applicants should send the following documents:

- Fully Completed Application Form

- Curriculum Vitae

-One Letter of Recommendation from applicant’s organisation in your country

-List of publications (optional)

-Copies of letters, faxes or e-mail messages from the institution or advisor in Japan with which applicants intend to affiliate themselves (Applicants who want to extend the fellowship term only).

8. Application Deadline

Applications must arrive at the Japanese Embassy (*) in your country by the date set by the Embassy. (*) For applicants in Egypt, the Japan Foundation Cairo Office

9. Notification of Results

Notification will be sent out around in mid-September 2006.

About The Japan Foundation

For general information on Japan Foundation, please contact the Japanese Embassy in your country or visit the Foundation’s website:

Disclosure of Information

(1)Concerning projects we support, information such as the name of the fellowship program and project descriptions will be made public in the Kokusai Koryu Kikin Jigyo Jisseki (Detailed Annual Reports of the Japan Foundation Activities) and other public relations materials.

(2)When we receive a request for information based on the “Law Concerning the Disclosure of Information Held by Independent Administrative Institution, etc.” (Law No.140 of December 5, 2001), as a general rule, submitted application forms and related materials will be disclosed, except for information stipulated by the law as something not to be disclosed.

Protection of Personal Information

(1)The Japan Foundation handles personal information appropriately in accordance with the Law Concerning Access to Personal Information Held by Independent Administrative Institutions (Law No. 59 of 2003).

(2)The Japan Foundation uses fellows’ personal information, such as name, address, project title, and organisation written on the application form, for the following purposes, as well as for screening, implementation, and evaluation procedures of the project.

(3)Details of the fellowship, such as your name, gender, occupation, position, specialization, project title, and affiliation are published in the Detailed Annual Report of the Japan Foundation Activities, the Annual Report, The Japan Foundation News, the Japan Foundation’s website, and other public-relations material. They are also used in compiling statistics carried in the Annual Report.

(4)There may be cases in which details of the fellowship, such as your name, gender, occupation, position, specialization, project title, and affiliation are released to the press for publicity purposes.

(5)There may also be cases in which the Japan Foundation uses the information written on the application form to contact you to inform you of other Japan Foundation activities or to send you some public-relations materials.

(6)Copies of applications, including attached documents, final project reports and the outcomes of the research are provided to outside consultants in order to facilitate the screening process and the evaluation of the results of projects.